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COULDN'T HOLD ME BACK ☆ treasure hunting - Printable Version

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COULDN'T HOLD ME BACK ☆ treasure hunting - lovekit. - 08-26-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
Lovekit had noticed, over his brief time being alive within The Typhoon, that everyone here was rather fond of shiny things. It was out of the ordinary to find a single crew member without any kind of jewelry, and that was beyond just the usual division indicators. It was pretty clear that they really did live up to some of the stereotypes of pirates, and Love wasn't exactly complaining. He thought the little bobbles and bits of jewelry were incredibly pretty, and he often found himself admiring them from afar, wondering when he might get his own piercings. He knew he would eventually have to choose his division and that would end up with him getting his marker, but what about before that? His mind wandered with all sorts of questions, which wasn't exactly unusual for Lo, who often found himself drifting from one subject to another. That was why, eventually, the kit found himself hopping up from his laid down position in excitement, a sudden idea having struck him. Everyone around the Typhoon liked shiny things, and according to the stories the child knew, people always stored shiny things beneath the sand.

Who exactly did Lovekit intend to give the treasure to if he found any? Well, he wasn't exactly sure, but that wasn't important for the moment. What was important was finding the treasure first. Then, he could give it to someone. So, the little hybrid had bounded out of his family home, heading for the shore with an excited grin on his face. Unfortunately, he wouldn't have that smile on his muzzle for long. After all, the boy wasn't like any of the heroes in his bedtime stories, and he didn't have a map leading him to any treasure. So, before long, the shore was absolutely covered in various holes dug by the child, sand thrown up in the air by small and inexperienced paws as he groped for anything shiny. The ground was littered with them, and eventually Lo found himself looking around at the damage he had caused, a loud grown leaving the kit. He soon shouted in frustration, swiping one small paw at the pile of sand in front of him, "Why is it so hard to find some treasure around here!"

Re: COULDN'T HOLD ME BACK ☆ treasure hunting - Keona. - 08-26-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
If there was one among the pirates who failed to find appeal in 'shiny' it was the crew's tiny dealer.  Not out of a lack of spirit.  Simply logic.  She had no need for shiny things.  Shiny was simply a concept to her.  One she had no cause to pursue.  In truth, Keona pursued few physical items regardless.  Besides braille books.

So to nearly trip into a hole dug into the sand, the petite fae blinked in confusion and surprise.  'Treasure'?  Carefully pulling back on her steps, Keona padded up to Lovekit.  Her pale hues flickered, curious.  "What sort of treasure are you lookin' for?"

Knowledge was her treasure.  Something to cherish.  Not to hide.  Yet she knew, from her books and stories, 'treasure' was often buried under the sand.  Always with hints and maps, so not to be lost forever.  A strange practice.  But then, adventurers, sailors... Those who never stayed in one place needed some way to store their gains she supposed.  Perhaps it was reassuring.  Knowing something was waiting for you.  Something left behind that could be found.

The dealer twitched her tail.  She wondered if her father, during his time traveling the sea, had left any hidden treasures on some far off island.  A question for later.  Now she regarded Lovekit with thought.  "I dunno if you'd find any gold or trinkets on the beach 'ere but... There's other nice things to be found."

Afterall, a seashell could be just as lovely as a coin or gem.  Keona smiled softly at the thought, recalling a shell shaped into a flower given to her by a friend.  It may not be 'shiny' but it was worth a million gems to her.

"You know," she offered after a moment, opting in for the spirit of adventure, "the lighthouse is where we store a lot of knowledge.  Maybe there's some treasure maps up there."
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: COULDN'T HOLD ME BACK ☆ treasure hunting - APHRA CIPHER . - 08-26-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]FOR ONCE, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST COME AND CHASE ME ?。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra, on the other hand, definitely fell into that 'pirates love shiny things' stereotype. It was one of the few reasons she typically wore jewelry, although she avoided wearing them recently due to Roxanne seemingly taking a lot of joy in destroying them. That being said though, she would gladly take anything shiny off of someone's hands (both by stealing or someone gifting it to her).

"I'd imagine he's looking for things that are shiny, Keona." Aphra huffed as she came over, wanting to investigate why Lovekit was running around and digging holes. "Y'know, something he can see." Her icy gaze flickered over to the kit now, a fake frown on her face. "No luck, kid?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: COULDN'T HOLD ME BACK ☆ treasure hunting - Kian. - 08-27-2020

Kian Ó Faoláin
The Irishman never became a pirate for the treasure -- it was the freedom of the open sea that called him.  The faerie saw little use in gathering those "shiny" trinkets others lust after; the luster would fade over the years.  He preferred the companionship of a crew to some sparkling gem.  Love and comradeship was worth more than an ocean of gold and jewels.

Consequently, the polar bear dog growled at Aphra's comment -- a clear insult against her lack of sight.  He had hoped better, but perhaps Aphra truly was her father's daughter and Kian had had enough Ciphers look down on Keona for her eyes.  She saw more clearly than all of them.

He took a breath -- he would not waste any on Aphra.  "I've got my treasure right 'ere," the Faerie remarked jovially, eyes warm as he nudged his daughter affectionately.  Truly, she was everything and more to him.

He gave Lovekit a bright grin, "Keo's right -- we could 'ave a real treasure hunt with a map, how does that sound, kiddo?"

// Mobile
All your dead end fury is not enough

Re: COULDN'T HOLD ME BACK ☆ treasure hunting - lovekit. - 08-27-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
It would've seemed baffling to Lovekit, to hear that there was a pirate who wasn't particularly interested in shiny treasures. After all, the kit's only experience with most pirates was his parents, as well as the various storybooks he had been read. In addition to that, the concept of someone being blind hadn't really clicked with the boy either. The complete and utter lack of sight... it was just so foreign to him, that it would probably take a while for him to fully understand. As a result of this, he barely processed the sharp edge of Aphra's pointed comment, his ear simply flicking in acknowledgement. The hybrid could feel his stump of a tail wagging behind him as he heard Keona, a grin upon his muzzle as he spoke, "Like she said, m'lookin' for shiny gold treasures! Although I guess it was a little dumb looking for treasures without any sort of map... I haven't found anything except seashells. Oh, and a crab." He shook his head a bit in Aphra's direction, just reiterating that he hadn't found a single thing he was looking for.

However, Lovekit's disappointment was rather short-lived, seeing as Keona had already offered somewhat of a solution, and Kian appeared only to back it. Smiling broadly, the captain's son nodded his head enthusiastically, practically hopping and swaying in place as he spoke, "A real treasure hunt? Like the ones in all of my stories? That'd be amazing! I could be like all of those pirate heroes, and make mommy real proud. Maybe it'd even make her smile again!" Despite not truly knowing – or fully processing – the reason behind Goldenluxury's sadness, it was hard for Lovekit not to know it was there. It was natural that he wanted to fix it, hoping that presenting her with some kind of shiny trinket or artifact would bring a smile to her face after such a sour period of lacking one.