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SET MY WINGS ON FIRE / typhoon - Printable Version

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SET MY WINGS ON FIRE / typhoon - bubblegum - 08-22-2020

Re: SET MY WINGS ON FIRE / typhoon - Luciferr - 08-22-2020

[ooc: a tad short, I’m writing while a lil unwell]

It was arrogance to never consider others a threat, anything could be after all.

Infections in a wound felled even the mightiest creature.

Which is why It had always watched others carefully, it already knew what their current actions provoked in other clans - it did not care, whether ruin or reforging, it would still be here in ash or in triumph.

As would this land - like water or the sandy dunes, an ebb and flow, a rise and fall, as ever.

”goldenluxury roux, how kind of you to grace the dunes again” it rumbled and for all it’s many voices in echo it somehow sounded neutral.

The ghastly beast towered, still and staring - for all that it lacked eyes.

It cared not for the display of either the typhoon leader or itself - merely if she had come here to issue threats as worthless as the air shed waste with them, he cared not for them.

But he could guess why she might bother to come

Was it a mirage or did she seem tired?


Re: SET MY WINGS ON FIRE / typhoon - trojan g. - 08-22-2020

If she had been told that one day Goldenluxery Roux would one day be back at the borders of the Pitt alone, Sweeney would have laughed. The last time she had seen the leader of the Typhoon had been when Sweeney had been a child, only three months old, and she had watched as the winged tigress had set the pike aflame that Jervis Callahan had been tied to, right in front of her.

She had vowed at the time to never forget the face, never forget the names of those who had wronged her and her family, especially Goldenluxery, the one who start the fire.

Eyes narrowed as she heard the sound of the captain, demanding to see the ardent that the Pitt now had. The ardent who had vowed to make the Pitt great again, and who Sweeney believed wholeheartedly could do it with the proper followers. Lucky for him, he had those, or so it seemed.

Paws led the kitsune to the border, ears pinned to her head and growl leaving her throat. Sweeney didn't take orders from anyone, especially pieces of shit like the Roux's. So she'd quickly lunge, maw open and aiming for the throat of the captain, lightning sparking from her body in rage. She would get her revenge, and didn't care that Silent was there now.

Re: SET MY WINGS ON FIRE / typhoon - bubblegum - 08-22-2020

Re: SET MY WINGS ON FIRE / typhoon - trojan g. - 08-22-2020

Once Sweeney had tried to make contact, she had realized what she had done had not been thought out. There were many things that Sweeney didn't ever think out, but this had to be her most idiotic one. She was lunging, then she felt a small shock as her elementals backfired due tot he intervention of Goldie, then she was pushed away and on the ground. It was less than ideal that was to say for sure.

Growl leaving her throat once more as she listened to Goldie speak, Sweeney's ears would pin to her head once more and she'd glare daggers at the captain. "You do not speak for the Pittians who have their home here, and as Kydobi is no longer leader here, nor does he. Any conditions you set for us were null and void the second you killed in cold blood." She would growl out, fur on edge as she continued to speak, "Why should we listen to you when no ultimatums were given to my father before you killed him in front of me, you don't spare those you hate. Whether or not we give the swamp scum to you, you'll attack us again either way, so fuck off."

Re: SET MY WINGS ON FIRE / typhoon - aine. - 08-22-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
That voice.  Salt in the wind.  The petite deer-fox faltered where she stood, ears pinned against her skull.  That voice.  That pirate.  Didn't belong here.  Shouldn't be here.  She didn't want her here.

Hazel hues flickered, thinking of first to find her father, when she saw a brief engagement of sparking light.  With little other thought, Aine bounded over to the scene, off-balance but determined no matter her leg's broken state.  An unusual anger flared in her chest as she reached Sweeny, seeking signs of immediate injury.  Every time the pirate captain came to their desert, nothing but destruction followed.

She was scared.  She was tired.  She was angry and bitter.

For the fire.  For the forest.  For Kydobi.

Aine grit her teeth, "go away.You're not in charge here.

Re: SET MY WINGS ON FIRE / typhoon - j a c k . - 08-22-2020

It was stark, the drawl of power here. Lighting struck the ground in a useless attempt from Sweeny, such a playful- if sadistic kitsune - fiery and Jack respected her for it was so much more than just the surface flare she had shown towards them. But hearing the cut off tangent as he appeared towards the group, bright eyes darkening at the cut off words. Cold blood: he had heard that spat towards the pitt's direction: it was the main reason he chose this place. Battle called to any youth, any naivety, Jack tired ot peace but now he were finally understanding the cost of a war. The fact that his brother: Salem stood on the end of that line: of this war that were brewing before him, he felt nothing but needle ice prickling at his mind, etched from his spine slipping into his blood. powers thrumming thrumming

begging for the release into the sweltering heat, to let anything and everything [glow=#add8e6,2,300]freeze[/glow]. Temptation of a choice that would soon no longer even be his to make. a dark thought: but jack knew himself well, knew the stress of it piling up like snow: even snow can be deadly, and this clan and it reeked of blood since he joined it.

but it was his now, and Jack wouldn't let anyone stand before it and insult what was his. He would never harm his brother: never allow any harm to him, and this indecision tore at him, broke the barrier of bone and ice slipped like a venom into his veins. infection happened quickly, a plunge of it's icy tough plunged into him and Jack felt nothing at all.

"[glow=#add8e6,2,300]is that a threat ?[/glow]" Jack's voice was layered in ice, even under the shade of his ardent jack couldn't feel the temprature of his own body, the natural chilly feel to his body was that of a stiff corpse: cold in such an unnatural way, his voice without tone, but pitched too close to a growl "[glow=#add8e6,2,300]choose your words lightly roux, you hold no power over these dunes, any illusion of it was only you're own hubris[/glow]"

a land created by blood was bound to it: these lands called for blood as every member here did: they wanted revenge, wanted vengeance: who was Jack to stand in the way of that?

Re: SET MY WINGS ON FIRE / typhoon - Luciferr - 08-23-2020

P H O B O S  .|.  S U S U R R U S  I N F E R I  .|.  D E I M O S

”she speaks true though - if we give you what you want, you’ll attack anyway, you’ve already made your mind up about this place after all I can see it in your face” another voice rumbled, joining the group - much like the typhoonian leader, this one was a tiger, but stood in stark contrast.

Where there was gold he was silver-white, where there was flames of amber stripes, his were blue fluorescent fox fires dotting a vantablack dipped coat - Susurrus eyed the stranger leader with a cool gaze,

He did not know the politics here but it was clear to him from the moment the other leader had arrived she did not care to hear them or to bother upholding whatever deals she made here given the visible distaste in her mannerisms,

No they lost out either way - give the tangler back, there would be a fight later on down the line, don’t, there would still be a fight simply more immediate no doubt.

The fact that it seemed she wanted to treat them like unruly children did not endear him further - the same attitude had been on the faces of those his once home had protected before they’d stabbed them in the back and left him to die.

Deimos behind him snorted, the fiery drake taking umbridge at one of her turns of phrase ”a favour? Does his clan lack the ability to do so themselves so that they must turn to you? You allow leeches upon your back it would seem” the wrath was ever scornful - and ever blunt - Susurrus barely stopped himself from facepalming, but it did ring with truth.

Where was the captured leaders clan in all this? Would they not have come?

Susurrus frowned whilst Phobos quietly whispered something to Deimos besides him - the icy drake ever the more cool next to their fiery third.


Re: SET MY WINGS ON FIRE / typhoon - bubblegum - 08-23-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
but the clouds are clearing up
and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
like a bastard on the burning sea.

"There was no blood spilled without reason, not that you would know." The female would respond quickly with a simple shrug, still not bothering to look towards the female. The fact that she was Jervis' daughter meant that she was even more ignorant to what truly happened. The fox was a traitor to the ones he served, and there was little opposition to his execution. Her ears twitch, scowl unfading from her face as others make their own remarks towards her. She lacked the patience for any of them. "I did not come 'ere t' give a history lesson or t' entertain hostility towards me. I will not go without m' answer." She lets out a single sigh, eyes narrowing slightly.

"Do not make assumptions o' me without basis." The female states flatly, voice edging with impatience now. "I've not come 'ere t' fight today. I have no weapon, I am by m'self, n' 've not been on the attack. I am not such a fool I thought I could take on the entirety of you all by m'self." She expected no less stupidity from the Pitt, though she was disappointed, she hoped they'd gotten at least the slightest bit smarter since she'd last seen them eight months ago. Nonetheless, the female was rational, even in times that lack reason. "N', if you haven' noticed somethin', I haven' even gone close t' this place since m' terms for your mercy were laid out. I've no interest in pointless raids wit' pointless violence - it is a waste o' time, energy, n' materials. I don' want to be here. The stench disgusts me." And this was no lie - the female has not approached since she left in the beginning of the year. She'd no reason to trek the miles since then, and she certainly was not pleased at having a reason now, no matter what distraction it offered in her buzzing mind.

She pauses a moment before continuing, blinking towards the blind ardent once more, feathered tail tip twitching. "If your answer is no t' handin' him over, then consider this your warning. I will not spend more time 'ere than I have to. So tell me, easy way, or hard way." She did not come here to make deals or negotiate. It was a simple yes or no.
[div style="font-size: 11px; color: #008ab5; font-family: georgia; text-align: center; line-height: 100%; word-spacing: 10px; padding: 3%;"]ϟ    ϟ    ϟ
[i][b]whose side are you on? [color=#008ab5]what side is this anyway?

put  down  your  sword  and  crown,
come  lay  with  me  on  the  ground.
you come beating like moth's wings, spastic and violently,
whipping me into a storm shaking me down to the core.

Re: SET MY WINGS ON FIRE / typhoon - Luciferr - 08-23-2020

”then blame the previous ruler for not teaching us our Manners as it were” Kydobi hadn’t ever spoken of the history but silent had guessed a war had caused that scorched area - later he’d learned who, not about the terms in full mind - only that they were stupidly one sided - a collar around their necks while the enemies simply got off Scot free like they didn’t have an equal amount of blood on their hands? They’d had their raids among themselves after all, way back before no doubt - what made them so different? So ‘morally’ superior? He did wonder, hm

But he inwardly shrugged, it didn’t matter in the end.

The ardent hummed - not at all blind though he seemed to not have eyes, he simply didn’t work like all the others around him - thinking,

In truth he could keep him - incite another war, they might win they might not but he’d still live regardless, come back again to haunt them and again and again,

They’d be doing this dance for a very long time if she really thought him so easy to stomp out.

But really, he had already had his fill of the tangler leader - and the fact his own clan hadn’t come for him? Spoke volumes no matter how big or small they might be.


So after having sat back to watch the amusing back and forth and the hypocrisy on display from the other, he inclined his head ”you’ll get your answer then, I’ve no more use for him” my point has been proven, they’re all leeches on the back of you - draining you dry the more you coddle them long past their usefulness hm oh so great Goldie? It’ll be the death of you he thought to himself.

He stood turning towards the territory ”if you can stomach the stench as you say, I will bring him to you” and with that he was gone.

It didn’t take him long to come back however, beside him - walking free of his own free will and surprisingly with seemingly little harm done to him [member=601]VIGENERE CIPHER.[/member] Was.

He stopped short of the group again, extending one grotesque arm ushering the tangler forwards ”your ally is here to pick you up” he rumbled the unheard and your clan is not going unsaid but no less thought.

He inclined his head to the golden tigress ”do be so kind as to take yourselves off my home then, I’ll hold you to your words miss roux after all, you never know where your family might wander these days”

That might be a threat of captures - or it might simply be a fact - after all, he didn’t turn away recruits due to their family lines.