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Heat Waves Been Faking Me Out || Open - Printable Version

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Heat Waves Been Faking Me Out || Open - Mistrim - 08-23-2020

—Tomorrow is another day—
——And you won't have to hide away——
// This will probably just be Mistrim and whoever comes with noticing the lights for the new meeting place, especially since I'm definitely going to send Mistrim there anyway. But feel free to get some answers out of her!

— Mistrim had been aloof more often then not since she had come back. Occasionally she would show the version from before when around Zane but even then it was far and few. Some Elysites have whispered rumors that they see her late at night, wandering the docks or patrolling by herself. Of course, some of the rumors are usually outlandish and speak of her doing crazy rituals or having been possessed but those are said with mirth and in a joking tone, even if they are at the expense of the small fox. Other then that though? Mistrim is hard to find outside of major meetings. Very few people have bothered to talk to her since her return and without the indication that people care what she does, the fox has made herself scarce.

That's why word was quickly spread around that she was near the border in broad daylight. Of course, nobody ever really checked to see if it was true but the winged fox had become a sort of enigma as of late. Luckily for anyone who was actually looking for her, the sighting was true. Mistrim sat with her tail and wings tucked close while she stared up at the sky above the trees.

Mistrim had been busy in the moments when other Elysites didn't see her. Either with Zane, showing him around or training. She rarely got a moments rest due to her own mind running at all moments. She didn't feel like she had the time to rest, either that or she didn't deserve it. Either way, Mistrim was very much the same as before, just a bit more secretive and better at hiding her fear. Either that or she is finally showing her true self only now after her dreams started revealing memories she didn't know she had. Either way, she was at the border now. Waiting...

Not even she knew what she was waiting for. —
——Elysium — Decurion — Speak in #C2BEEC ——
© madi

Re: Heat Waves Been Faking Me Out || Open - Warringkingdoms - 08-25-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Though most tales of Mistrim's exploits had been clearly exaggerated, the fact remained that she'd been acting... oddly. Reclusive behavior wasn't exactly new for Mistrim, from what Rin had seen, but she hadn't been this reclusive in a long time. On this particular morning, Rin had decided to seek her out, just to see what was going on. Maybe it was related to Zane's appearance, or maybe it was nothing at all; but after Play's disappearance, Rin wasn't about to let another friend fall through the cracks.

  Finally spotting Mistrim at the border, Rin quickly made her way over, her brow furrowed. "You shouldn't be out here alone," she said, twitching her ears. Mistrim knew this- she'd said as much to Zane. Glancing at the forest to quickly check for intruders, she added, "It doesn't look like anyone's here, but..."

  Her voice trailed off, as she followed Mistrim's gaze up to the sky. There was nothing ostensibly interesting about it, but she got the sense that... something was about to happen. Something good? Something bad? Maybe it was the slight thrum of the earth underneath their feet, or maybe it was just her imagination.

  Shaking her head, she lowered her head to continue watching the forest. If Mistrim wanted to watch the skies, the best thing Rin could do was make sure she was safe while doing so.
