Beasts of Beyond
YOUR LOVE IS A PAINKILLER ; private - Printable Version

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YOUR LOVE IS A PAINKILLER ; private - Beatrice - 05-12-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Beatrice had been absent for a few days, that much was obvious. The beast had bestowed upon her a task, and she didn't want to fall out of his favor so she completed it. Another soul down. So many more to go. She wondered if the dark creature would ever be satisfied. Without needing a true response, she knew the answer.

A pained noise escaped her maw as she searched for Lilyspoise. The animal she had harvested the soul from was rather feisty. It had been a long, long time since she had been completely caught off guard like that. In fact, it was almost as if the creature had known her intentions before her arrival. Her nonexistent eyebrows furrowed, and she figured this was another strength test curiosity of her benefactors. God, she had grown weary of those. She wasn't a fucking child. Not anymore, anyway.

What Beatrice was, however, was injured. A deep gash had found its way onto her right cheek and her front left leg was twisted, causing her to limp. The canine had seen easier battles and better days, and she hated that she was having to seek help from her soon-to-be victim. It was odd. Still, who was she to question the way this odd universe worked?

"Hey, Lil?" the red heeler called after she had found her. She put on her best needy, pleading look when her brown eyes caught Lil's lilac irises. "I hate to bother you, but would you be able to fix me up? I got into a fight with someone from - what was it? - Tangle... Tanglewood? I don't know. Are they enemies of this place?"

Re: YOUR LOVE IS A PAINKILLER ; private - lilyspoise - 05-13-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Lil felt hollow, cold, alone. Her twin souls were gone. They were the only family she had ever known in this world. She didn’t know what happened to them, she only knew that she worries greatly for them, and hoped with every fiber of her being that they would return to her soon. She was so, so lonely. Even in the Typhoon she had yet to genuinely click with someone, but she believed that to be her fault as well. Lil was undoubtedly reserved, and kept herself guarded from almost everyone. A side-effect from having become a well known killer was the deep set paranoia. Every shuffle in the dark, every odd smell, every little thing that could be interpreted as a potential threat had her hair raised and attention set to locating the source of the distraction.

When her name was called, Lil turned— the voice was soft, and she was in the Typhoon. She was okay.
However, Beatrice looked to be the contrary.

"Bea— oh gosh, you’re really roughed up." Lil said, turning and jumping to one of her shelves. She pulled out some marigold, a poppy plant, a stick and some bandages. Gathering the supplies into a pouch, save the stick which she held in her mouth. Making her way back to Beatrice, she pushed over a rock so that the other could elevate her leg some. "Tanglewood is at war with us currently. I haven’t encountered them personally, but by the looks of it, the rumors of them being low-lying scumbags seem to be true." She lashed her tail, prompting for the other to bring her leg up. "I’ll let Pincher know, if you want. He’ll make sure they don’t touch you again."

Re: YOUR LOVE IS A PAINKILLER ; private - Beatrice - 05-13-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][align=center]⋆⋆⋆
God, Beatrice did not like this. The idea of forcing someone she was about to steal from didn't sit well with her. It used to, but now? Well, times were changing. She swallowed any feelings of regret or self-hatred that were bubbling up inside of her. She could not feel bad about this because healing was Lil's job. That's what she would tell herself anyway.

The canine listened to the feline's words with a nod, and she placed her leg on the rock at the lash of the other's tail. The movement caused Beatrice to grit her teeth, but she did not allow herself to wince. She would be the guise of high pain tolerance while in the presence of Lil. [b]"Ah, that explains it. I just said hello to them, and they were very rude before attacking. I didn't even cross the border. But I guess not everyone can be as nice as those here, huh? I should have known," she barked, feigning sheepishness. "And no need to tell Pincher. I'll do it. I don't want to make you do more work than you need to, Lil." She wouldn't tell Pincher. Well, maybe she would. What was better than a little drama?

[color=#D87921][b]"How'd you get so good at healing, if you don't mind my asking?"

Re: YOUR LOVE IS A PAINKILLER ; private - lilyspoise - 05-16-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Beatrice hadn't even crossed the border? Huh-- that meant that some Tanglewood rats were trespassing. Disgusting.
"Let Pincher know you didn't cross the border. He'll probably want to know that they were on our territory." The tabby said, biting back her own hesitance. Pincher and her had a... weird kind of friendship. Well-- could she even call it that? She was pretty sure he didn't like her, but she had yet to severely mess up anything, so at least he could trust in her healing skills. Nonetheless, it was probably best if Beatrice was the one to notify him, because Lil herself was already an unfavorable option.

The topic shift was well-received, in all honesty. Lil was glad to be brought out of more dreary topics, even if it was to one that had a somewhat sad tint to it. Healing was her solace, her space in reality that was away from reality. She liked to heal and felt confident in it -- she was good at it -- and medicine was the only thing left that hadn't abandoned it. Not that it really could, though, but that was beside the point.
"In a past life, I was a healer. It was more magic-based then, because I was in a different kind of universe, but when I entered this world I found herbs and felt... drawn to them, in a way. Medicine has always been something I enjoyed practicing." Lil explained, smiling softly. "I was the youngest in my family-- I was the youngest in a family of fighters. They needed someone to patch up their wounds, and the job fell to me."

Admittedly, Lil wasn't half as good at healing before she turned to her darkest life path to date, but at least she took something positive away from that time of her life. She regretted it more than anything, but that didn't mean she didn't take some sort of sick pride in her handiness with scissor blades. As of late, nobody had questioned why she seemed to always have a pair or two on her, which she was rather grateful for. They likely assumed it was for her medical practicing -- either that, or it was just commonplace to carry weapons around here. Either way, it worked in her favor.

Re: YOUR LOVE IS A PAINKILLER ; private - Beatrice - 05-19-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][align=center]⋆⋆⋆
[b]"I will. Maybe he'll give them a talking to. They need to learn a few manners." Beatrice furrowed her metaphorically eyebrows in concern after she had spoken. It was a another false action to make her words seem more sincere. She had never spoken to Pincher before, and while she didn't mind the idea of lying through her teeth to him, she would not just yet. She needed time to plant her roots in this group so that he would completely believer her. And then, perhaps the groups would begin to war. That meant fighting and death and easy soul collecting. She grinned in anticipation of that, but Lil would only see someone who was grateful to be healed.

She listened carefully to Lilypoise's words, though she already knew them by heart thanks to Eli and Lissa. It was still an interesting backstory, and each girl told it slightly different than the other. Nodding, she barked, "Well, it was good your family had you then. They're lucky. And I can understand having to fix siblings up too. I'm the oldest of ten younger brothers and sisters. I had to fix a lot." She returned Lil's gentle smile.

"I also used to be a human. I miss it and my family too... But I kind of ruined things for all of us. I threw a rock at a bluebird one day, and this woman -- this witch -- turned me and my whole family into bluebirds. I eventually helped us all become humans again, but the witch turned me into a dog not long after that, saying that I still owed her for my mistakes." A frown decorated her lips at that. In a few heartbeats, she realized she had suddenly explained most of her life story to Lil. Goodness, she had not meant to do that.