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AGONY BRINGS NO REWARD — [MEETING] - Stryker - 08-23-2020

The meteor could be remembered like yesterday. In the beginning, bright streaks arrived in the sky, bringing a wondrous light show. A crowd amassed. Mouths gaped open and eyes opened wide, leaving the Coalition of the Condemned in awe. Truly, the sight was one of a kind. The beauty of the meteor shower gave the wanderers time to relax. Perhaps wonder about the world's other values too. Most of all though, the night's start brought a serene insinuation.

Unfortunately, their time would come to an end though. As the cave dwellers rose to the surface, one speck's glow grew brighter. The incandescent heat plummeted into the atmosphere in an instant, gracing their world with a damning presence. Seconds passed. Screaming ensued. Chaos struck within moments. The ground shook with fury, cracking beneath their feet. Many caves crumbled and trees fell, decimating the small island with debris. That was not the end of the meteor's destruction, sadly. Rising shores from a violent tsunami flooded their island. What remained of their homes were now gone. Simply, they were flooded. Valuables, food, herbs, and more were ruined. The Coalition of the Condemned no longer had a suitable livelihood.

As a direction result of the meteor, many succumbed. Some died under the weight of debris, others drowned in agony. Alternatively, grief got the best of them. Following the events, many died due to alternative circumstances. Starvation, suicide, infection, and other disgraceful ran rampant within their home, easily decimating their population.

Without a council or leader to guide them, the group fell into shambles. Given time, one trusted member rose to the task. Stryker, former leader of The Pitt, outcast of Jervis' tyranny, and long-time member of the Condemned, assigned himself as Kingpin within the Coalition of the Condemned. As a runaway, he and his family joined them years ago. His opinion was different, but many respected that. His presence brought hope. The bold lion proposed flourishing promises of a new home and luxury, gaining their attention with ease. All he wanted was their assistance. Most wanderers agreed, knowing his reputation. Thus they proceeded.

With time, the Coalition of the Condemned regrew. Successful recruitment of other group's outcasts and rogues brought their numbers up. Their resources began to replenish, homes were slowly being built, and members were thriving. Even so, they lacked their former glory.

Wanderers grew impatient. They wanted more. Something new to satisfy their needs. On their knees, they begged for Stryker to bring them more. No matter how many recruits he brought or resources he stole, they always ended up pleading. Their kingpin grew frustrated. As time went on, he realized their true need. They wanted to leave... to start anew... to be something... to be free. The Coalition of the Condemned did not want to be a hidden island in the mist anymore.

For the first time in a long time, the Coalition of the Condemned was going to have a meeting. Today, a plan would be introduced. Giving into their desires, Stryker forged a battle plan to takeover a nearby island and restart their reign. Little did they know, he knew their leader and their damning grudge was an inspirational motive for him. The Typhoon was going to succumb.

With the night closing out, the Kingpin wandered to the shore. A green gaze set out on the horizon in the direction of The Typhoon. A smirk met his lips. What was once forbidden to him would now become his family's home if things went according to plan. Undoubtedly, he would succeed. Stryker and the Coalition of the Condemned would prevail.

Rounding on his paws, he turned back to the island. His smile faded as the wasted matter of their home met his eyes, but with time he knew they would grow past this. Nodding to himself, Stryker let out a sigh.

Straightening out his stance and standing near the wave's edge, the lion prepped himself. This was a big day. With one final adjustment, their leader let out a yell. "COALITION OF THE CONDEMNED," came his roar. "GATHER FOR A MEETING!" His booming call scattered throughout the territory with ease. Many gathered within minutes, eyes peeled open in interest and their ears perked. Their interest was good news. Hopefully their expectations were moderate, as his new plan would blow them out of the water...  and quite literally for The Typhoon.

As the majority of wanderers settled, Stryker settled in himself. Once in an uptight stance, he lowered to the ground and relaxed like the rest. Their meetings were a discussion that involved everyone. The kingpin would allow their questions and concerns, but not in a threatening way. Thankfully, there didn't seem to be any attendees that would oppose him. With that thought in mind, he begun. "Wanderers," the lion addressed, "I have brought you here today to discuss our future plans for the Coalition of the Condemned." Unlike his usual personable cockiness, he remained serious. "Our group aspires a new home after the destruction of the meteor ruined our current island." He gestures out towards the fallen trees and destroyed caves in the distance. For a moment, he pauses to reminisce. Green orbs refocus on the animals sitting before him, a hopeful glint donning his eyes. "I bring us a solution."

Once again, the lion gestures outwards. This time he points out to the ocean's horizon in the direction of The Typhoon. "A large island in the distance known as The Typhoon provides all the necessities we desire," he continues. "They have rare resources on their island, gorgeous beaches, and large boats, along with suitable connections to the mainland that would allow us to thrive." Their land was a sight to see. From their notorious jungle to the ocean's wildlife, The Typhoon had plenty to offer. Whatever downside or burden their island provided would be gotten rid of promptly.

Inspirational and confident, Stryker resumed his proposal. "Recruits, natives, and outcasts alike, I want us to have a home where we can live without worry." He stares at his people, eyes looking for any sign of hesitance or approval. "Let us avenge the loss of our people. Let us prosper in their honor." They couldn't lose anymore to their stagnant pacifism. The Coalition of the Condemned will fight for what they deserve, rather than living in cowardice.

"I would like to propose a takeover." The lion watched their expressions change. Some to disgust, others to intrigue. He wondered if they were truly willing to take the jump to earn what they desire. Stryker would find out who was willing soon enough. For now, he carried on. "With a bit of force, we can rule this land." Unlike his failed Snowbound coup, they would live there: "Permanently."

Rising from his sitting position, the lion began to pace along the shore. Parading back and forth, his slitted gaze surveyed his people. "But how?" he enthused. Sarcasm laid deep within his tone. "First, we recruit. We gather more, become larger. With their specialized intel, The Condemned can prepare for battle." The fields near the Contraband Shanty were now dedicated areas for training. Children, recruits, and members alike would learn equally. Along with this, the Leviathan's Trench has a specialized cave for their secret espionages. Given time, their team would grow. Then their plan would come to a start and finish off with a swift blow.

"Not only this, but I would like to recruit quite differently. If we have any captures, especially with earth manipulation, we can convert them... well..." He pauses, contemplating his wording. "Rather forcefully." His tongue flickers outward mockingly. With mental manipulation, he would be able to hypnotize them into a state of loyalty. These weak-minded individuals would be used as temporary warriors for their fight. They might succumb to the other group's wrath, live on to be free with The Condemned, or break away from Stryker's devious control. Each individual was different. With time, these slaves would know the result of their demise.

"Those you've captured with earth manipulation, keep them on their toes," he demanded. Those with significant strength needed to be kept alive and healthy. Their power was vital to their plan. "We will need their power for the destruction and reformation of The Typhoon's territory." Alternatively, scorched earth. The Typhoon would not go down easily, especially for such a large group. Any method they could use was viable.

The albino lion let out a huff. "Once we've gathered enough information, we will enter from their western side. They do not know we exist, so that side will remain vulnerable and unprotected, allowing us to gain entry easily." Stryker planned for this to happen in one large sweep, but if needed, they will continue with several raids.  He doubted they would need it though. By remaining unknown, their attack was practically out of the blue and The Typhoon would succumb easily unless a miracle appeared.

With nothing else to add or reveal to his people, the lion began to close off his meeting. "We will emerge from the mist soon, but for now we prepare." Stryker enjoyed a surprise as much as anyone else, but they would have to wait. Their silence was important. If they were revealed before their first attack, they would crumble underneath Goldenluxury's wrath. "As we continue to assemble, keep yourselves hidden and go with ease. Do not make yourselves known."

His neon gaze narrowed. Stryker watched as they shuffled in place with varying expressions of uncertainty.

"Are we clear?"

It's time to introduce our newest group: The Coalition of the Condemned. They are being introduced for a new site-wide plot that'll bring plenty of exciting opportunities for your character to participate in vital issues and events! If you would like to join their Discord, feel free to enter here:

If you are interested in roleplaying a Guru, Usurper, or Espionage, please state your interest OOCly and remain active. For right now, we have all positions open. Espionages are likely to all be accepted with the addition of plots involving them.
I'm back like a vertebrae and I come with a hat full of tricks, Everybody's waitin for the show to begin

Re: AGONY BRINGS NO REWARD — [MEETING] - Luciferr - 08-23-2020

The tsunami had been devastating to them and it frustrated Andru greatly that even with a clean slate it seemed ruination was determined to dog his fathers footsteps - it had nearly claimed him as well, had something other not interfered - though it left him rather odd in comparison to his brethren.

A frown crossed his face as he listened to his father speak, broad white and black and green form stark among the many gathered at his fathers feet to hear the words of the kingpin - black ears flickered and mismatched eyes glanced around to gauge reactions.

But he couldn’t help the lightening smile on his face - yes conquest sounded good, a new land, a better home - and all via bringing ruin to those that had tried to do so to his father? All the sweeter!

Andru’s grin grew wide and glinted glowing green like the flame bleeding cracks that ran along his chest and ribcage.



❗WARNING: Exhibiting fear immediately directed at this character can lead to possible harm. Tread carefully.❗

Tsuyu had remembered, all those moons ago, when Stryker had punished her for her crimes against him and the Pitt. It was long past those times, however. Merely still so infatuated with the power Stryker wielded.

Watching from afar, the frog hybrid croaked as she limped closer to the gathering group, eyes widening in excitement.

This was great. Revenge.

"Understood, ribbit."

TAGSCoalition of the Condemned30 M/O • FROG-MANX HYBRID • #BNHAFAM


It was the same old hell, when the ceiling to Argus’ home collapsed in a wall of fire. Argus was used to this feeling; of strangled gnarled tree roots of a strong oak tree groaning, crashing on the bare of her back. Striking her form in fire. Once it would have left her at the mercy to the elements. Once it would have left her grounded and the threat of that was enough to shake Argus free: the colossal dragon breaking free from her own crumbling home to watch the sky fall apart in such an awe evoking display that brought the familiar terror of her home falling apart to a standstill. But of course, it was only momentary.


It had been less than a month since Argus had found this place by one of the leader’s many recruitment attempts. Argus had scant of her belongings, leaving the desert the assurance of her youngest' fate. Such a young generation needed more than ever guidance, but Argus was lost at the sight of their new leader, of who she would follow, something like sly bemusement at Stryker’s haste.

Argus was used to seeing the faces of ghosts.  She could sense deep in her bones the spirits that called to her. In the time since she had last been known to any clan she was small, frail in comparison. Ten feet tall the dragon was a wash in simple colors of brown, black and flashes of green.

Their leader’s voice cut into the silence, and argus’ unblinking mask looked towards the Kingpin, wanders was such a lovely way of saying outcasts. With a flick of their furred tail, they paid no mind to the deep scars along their back, their wings as they made their way deeper inland towards the meeting place.

The sound of the typhoon, if it made argus feel anything akin to remorse, or sorrow: did not show on their features. Argus was an exile from her past home, she had made no attempts of hiding it, but she was not the only exile, not the only outcast here.

// argus could make a guru if chaz needs training, or an Usurper

Re: AGONY BRINGS NO REWARD — [MEETING] - kinglykingstone - 08-24-2020

When their world came falling down on them, Chaz's biggest loss had been his stock. Many months worth of gathering had been lost, crushed and destroyed. He'd been slowly attempting to restock. He had lost many of his experiments, including some of the ones he had only just perfected.

His particular brand of experiments would be useful in their plights, was the sad part. With a huff, he approached the kingpin, looking the alabaster lion in his toxic green eyes. He did not respond to Stryker's message, having long ago pledged his loyalty to the Kingpin, who knew of the feline's dastardly morals.

"With 'er permission, sir, ah'd like ta take a group to that mainland to collect 'erbs. The meteor destroy'd ma' gard'n and my stock, the island's'wreak" he would announce his a thick southern accent, the wet mas that made up his tail flicking behind him.



It was sweet when it was done correctly and surely, once they gained numbers there was no way that they were going to fail. The Espionage was determined of that as she made her way throughout the crowd before settling beside Andru looking to her father with molten amber gaze, her whiskers twitched lightly. She knew that this was ambitious though she was aware of their current circumstances and frankly, they needed to expand, grow, and thrive. Nothing could stand in their way... Not even the Typhoon, her lips peeled back slightly to let out a soft snarl emit from her. A soft sigh being drawn from her maw afterwards before letting her body lean against her brother's own. This would be their chance to live the lives that was clearly deserved, they were going to snatch it. By force, if it had to come down to that.

Her eyes glanced over in the direction of Chaz feeling her whiskers twitch lightly, it would be a good idea to restock. She rose to her paws only to speak with a curt nod "If you will allow me, I volunteer to go with Chaz, father." Surely, they needed someone with brutish strength to help them in case some Typhooner or anyone in general tried getting in their way. The Espionage was itching to dig her claws into someone and fight even if she wouldn't admit that aloud to those around her. She had to stay professional, if she messed up then she'd be the weak link of her group and Solveig wasn't aiming for failure. Success and conquer. That's what they needed now.

Re: AGONY BRINGS NO REWARD — [MEETING] - Stryker - 08-27-2020

Slitted eyes shifted towards Chaz. While he did establish that they needed to stay hidden, Stryker did have to make some exceptions. The Kingpin trusted his Guru to make the right calls, so he nodded in agreement. "Do as you please," he rumbled. His eyes moved to Solveig momentarily as they interjected. Going alone was not smart, so he was glad she offered. Nonetheless, if anything happened to her, lives would be on the line. As his only girl, she was precious. "And take my daughter. You're going to need the help."

Fearing that leaving the two alone would lead to their quick demise, he quickly snapped at the wanderer in the distance. "Argus, if you have the time, go with them," the lion ordered.

//sending argus for guru knowledge then Wink
I'm back like a vertebrae and I come with a hat full of tricks, Everybody's waitin for the show to begin