Beasts of Beyond
SPILL YOUR GUTS FOR ME;; open - gardening - Printable Version

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SPILL YOUR GUTS FOR ME;; open - gardening - trojan g. - 08-25-2020

When he had died, all of Nicabar's senses had been occupied by that of the Pitt. He saw a pittian, smelled the stench of the desert group, felt the bite as it began to go for his throat and heard nothing but the screams coming from the confused souls in his body. It seemed as though all but one had found it devastating that he'd been killed in such a manner, and the one seemed to enjoy it. Names were not known to Nicabar, but he still tried. It seemed as though they were barred from telling him the truth though, who they were and why they were there, so he had simply give up on trying to get answers from them. It was possible he could do so using outside sources.

Nicabar had found things that some had enjoyed but others hadn't, and when he'd found an old garden that was destroyed by a home in Tanglewood, one had almost overwhelmed him with joy, so he'd continue. Digging through the weeds and looking over the dead plants that had long since been rooted up and slashed with claws, the male began to clear the way for new plants, flowers and foods that all of tanglewood could enjoy.  "speech"

Re: SPILL YOUR GUTS FOR ME;; open - gardening - cavalrychoir - 08-26-2020

[align=center][div style="border-width:0px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 130%;word-spacing:-0.5px;"]Ren couldn't say that he enjoyed gardening. He attempted it once in his old home and everything he planted either never sprouted or died a week after. He didn't have the patience for it either and found himself growing annoyed at the pace in which it grew. He was much younger back then and hadn't tried it since and although he is much more patient, the demon doubted he could keep the plant alive for more than a week. He never understood what he did wrong. All they needed was sunlight and water, right? The only thing he needed to do was water it and the sun would take care of the rest so why did he have such a hard time? So when the heavily scarred male past Nicabar who seemed to be happily tending to some plants, the large feline couldn't help but stop and furrow his brows. Gardening is definitely not that fun especially gardening in an area that has seen better days. Albeit, watching the smaller male's paws move with purpose made him almost reconsider. Thinking to himself, Ren inhaled slowly and walked over to him. "Whoa... Interesting." Anatole's quiet statement echoed in his mind causing the lynx to murmur under his breath, "What?" There was a pause before the god hummed nonchalantly, "Nothing." Judging by their tone, it clearly isn't nothing but Ren knew they wouldn't tell him anything if he pressed. Dropping the subject, he focused his attention back to Nicabar. Now that he thought about it, he should've came up with something to say before walking over. Slightly glowing red eyes looked elsewhere for a moment before returning to the young serval, "Would you like some help?" Though his voice was deep and expression seemingly less than friendly, his words held no ill-intent or negativity. He couldn't say he'd be very useful but Nicabar seemed to know what he was doing and if there was anything Ren was good at it was following orders.

Re: SPILL YOUR GUTS FOR ME;; open - gardening - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-26-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LOOK INTO MY EYES, WE ARE NOT THE SAME !。+゚.[/glow]
Flowers were pretty and Vigenere enjoyed the sight of them. That being said, though, the Luminary was no gardener and didn't really have a knack for it; that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy the beauty behind them, however.

Vigenere didn't know what was going on inside of Nicabar's head, but if he could, he probably would offer to help him out. He knew the pains of mental anguish, especially after going through such torture during his capture in The Pitt. Then again, how much use could he be, considering that despite being a dream demon - something that was suppose to specialize in mind-manipulating tactics - he couldn't fight off Silent. It certainly took a hit on Vigenere, whether he wanted to admit it or not.

"It's good to see someone taking care of the garden again." The savannah chirped as he walked over, coming to see what Nicabar and Renegadeantheum were up to. "I wish I knew how to garden, honestly, it seems like it's a stress reliever." In its own strange way. "I can help too, if you'd like, Nicabar." He offered, noting that Ren had already asking if Nicabar wanted help.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: SPILL YOUR GUTS FOR ME;; open - gardening - trojan g. - 08-31-2020

Ears pricked as others came towards the serval, his head turning and paws stopping their work for a moment as he listened to the words spoken towards him. A soft smile placed itself on the male's face as he thought for a moment about the questions brought to him. "If you'd like to help it'd be appreciated!" He spoke towards the two, tail flicking for a moment behind him. "Today I think it's just going to be a lot of weeding, this place looks like someone tore through it and left it to die." Lots of weeds had grown there since the previous owner had done such a thing to it, and Nicabar wanted to make sure there was a spot for plants in case Tanglewood needed them.  "speech"

Re: SPILL YOUR GUTS FOR ME;; open - gardening - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-01-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
"This used to be Selby's." Vigenere spoke, his voice drifting off in thought. "I don't think he was able to take care of it after the tremors." Although... would that be the sole cause of the little garden looking so awful? Perhaps not; maybe Selby had gotten bored of taking care of the plants, or lost energy to do so. In a way, Vigenere couldn't blame him.

Regardless, the Luminary decided to go forward and start digging at the weeds to help Nicabar get started.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: SPILL YOUR GUTS FOR ME;; open - gardening - trojan g. - 09-07-2020

Selby. The name sounded familiar to Nicabar for whatever reason. The souls inside of him becoming restless when the name had been mentioned. It seemed as though all three knew the male for whatever reason, though Nicabar hadn't seen him before. He guessed it was before his time here in Tanglewood. "The tremors messed up some of the houses here, yeah?" Nicabar would ask as he worked. He could tell from the rubble of some of the houses and the lack of plants growing all over them that they had fallen more recently, and though he hadn't been here when the tremors had been, Nicabar knew that they had been more recent as well.  "speech"

Re: SPILL YOUR GUTS FOR ME;; open - gardening - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-08-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
The topic of the tremors made Vigenere grit his teeth, flattening his ears at the memory. "Yeah, we got most of them fixed though." Or well, what they could salvage, anyway. Vigenere was silent for a few moments as he dug, a frown on his face before he spoke again, "We lost one of our medics during the tremors, too. Moth, her name was, I didn't personally know her, but everyone loved and respected her."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]