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GOIN BACK TO CALI ☆ o, palm umbrellas - Printable Version

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GOIN BACK TO CALI ☆ o, palm umbrellas - RHINESTONE. - 08-23-2020

Even as the year continued trudging resolutely on towards autumn, Palmclan's territory remained heated, a fact that shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone who had lived there long. Unless it was a few weeks into winter, the tropical territory remained always at least a little humid, something that could be problematic to those with thicker pelts. Rhine's pelt was fairly short, which allowed him to more easily deal with it than some others. Thus, he had been doing various tasks to try and help those that didn't have shorter fur, and didn't exactly have the option to cut it. The first step had been the beach party, since it had been a nice gathering to have everyone together in one place to cool off. The second step, now, was actually something that Rhinestone had borrowed from the twolegs. The hairless brutes didn't usually have many intelligent ideas, but the concept of the umbrella was certainly one that he could get behind. After discovering several large beach umbrellas discarded along the shore, the tom had decided to try his paw at creating one of his own.

He had figured that it would be nice, having plenty of the "umbrellas" around the edges of camp, so that they could provide spaces of shade for those that didn't want to remain within the dens. He knew that the carved out caverns that served as home for all of them could be rather muggy, so he thought this would be a nice alternative. It had taken a while to initially figure out what to use as materials for the umbrellas, but after a moment it had hit him, seeming so obvious. Palm leaves. They were perfect for cover, and if one tied a bunch of them together, they would make the perfect shade provider. It had been a bit of a hassle getting some of the smaller palm leaves, but his claws had been a real help, allowing him to haul himself upwards to grab them. He was a bit embarrassed of how long it took to truly get everything he needed, but once he had it, he had dragged all of it back to camp with him, eager to show off his idea. Not only that, but he could probably use some help with the construction of the umbrellas, considering he wanted them at most of the corners of camp.

When Rhinestonestar finally padded back into camp, he couldn't help the vaguely excited smile that rested comfortably on his muzzle. Dropping the large pile of palm leaves and strong binding grass he had collected at his paws, the leader found himself lifting his chin up high. He called out curiously, his pale gaze scanning around to see who was within camp at the moment, "Does anyone want to help me make some umbrellas? I think that we can put them up around camp, and it would really help with the heat." He knew that some would have little idea of what he was suggesting, and some wouldn't even know what an umbrella was, but he was prepared to explain.
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Re: GOIN BACK TO CALI ☆ o, palm umbrellas - Luciferr - 08-24-2020

STORMSPINE - male - spinosaurus - palmclan - warrior
Storm rather found it quite nice that this land was almost always tropical - it suited his species, he rather dreaded to think of what may happen come the colder months and only prayed it would simply be slightly chilly - he didn’t fancy getting sick from the cooler temperatures.

He pulled out of these thoughts when the familiar voice of rhinestone sounded through the nest’s clearing and the Spinosaurus swivelled his head towards the source of where their leader was - something about, umbrellas?

What was an umbrella

Was the spinosaur’s bemused thought but he didn’t bother asking because clearly it was what the leader had been placing about - a contraption for shade? Or seemed to be, Storm levered himself upwards on his feet, wandering over to inspect the item.

”I don’t think I can make them - but I can help you plant them?” he was as ever happy to help.

Re: GOIN BACK TO CALI ☆ o, palm umbrellas - RHINESTONE. - 08-24-2020

Luckily for Stormspine, it was unlikely that Palmclan's territory would get too terribly chilly, even in the wintertime. Not unless something rather drastic changed, anyways. It really shouldn't have been a surprise that the other didn't know what an umbrella was, especially since Rhine himself hadn't known until very recently. His late-night strolls along the beach when he couldn't sleep had been proving to be quite fruitful, considering he was learning about more and more things that could help them. With his tail flicking to and fro behind him, Rhinestone found himself nodding in Stormspine's direction, a soft chuckle leaving the leader at the dinosaur's words, "I suppose it would be pretty difficult to wrap them properly with your claws. I was even having difficulty doing it with just my paws. Thank you for offering your help to put them in place, though." Obviously they wouldn't be planting the umbrellas in the traditional sense of a garden or a flower, but they would still be planting them in the ground to keep them in place. Storm would be perfect to help with that, considering his long and sharp claws seemed great for digging.
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