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absolutely no fun - j + o, - Printable Version

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absolutely no fun - j + o, - ottermouth - 08-24-2020

i t ' s  a l l  s o  i n c r e d i b l y  l o u d ,
Otter had seen the hurricane. He saw it from a distance, watched how it wrecked the home of an entire clan. He had quite the tab on said clan, having watched from afar, interested yet terrified of them. If he were to get caught... Well, it wouldn't end well, would it? He always fretted that one day they'd snoop him out and serve him on a silver platter. Although, he noted, they didn't seem as terrifying as some of the other groups. They would tear him apart. Palmclan not so much.
So he sat near the camp -- he had assumed that that was what it was, as he noticed there were a few cats in there, despite their dwindling numbers. One of them was a rust-coloured cat he noticed was the leader after he noticed the way the others interacted with him. Otter put a pin on that -- he'd have to watch out for that cat in particular. The ground shook and Otter crouched, claws digging into the sand as panic flared. He thought it was an earthquake. Only then, did he realize that there was a giant lizard-like creature with a thin, long fin on its back and a thick tail like a gecko. Otter didn't know what the hell that was.
He backed up slowly, tail tucked down, ears flat, heart beating rapidly in his chest. He had heard that there would be small dogs with these cats, not giant lizards that looked like they could swallow ten cats whole. "Relax Otter, it's fine, it's okay." He spoke softly, trying to calm the panic rising in his throat.


Re: absolutely no fun - j + o, - Luciferr - 08-24-2020

STORMSPINE - male - spinosaurus - palmclan - warrior
Stormspine often took patrols across the edges of camp ever since the foxes had raided the area - reluctant to go further unless he was sure another watch and patrol was going to take his place while he went to go fish.

Which is why he was the first to come upon the brown coated stranger.

Ironically to what the small one was thinking, while large, he wasn’t fully fully grown yet, still young in his adult years barely out of ‘apprentice’ age as the clan ones would say.

Blue eyes blinked down at the cowering cat and Storm might have worried but he could guess why the small one was afraid - he remembered when the clan ones had been wary and afraid of him after all - so the spinosaur aimed for his best attempt at a comforting voice ”it’s aleight stranger, I’m not gonna hurt you - I’d just like to know you’re business here?” he made sure to stay a respectful distance back and half lowered himself into a crouch.

Besides, his diet was more sea based than furry.

Re: absolutely no fun - j + o, - RHINESTONE. - 08-24-2020

Ottermouth was far from the first person to be intimidated by Stormspine's size and appearance, and it was easy to say that he wouldn't be the last. While Palmclan was primarily a group of just felines, they did take in the more unusual types, provided that they didn't represent any sort of threat. Plus, when Stormspine had first shown up, the hurricane had still been fresh on everyone's minds, and they had been in desperate need of new warriors. Thus far, lightning hadn't come down from the sky to strike them down for welcoming the spinosaurus in, so Rhine chose to count that as a win. Then again, he hadn't exactly tried to commune with Starclan in quite a while, if he was being honest. He just hadn't known when the best opportunity was, especially when he had been so caught up in repairing the damages wrought upon their clan. He would've liked to say his faith hadn't been shaken somewhat by recent events, but that probably would've been a lie. Thankfully, no one had thought to ask him about it yet, since he doubted he would be able to lie to anyone's face.

Rhinestone had taken notice of the fact that Stormspine had been patrolling a lot more since the fox attack, and occasionally he even tried to join the other. In the past, the leader had often just gone on patrols all by himself, but to see Storm working so hard to protect them was heartwarming, and he wanted to help. The tom had been quickly jogging after the other, opening his muzzle to ask Stormspine if he could join him, but he found himself pausing when he heard the dinosaur's words. Moving over to the warrior's side, he was surprised to see a newcomer on their territory – a chocolate covered feline, looking fairly perturbed. Rhine hesitated for a moment before he added onto Stormspine's statement, a reassuring smile on his muzzle, "It would also probably be best if you told us your name. Just so that we don't have to call you... y'know, hey you." Stormspine had arrived to them without any sort of name to be called by, but Rhine doubted that this would be a similar situation... hopefully.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: absolutely no fun - j + o, - ottermouth - 08-24-2020

i t ' s  a l l  s o  i n c r e d i b l y  l o u d ,
Otter's head shot up when he heard that same booming noise come closer, and the blue suddenly filled his vision as he saw the giant creature. The long, threatening mouth housing many teeth spilled haphazardly down its maw. The tall fin on its back, the ferocious look in its glinting eyes. Otter nearly let out a scream, instead muffling it as he shot back, tail puffing up as he back-peddled as fast as possible, almost like the time he came face-to-face with a two-legged's giant dog. He had then, at the time of the encounter, ran up a tree and waited until the dog grew bored and went back when its two-leg called for it. Now, he knew he had no where to run, because that thing would hunt him down and easily tear him up.
Though those fears were swallowed when a rusty cat showed up, only for them to jump back up his throat and make him choke. He struggled to speak for a moment, unable to find the words he wanted when he studied the cat. That was the leader -- the one Otter swore to avoid. His ears flattened, heart pounding in his chest as his pupils slimmed. He must look like a right fool about now. He swallowed and slowly raised his head, claws digging into the soft ground as he tried to find his figurative footing. He had asked for his name. His name and his business by the both of them.
He had to think up a name. Shit. He looked at his paws for a brief moment as he opened and shut his jaw, before he cleared his throat. "U-uh, Ottermouth, sir. I- I wanted to join." He replied.


Re: absolutely no fun - j + o, - RHINESTONE. - 08-25-2020

Ottermouth. All things considered, Rhinestone was sure that there were other groups out there that would find their naming schemes incredibly odd, but... Ottermouth? It just sounded so strange, and Rhine couldn't help the slightly confused look that flashed across his face before he swiftly shoved it aside. It was rude to question or make fun of someone's warrior name, and really, his own warrior name could've been considered strange, even though it had reasoning behind it. Although, the other's name wasn't the only thing that caught the Palmclan leader off guard. For one thing, Ottermouth looked so intimidating by him. The chocolate brown feline looked downright terrified, and that wasn't something that Rhinestonestar had ever experienced before. That wasn't even mentioning the sir title, which also gave him pause. It wasn't exactly unusual for a leader to be called sir, at least not in the grand scheme of things, but it still sounded foreign to Rhine's ears. Almost as if Otter was calling him by someone else's name entirely – which was a feeling that the rust colored feline had more than once since claiming leadership.

After only a moment of baffled paused, Rhine seemed to recover, shaking his head from side to side to refocus on the moment. Ottermouth wanted to join, and Palmclan was always looking for new warriors, so that took top priority over any confusion. Smiling reassuringly, the tom could only hope that Otter would calm somewhat, even if he couldn't particularly blame the other for being petrified of Stormspine. It was easy to feel safe in the other's presence when you knew him, but upon first glance? The spinosaurus was enough to make anyone bolt out of their own skin. Nodding his head, Rhinestone said firmly, trying to show the other that everything was fine, "A joiner, huh? Well, I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to join, so... welcome to Palmclan. My name is Rhinestonestar, and I'm the leader of this place." He then glanced over at Stormspine, giving the larger male a chance to introduce himself. Despite being leader, Rhine didn't really like speaking for others when they were right there.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: absolutely no fun - j + o, - Luciferr - 08-26-2020

STORMSPINE - male - spinosaurus - palmclan - warrior
Oh another new joiner!

Storm refrained from smiling - he didn’t think the extra show of teeth would help frankly - and instead nodded ”I’m stormspine ” as an introduction to who the giant lizard roaming around the much smaller beings territory was.

Hopefully ottermouth - odd name that - would get used to him, he didn’t want to spook the small brown one everytime he wandered around the nest sites border!

Re: absolutely no fun - j + o, - ottermouth - 08-27-2020

i t ' s  a l l  s o  i n c r e d i b l y  l o u d ,
Ottermouth's tail was twice its usual size, his eyes wide as saucers. However, the hair on his spine was settling down, and his ears were perking up. It was mostly Stormspine's intimidating, well, everything. He sat down and licked his paw, trying to flatten his fur. He looked up at Rhinestonestar and nodded. He noticed the seashell necklace, and focused on it for a moment. It was a bunch of nice, calming colours, and he realized very sharply that they matched the blue of Rhine's eyes. Otter realized, also all too sharply, that he was just. Staring. He blinked, shock on his face before he looked down at his paws.

"I, ah, thank you. I'll try to be my best...warrior. I'll be my best." He nodded to both Rhine and Storm.