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(Joining) The Entering Of Sam - Printable Version

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(Joining) The Entering Of Sam - ¿¿ - 08-20-2020

      Traveling down what seems to be a main path with the intent to find some odd jobs that lasted for quite a few days now. Sam has always been well acquainted to travel since long stops tend to not end well even with death. Seeing signs of recint travel along the road is something that she noted. This did not give a good feeling when the sent and sounds of others came from further ahead among the foliage.
        Recognizing that this is posibly not a good sign she continued her travel with in the bushes and trees but with the road in sight. With wolf ears pointed towards the sounds of voices she recognized them to be bandits and thieves fir she has delt with many in the past.
        She attempted to sneak past but wasn't quiet enough so as soon as when they were alerted to her presence her mad dash down the road started jumpung over the brush to the actual road. Managing to loose them she slowed down to a jog because they may still be on the persuit for her.
        When buildings came insight was a bit shocking but also came with a wave of relief. She observed at a distance and all the damages to the place of any kind. Seeing that the place is small but is inhabitable making note of everyone she sees is her routeen before making the decision to stop. Desiding it not bad enough to skip but also might have work. She spotted an inn that made her sag with relief for she was really tired and weary from what she when through for days to get to any place she could find. Ready for a rest and food she fully entered the village heading straight for that inn.

Re: (Joining) The Entering Of Sam - teef - 08-20-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
lucky was she who could escape the bandits, and to find herself in a recently cleared section of the territory.  not long after Sam had arrived upon the path up to the inn, boulders to her left and right escaped a mist so thick that it hid the sounds of fighting deeper in the land before a roar broke through the mist,a great golden beast rearing up through the mist.

trails of moisture followed the lung dragon as they pushed off from the ground, talons shimmering in the light of the rising sun. jaws spread with splintered branches and bolts of lightning escaping their jaws in a bright almost white pale blue hue, their body came whistling down at the ground. the charged electricity escaped their jaws, smashing into the ground leagues away, the shrieks of creatures ringing out. the creatures in question rushed in sam's direction, bloodied and charred, stumbling and reeking of carrion. the dragon had noticed her, long serpentine body pushing through the mists in a swinging predatorial way, enough to make most flee from instincts screaming to retreat.

coming to a stop not far from her, they turned their head from side to side, silver metallic ichor dripping from cuts and gashes on their muzzle. "state your name, traveler. are you a bandit? if you are, clear out or you'll meet your demise." they threatened her, blind eyes not falling upon her but just past the wolf.

Re: (Joining) The Entering Of Sam - ¿¿ - 08-20-2020

Upon seeing the possible threat in from of her sam looked frantically around for cover but all was to far away.  Tail between the legs she instinctively backed up and stuttered with answering the question reconising that this is a very dangerous situation. "No no. I am no bandit. I am more or less a traveling worker or mmercenary. BANDITIS raid in groups I am always alone l, I rarely escaped some myself." This was all the frantical rambeling of terror while trying to stay composed so she dosent get herself killed.

Re: (Joining) The Entering Of Sam - teef - 08-20-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
a deep sound escaped from the dragon, their jaws barely open, lips curled in a ferocious expression, anger fueling through the beast. they struggled to calm themself, the just for war ringing through their body, keeping their senses alert for a sneak attack. shaking their head to clear their mind, they brought their head lower in order to get a better read of the wolf. "state your name.", they rumbled, manners curt for lack of time, aware of the lightning racing around their jaws. closing their eyes, they urged themself to be calm, "this is abrupt and i apologize but would you be willing to stay and help us with this issue, mercenary? my name is lin bai, but call me bai shi. i am the kingpin of the rightful group of this land that the bandits snuck in upon.", they growled lowly, suddenly lashing out with a fore foot, sending a coyote NPC flying away with a cry of pain, their talons having ripped through the creature's fur and into flesh.

Re: (Joining) The Entering Of Sam - ¿¿ - 08-21-2020

Seeing what happened to the coyote she bit her the end of her cheeks to hold back a whimper slouching with the dragons menace. Forcing herself to regain quickly and obviously sounding strained she shouted. "I I am SAM." Instinctively she started backing up prepared to flee from danger if need be but first she had to make sure she dosent upset the dragon further. How can she win let alone just get away from a DRAGON and one that is on edge and may very well kill on any sent of a threat. After a hard swallow preparing to continue not daring to deny the request vividly to save her skin. "I could help, I even have to deal with them often haha." Sam's wolf expression is twisted so much with the torment of fear laughter just slipped out with that intense emotion.

Re: (Joining) The Entering Of Sam - Veris - 08-22-2020

—I'm learning to give—
——But I don't know if I'm a giver——
—The melanistic jaguar known as Veris slunk out of the shadows. A look of relief and slight annoyance. ”Ah! There you are! You know you’re fas-“ She stopped before taking a few heavy sniffs. This person her mom had encountered didn’t seem like an enemy, especially since they haven’t died yet. However the person was scared out of their wits! Veris tried to find any logic that would paint the stranger as an enemy and that meant they could only help, right?

”I couldn’t help but overhear you offered your help? We could sure need it...“ Veris talked slowly and purposefully. Her words told Sam that they were in need of the help but the way she slowly stalked her way around the wolf showed that they were still powerful and would not tolerate to be double crossed.

They definitely needed more manpower though and to potentially lose out on the mercenary’s help would be a great lose indeed...—
——Alithis Evgenis — 3rd Gen — Speak in #902727 ——
© madi

Re: (Joining) The Entering Of Sam - Cosmic - 08-22-2020

Upon seeing both his parent and sibling with another stranger, he was immediately put on edge. His tails were held high as he approached the newcomer without his usual smile. He wasn't frowning either, just giving her an intense glare that would make even an adult flinch. His wings gave a single flap as a way to strench, and he flexed his toes as he came to a stop next to Veris.

He would give his family a nod and a small, tiny smile before returning daggers at the wolf. His eyes gave a glow, and puffed out his fur as parts of his scaled skin raised, trying to appear as threatening as possible. He was more than willing to shred another enemy if this went wrong somehow. He had had enough of these bandits and being attacked by them.

"How do we know if we can trust you? Don't smell like us." Leoku growled, being uncharacteristically aggressive at this time. All he knew right now was that his parent was about to entrust the protection of their home to someone who could be a potential spy for the bandits.

Re: (Joining) The Entering Of Sam - ¿¿ - 08-23-2020

      With the potential threats coming from so many directions her fear has started to grow into aggravation with instincts and desperation. " of couse i dont smell like you i just got here and never seen the likes of you before. I am nomadic!" This was all said quite frantically and with out much judgement. "I was just chased here do you think I am on a side! Great way to build loyalty!" After she practically shouted all of this, relising her nervous stress was to high she began to wonder if this would finally be her end.

Re: (Joining) The Entering Of Sam - Veris - 08-23-2020

—I'm learning to give—
——But I don't know if I'm a giver——
—Veris's eyes narrowed, then she let out a little huff. "Now then...there should be no reason why we need to be at each other's throats. We already have too many of those to deal already." As much as she appreciated Leoku's protection, she also knew that any help was good help at this point in time.

Sam is obviously showing that she has the backbone needed to fight. "I think a good start is to give her an ounce of our trust for he fact that this wolf doesn't have the scent of a bandit. Not to mention that she didn't attack us on sight." Veris was mainly trying to speak to the rationality of her family but it was long before she trained her gaze on the mercanery once more.

"And if she decides to betray us or harm us in anyway then we deal with her like we deal with our raiders!" The melenistic jaguar's tone was friendly and light but both her words and her snarled face said the true message. "If you help us then we hold no problems with you Sam. You can go you separate way or you can join. That's all." Veris tilted her head up. She would like to see how the wolf reacted. After all, Sam was no prey animal and Veris admittedly had high hopes for her.—
——Alithis Evgenis — 3rd Gen — Speak in #902727 ——
© madi

Re: (Joining) The Entering Of Sam - teef - 08-25-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
a deep rumble escaped the divine beast, their tail sweeping forward to keep a peaceful boundary between their hatchlings and sam - listening to their instincts. "children, take a moment to collect yourselves and calm down. sam, please take our apologies to heart. this is my daughter veris and my son leoku. we are the few defenders remaining in this land and we find it very hard to trust anyone nowadays. I've only just been able to return to my home here, it is our wish to protect it and we are uneasy of newcomers at this time. please allow us to make it up to you in whatever ways that we can.", the dragon murmured before taking a step back from sam and their children.

accompanied by the sounds of cracking bones and ruffling fur, their body shrank and changed, the body of a large black jaguar taking their place, white spackling covering a good percentage of their pelt. "This body of mine might be easier to converse with and see as an equal. we will provide you with refreshments and foods in our inn for a few days to allow you to recuperate. in two days - come to the meeting and tell us the decision that you have made: will you stay with us or will you leave.", they murmured, blind blue eyes glinting in the light.