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LIFE'S LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES | private - Printable Version

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LIFE'S LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES | private - COSMIIX - 03-16-2018

Snow. Snowflakes. Caves with icicles dripping graciously to those new to the territory, Jackalopespry or just Jack like his brother called him and well, the territory itself was grateful for the environment seeing as a lynx such as himself adapted quite well to these type of conditions. Snowbound was now his home and he didn't think that he would leave the place at all unless Aaron convinced him otherwise or if his daughter, Ivylee, started saying it was much too cold for her then they would certainly move though he doubted it a bit since Ivy was fluffier in comparison to Aaron's short fur. His large paws, which he was extremely embarrassed of for some reason, kept him above inch high snow. His whiskers twitched in thought only to hear faint laughter and chirping, it made the striped lynx's large ears swivel in the direction of the sound, his nose twitched as he trotted forward to investigate. Just a few cubs playing around with their parents watching fondly, it made his heart get stuck in his throat recalling how he had once talked about having kids with his mate to-be yet ever since that incident it was only a far away dream. One that he thought was dead and buried away six feet under ground just like his dead partner, this made him shake his head lightly as he tried not thinking of that day. It was much too horrid. He started remembering the positives and listing them down in his head; he had found  Ivy and had his brother, Aaron, one before the other but, he had found that the both of them had provided him some form of footing after his devastating loss. Lonliness was just a thought that crept into his mindset begging for attention but, he chased it away every time with thoughts of his somewhat, perfect family. He was the dysfunctional one of the lot, that's what he thought anyways since he believed that Ivylee was just an angel and even if Aaron was crude there was no one else that he would desire as a sibling.

He was a Snowbounder now even if he was currently viewed as a stay at home dad at the time since well, he didn't entrust anyone with Ivylee except Aaaron but even the cheetah would get busy. He tried spending as much time with both of them despite the small feuds that broke out between him and Aaron, Jack felt as if he were the most mature of the duo even if he was lighthearted, a pushover, and a lightweight. These weren't normally looked upon as such great traits but, he couldn't help it since he knew no one else there and if he was given a task well, he never got the chance to deny it before being sent off to finish the task. The issue about being unable to decline tasks or not even procrastinate was due to the fact that the tufted eared creature was a bit of a workaholic and tended to work himself until he was just an exhausted mess with drooping ears. He supposed that it was his own fault for desiring to be helpful or at least, assist those in need. Those were admirable traits, no? He was certain of it. Some people complimented him or even teased him causing the lynx to sputter out words like a chugging engine and his cheeks would get a warm, honey glow. He was just bad at taking compliments or let alone returning them, he just got so choked up and this usually got people laughing at him causing him a bit of dismay. He wanted to make more friends but, he assumed too early that he might have left his comfortable shell when Aaron and Ivylee appeared in his life. He hadn't underestimated himself but, rather the opposite and it was absolutely infuriating for the tom. Even if he couldn't openly compliment or flirt with someone, he found such ease and comfort whenever he told Ivy and Aaron of how much he appreciated them. He sighed pulling himself out of his own thoughts for what seemed to be the fourth time. By now, he was near one of the borders just talking to himself.

"God, I'm just so dysfunctional."

you never know what you're gonna get

Re: LIFE'S LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES | private - valiisi - 03-17-2018

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[align=center]Andres Rosario Ballen > Talking. >info.

✤> This white stuff. Andres loved it. He had no idea what to call it, but it had a texture like seafoam - if seafoam could have a gentle crunch with each step. He had heard of Inverno before, but back where he was from- Inverno was simply a moving of seasonal prey. There was no  frozen sea foam, but he had heard tales of lands so cold, water would become fluffy and cold - from travelers. Something he never envisioned himself becoming.

With no purpose , no family...and no honor, he found himself drifting along, scrounging for alcohol where he could by working small jobs here and there, with people he could hardly understand. Sobriety was agonizing for him. it made hours drag on, and it made him tremble. Genuinely tremble. The withdraw at least had been slow. Had he dropped drinking altogether, he surely would of died before sunrise due to body shaking withdraws.

He would sometimes stop to admire the birds nesting in the trees. He was warm like them, with lots of fur. He didn't feel cold. He got over that after the first three nights - though he'd say the first three are always the worst. He took the sudden loss of familiar heat like he would with an injury at war- 10 seconds at a time. He could always remain calm counting down from 10 in his head - because days may be hard, but 10 seconds of pain is much easier to handle then hours of it - uninterrupted.

Andres was scratching at a rabbits den- wondering if anyone was home. Lo and behold , there was a very different kind of rabbit, separated only by the bushes- a rabbit that couldn't see him simply because he was leaning over to look in the burrow. Suddenly, Andres hears someone ask why they're dysfunctional. He doesn't understand what that means of course- in english he knows only the most necessary words.

Those words being: Hello, goodbye, fuck, you, die, please , give, me , alcahol  and sorry.

or - those where the words he could think of off the top of his head. Now, the lion stood up to look at Jack directly.
"Er....Hello? Yes?" His accent was very thick, like he was reciting some form of poetry. Gentle tone had no threat in it - though eh was hanging on the silence scrambling for anything to say- but he had just exhausted half of his usable english vocabulary. To compensate, he tilts his head and gives them a curious look- before bounding over the bushes.

That might be a little overwhelming,  a massive near thousand pound lion jumping over the bushes to talk to you out of nowhere - but Andres is used to scaring people at first, and no longer really cares. "Meu nome é Andres." People could usually understand that one , so he decided that could explain for them that he's not from here- if the appearence didn't give it away.

Left with a communication barrier, and need for a drink - he sits in the snow and gives them a strangely expectant look. "I am ....Not... from here." are his next words, heavy thought into each of them. Not for a second does he break the intense eye contact - as if he could burn into their soul what he was trying to say. Thank you Andres.

[Image: iIJqKuG.png]
Template Created by Valiisi ★ Andres Ballen © Valiisi 2018

Re: LIFE'S LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES | private - COSMIIX - 03-17-2018

Jack loved snow but he hated his own big feet even if they helped him stay above the snow itself, he just found their size to be embarrassing though he decided not to mope around a lot and not contemplate his life every five seconds. His ears lifted up, twitching slightly as he could barely make out the sound of crunching. Pawsteps. Was someone there? His question was met with a large answer as his eyes spotted a enormous form behind some bushes, his heart began to race as he took a few steps back trying his best to remain calm. He shouldn't worry right, he could easily fight off the guy then he remembers that he doesn't exactly have a line of defense against the giant and well, apparently it had heard him. His ears flattened themselves against his head seeing what emerged from the bushes themselves, a large lion. He was a bit relieved that it wasn't a grizzly bear but that still didn't eliminate the fact that the guy was much larger than him and it was troubling for him to figure out how to fight if he had never been confronted by such an opponent. Maybe if he threw snow in the lion's eyes it would be enough to distract them? Their eyes. He could feel his heart start beating faster by the passing minute and he was certain that he would die from a heart attack, he hadn't realized it before but for some stranger he was very, very breathtaking. 'R-really Jack? N-now's not the time to be thinking a possible e-enemy is h-h-handsome. . .' He scolded himself realizing that he hadn't said a single word since the lion had approached him and stared at him with those eyes, he couldn't even peel away his own gaze from the monstrous beast. He swallowed nervously only to chuckle a bit timidly trying to figure out what had been exchanged to him since he might have spaced out "I. . . U-uh. . . I'm J-Jack,"" Andres. That was a very nice name much better than his own, he was certain.

"I am. . . Not. . . from here."

Well, it was a bit obvious since Andres stuck out like a sore thumb in this kind of area and Jack felt some sympathy for the lion offering a more stable smile whilst he screamed at himself internally due to his next decision "A-ah, I know I don't l-look like much but I'll h-help ya. . . Andres." The name felt nice on his own tongue for some reason yet he decided not to concentrate since he was sure that he was being jumpy and nervous again, he didn't take kindly to these surprise interactions and he supposed that Andres was lucky that Jack wasn't equipped with any of his weapons. Well, efficient ones for that matter since he was certain that he wouldn't even make a scratch on the lion with his tiny antlers. Hell, they were fuzzy too so it might have just tickled the lion though he shoved the thoughts of attacking and possibly defending himself to the back of his mind trying to concentrate on what was the scenario here. A lost lion, Andres, without much of an ounce of English and spoke some foreign language that Jack couldn't quite place mostly due to the fact that he was so used to English that he assumed that everyone spoke it. He was wrong. He began to freak out again on the inside. What was he supposed to tell his clanmates and family if he ever brought Andres home? He wasn't exactly a stray puppy following him for refuge but an oversized lion that could crush anyone if they crossed him. His ears lifted up to blink his eyes a few times only to recollect himself once more, he took a deep breath aiming to pat the other's larger paw with his seemingly puny paw "Let's get ya s-somethin' ta'eat 'n drink. . ." That was a start, now, they just needed to head back and get that drink and food for Andres.

'I just hope nobody's 'round camp or I'm screwed. . .' Was his last thought, he broke the eye contact with the lion and nodded in a direction before making a motion that meant to follow him. With that, the horned lynx proceeded to make his way through the snow calmly pretty sure that he'd hear the very same crunching noises behind him when he had first heard Andres. He began to think that maybe he didn't need to take Andres to camp and maybe he could just stash him away only to provide for him. No, no, no. Horrible idea, he was certain that he'd get into trouble but, it was for the greater good was it not? He was sure that Aaron would watch out for Ivylee whilst he was gone, he frowned not liking the whole idea of being away from his family. His whiskers twitched in frustration only to spot something up ahead, despite being partially deaf. Jack had the most keen eyesight and he had caught a rabbit in his sights, his stumpy tail rose a bit like a small flag only to start creeping forward making sure that his pawsteps were silent enough that even he could barely make out the sound of them. He was just a bit of a ways from the large rodent, he launched himself forward only causing the bush to let out a silent rustle and there was a soft scream. He eventually came out with the rabbit in his jaws with his stumpy tail wagging to the sides like some small dog. "Here, somethin' ta'eat." He set it down in front of the lion with a small tilt of his cranium "I don't think it'll be enough but I reckon it's just a snack for a giant like yerself. . ." He took a few steps back to give Andres some space.