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That's the thing I need // 5/11 meeting // to give me new heart - Printable Version

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That's the thing I need // 5/11 meeting // to give me new heart - jacob w.c. - 05-11-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Despite the more heavy things that'd happened his week, Jacob was excited for this meeting. He wasn't bringing any bad news, which was always good, and he was excited to officially implement the system the ancestors had left them during the aurora festival. He still had his note cards but for once his feelings weren't of anxiousness as he stepped into the center of Snowbound's central cavern. "Snowbound! Come n' gather for this weeks meetin'," the man called, his voice bouncing off the walls as he did so. He then waited a few moments, watching as the Snowbounders gathered around him before beginning, "So, first ah' all, I ain't gonna' talk about promotions first this time. I actually want ta' introduce the title n' reward system the ancestors gave ta' us at the aurora festival. Up 'ere, I got a buncha' necklaces, enough for all ah' ya' hopefully, n' I got a collection ah' pendents I'll be givin' out. Each one represents somethin' that ya've done for the clan. For the first few weeks, I'll be explainin' what each one means until we get used ta' usin' 'em," he explained.

There was a lot of information coming up so Jacob had to pause a moment, looking over his note cards briefly before beginning to speak once again, "That bein' said, the first ah' these pendents will be goin' ta' Harrison, Atbash, London, Izuku, n' Ivylee. Harry n' Atbash, ya' both are gettin' the ducklin' pendent which represents the ancestor Ond. These are ta' show that ya' both show a lotta' promise n' that we're excited ta' see what ya' do 'ere in Snowbound. London, you'll be gettin' the rabbit pendent which is for Kanina. It's for anyone tha's real welcomin' n' has tried ta' make new members or outsiders feel welcome 'ere n' ya' do a real good job ah' that. Izuku, with all your medical trainin' you're gettin' the bee or Pipi pendent, which is given 'cause ah' your medical skills. Ivylee, the dolphin for Lumba. Ya' get it for bringin' new event ideas up n' helpin' run 'em. Now, I know ya' aren't runnin' your event for a li'l while still but I appreciate ya' bringin' up ideas so I wanted ta' show my gratitude. Ya' can all feel free ta' come up n' get those, I 'ave the ones ya' need layin' out, n' put 'em on your necklaces. If ya' need help findin' 'em or gettin' 'em on, jus' let me know." With all of that wrapped up, now he supposed it would be good to move on to the next matter of business.

"Next up, I don' got any warnin's or demotions this meetin', but for those ah' ya' that don' know, Cry was demoted prior ta' today." Jacob didn't stay on that subject too long. It wasn't something he wanted to talk about again but he knew that he needed to make sure people not part of the high positions were aware of what was going on. "I do 'ave some promotions, though! Harrison n' Atbash, I'd like ya' both ta' step up as either Lionhearts or Flurryhosts, ya' can pick which one. London, I'd like ya' ta' step up as the Arcticplayer. Ya've volunteered ta' help with different things before, like goin' ta' Typhoon, I always seem ta' see ya' at our different events, n' you're always real welcomin' so I think ya'd be a good fit for it. I've also decided I'd like ta' ask Melantha ta' step up as my Snowseeker, if she'd accept," he announced with a wide smile before continuing, "I'd also like ta' welcome Uraraka, Lorelei, n' Todoroki ta' Snowbound, we're happy ta' have ya' both." Jacob shuffled his note cards once again, looking at what was written on the final card for this week. "My last announcements are that we'll be havin' an event with Typhoon real soon that I've been plannin' with Pincher. I believe they're gonna' be hostin' it this time but make sure ta' keep an eye out for that n' then, also, we still have the cleanin' n' decoratin' contest goin' on if ya'll wanna' take some time ta' check that out. Unless anyone's got questions or concerns, the meetin's dismissed!" the husky concluded. 


Re: That's the thing I need // 5/11 meeting // to give me new heart - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-11-2018

He had missed last meeting. He honestly hadn't cared about what happened the last meeting because he could really just ask anyone what could have happened during it. Instead of worrying about what his rank because again, he didn't really care about anything that he ended up doing in this place. He had to deal with his own problems than deal with the likes of the clans, and right now he had an entire list of problems that were starting to get on his nerves. Making him more than likely to snap at those that were trying to get close to him still. Either way, he had decided to miss the last meeting after what had happened to him and his night terror. Something that only three animals knew and he was planning on having it stay that way. He knew that he had secluded himself for a little bit here and there, but he had his own reasons and he didn't need to justify himself to anyone. The bandages that were spanning across the majority of his body should be clear on what could have happened to him. He would have much rather get attacked by someone instead of dealing with the injuries that he had caused himself, but they were healing nicely. Although they were healing somewhat slow which was annoying but not something that he could really control either. The assassin had heard Jacob, and a tired and exhausted look was on his facial features. He just wanted to sleep, but he had learned his lesson for letting himself fall asleep. He wasn't going to let that happen again for as long as he was going to be in Snowbound. The last thing he needed was to accidentally kill himself while he was thrashing in his sleep. He had nearly done it this time, his wound suffering a couple of blows. It had also been the first time that the assassin had let Jacob treat his wounds for once, out of the fact that he couldn't heal himself due to being covered in his own blood and not being able to hold anything.

His powers still worked though, so he had helped the other out. Now that he was capable of treating himself though, he hadn't gone back to Jacob to get his wounds checked at. Killua was stubborn to the point though that he would force himself to walk without a limp. He hated being seen as weak, so his dressings had to have been changed over and over again. He kept opening up his wounds like they were nothing until more scar tissue had formed along his arms and the bleeding had stopped. His right arm was fairly stiff though thanks to the new addition of scar tissue. He blinked his sapphire blue eyes as he looked at Jacob, sitting off at a distance from everyone else and laying himself down. The albino serval didn't really seem to be listening to whatever Jacob said. Until London's name was called, the only friend he had at the moment in the clan. The large white ears perked on the top of his head would perk at her name, and he would begin to look around for the clouded leopard. Seemed so he had gotten a lot of work done while he was holding himself away from everyone else. Nothing else really interested him, but London ended up getting a promotion. She probably deserved it, although he had no idea what her rank really did. Was that a new rank that was created the last meeting? Probably. Oh well. He looked through the crowd hoping to spot the clouded leopard when he finally did. He would raise his bandaged arm and offer the other a small grin on his lips. "Grats London." The assassin would say with a smile spread across his lips. The smile was fake. Despite that, he did feel glad that London was climbing up the ranks. The mention of them going to the Typhoon though didn't interest Killua at all and he would only go there if Argus was there. The canine probably the only one capable of keeping him from killing someone.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: That's the thing I need // 5/11 meeting // to give me new heart - COSMIIX - 05-12-2018

[Image: tumblr_inline_ocubwlXe4U1rifr4k_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #2E4053; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]He hadn't attended any of the past meetings, he supposed it was because he was too lazy to learn about what was currently going on at the time. The heavily striped exotic would linger in the back spotting Killua and taking a nearby seat, giving the serval his needed space, before offering a soft smirk. His curved ears angled forward listening to a few of the announcements whilst others flew over and past him due to his disinterest as well as him recalling when he had hosted his own meetings. The tiger released a faint sigh nodding slowly only to say with a flick of an ear "'Grats y'all," Jacob was definitely running an interesting system around here and maybe it'd teach ol' dog Stark some new tricks, probably not but it was worth seeing and adjusting to these new customs or traditions. He stretched out until his stomach touched the ground underneath him and mumbled to Killua with a light shake of his head "Reminds me when I led my own clan," He finally said not dwelling on the thought for too long, he was keeping an eye on Killua and well, was overall concerned for the kid. There was no way he was going to leave Killua unattended but, he supposed it was because of that one memory where Killua was completely injured. It made the old man shudder briefly before laying still listening.

Re: That's the thing I need // 5/11 meeting // to give me new heart - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-12-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
Another meeting? It seemed these happened frequently, by talk of the other Snowbounders and from context clues. At Jacob's call, Atbash started to make her way over and took a random seat. She perked her ears as she listened to Jacob speak, talking about how their ancestors gave them little pendants during the festival, and that they were introducing a title system. Atbash's eyes shone as he announced her name, clearly proud at herself, and gave a dip of her head in thanks. She noted that the pendants respresented an ancestor and tilted her head in interest. They had a religion here? Atbash herself wasn't very religious, but at least she could learn about and honor their belief, right? She made a mental note to look into that later.

However, as Jacob announced that she was promoted, she was in shock. Being 'promoted' just didn't happen back home, you were 'selected', just like Vigenere had for the King's Guard. And being selected was a rare, honorary occurrence. Those who were selected by the King or Shaman themselves were very special. "Oh, th-thank you, Jacob! I'll be a Flurryhost." Atbash said a loud, still trying to recover from her shock at the promotion. "And-and congrats to the others, too!" However, once the word that Cry had gotten demoted registered, she frowned. Cry was demoted. But... why? Sure, Cry was angry and snippy a lot, but she still cared about Snowbound! Why would she be demoted? Did she do something wrong? Did she hurt somebody? Oh, god, what if she was turning into Caesar? Atbash bit her lip slightly, worries running through her mind.
bio | female | warrior of snowbound
© madi

Re: That's the thing I need // 5/11 meeting // to give me new heart - melantha - 05-13-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt;"]Melantha arrives silently, as usual. Preferring not to draw to much attention to herself, she always arrives when the crowd is the thickest. Coming too early or too late means that she is easily picked out by unwanted attention. That is not to say that anyone in Snowbound would harass her if they valued their life, but Mel is not the sort to take chances. Pallid olive eyes pick Killua out in the crowd, and she finds herself gravitating towards him. It has been a while since she's seen him, and she recognizes several new injuries adorning his figure. Melantha does not pester him about it, though. She is not the nosy sort. Instead, she flashes Killua a subtle smile as she settles in the empty space beside him. "Mornin', Candy Boy." With that settled, she returns her attention to the front of the crowd. Right, a meeting. Yay.

Meetings are so unbelievably boring. She dislikes them with a passion. However, Melantha knows that they are important for the clan. Meetings keep people up to date on the happenings of Snowbound. Meetings provide a space for discussion. Meetings are where you find out the consequences of your actions. The young mountain lioness is the sort to put duty before personal preference; as such, she always listens attentively out of respect for Jacob. Melantha bobs her head in acknowledgement to the announcements, murmuring a congratulations here and there whenever it is necessary. Per usual, the young female does not expect to be singled out during the meetings. She just does what she needs to do out of a refined sense of duty and loyalty, not because she expects to gain anything from it.

And then... "I've also decided I'd like ta' ask Melantha ta' step up as my Snowseeker, if she'd accept." She blinks once, twice, three times. What? Mel glances at Killua, wondering if he heard the announcement too. Jacob wants her to be his second? An odd mixture of pride, pleasure, and absolute terror fills her, although her expression remains stony. Say something, dammit! "U-um, I accept," she stammers, still a little awestruck. "Thank you, Jacob."

Re: That's the thing I need // 5/11 meeting // to give me new heart - cry - 05-13-2018

  So apparently these meetings were more than just jacob blabbering about the news. Seriously. If that was all it was call it the news and not a meeting. Meetings were gatherings of minds to talk about ideas, not hear one person talk. That was a presentation if anything. But either way, thanks for the memo about that Jacob. She totally wasn't a foreigner and an outsider to this world that has no idea how this world works and thus wouldn't know how a meeting works.

  So she was demoted. Did he think that she honestly cared. At least Atbash was replaced in her spot. The raven took perch beside the yellow cat. she rested a wing against her cheek as she pushed up against the other. You didn't hear this from me, she whispered only for Atbash to hear, But I only got demoted becasue Furface got his tail in a knot and got hurt by a few words. She chuckled, smiling at her only friend. She gave a nonshelont shrug. Pretty weak, if you ask me.


Re: That's the thing I need // 5/11 meeting // to give me new heart - pallid-i - 05-13-2018

//retro to kidnapping oof

The kitten ran up and listened to his father, eyes wide. So.. He got promoted? How fun! "I want to be a flurryhost, pa! I wanna be the best one I can be!" He squeaked, jumping up and down excitedly, tail wagging. He could do so many things now that he was a flurryhost, and he could help people out some more!

/also kinda rushed rip
i couldn't even keep you

Re: That's the thing I need // 5/11 meeting // to give me new heart - london r. - 05-13-2018

The call for another meeting had brought London to join the gathering crowd, smiling brightly as she seated herself over by Killua and Melantha. She did not speak as she joined them, rather offering each just a subtle smile in greeting before focusing on Jacob. It seemed the Chief was ready to implement another new idea into the clan's culture, and the girl was rather curious as to how he came up with all of these things. He was always coming up with new ideas and different ways to better the clan, it was admirable. Though perhaps that was just the clouded leopard's opinion, as she truly believed everyone to have so many admirable qualities about themselves. She was in awe of the beauty of the lives surrounding her.

Titles were something different from positions it seemed, they did not give anyone any power to do anything, they were basically just tokens of appreciation. And it seemed that any member could receive these as long as they qualified. In fact, her own name was one called out to receive one. The surprise that quickly registered on her face was genuine, the smile she wore brightening at the thought of being recognized. Nothing she had done seemed at all remarkable, but it was still an honor. As the reasoning for her recognition was explained, the girl almost couldn't believe her ears. Sure, she had been kind to every newcomer she came across, at least, she hoped she was, but she didn't believe herself to be doing a good job of really anything. Though those were probably just her usual self-depreciating thoughts.

The meeting continued with the restatement of Cry's demotion, as well as the promotion of a few, her name once again being called out. Wow, she hadn't even thought her name would be mentioned a single time, much less twice, and for great things too! Jacob seemed to have faith in her, it made the girl wonder why. What did he see in her, what did anyone see in her? She had killed people, not that anyone here knew that, but still! Killua's voice broke through the girl's thoughts, and she couldn't help but smile sheepishly at his words. It sure was wonderful to have a friend.  "Thanks." the girl would beam. "Congratulations everyone, and condolences Cry." this time her voice was louder, not really spoken directly towards anyone specific.

Now just to go find her little charm for that title she had gotten. The rabbit is what Jacob had said, right? Well, she knew what that looked like, so it shouldn't be too hard to retrieve. The girl's movements were as unsure as she felt as she walked up to the front where Jacob stood. "I accept, thank you so much." the new Arcticplayer chimed, her careful paws coming in contact with the miniature rabbit trinket. As she lifted it up, the girl would study the excellent craftsmanship, amazed at how anyone could have made this. "This is lovely, thanks again." she would remark, a brief smile once again appearing on her features before she returned to her spot in the crowd next to Killua.

Re: That's the thing I need // 5/11 meeting // to give me new heart - arcy - 05-14-2018

Somewhat unfortunately, Izuku was late. He hadn't been feeling great the last few days, at least emotionally, some sort of whirlwind and he just couldn't face people --  he could just use his injuries as an excuse, at least. He was feeling a little better now, though, and he'd kind of -- only just remembered that there was a meeting. Oops. The Maine Coon, at least, arrives in time to hear the announcements, though everyone is already gathered. Well, probably not everybody, but just ... people. So, after a moment of hesitation, the Maine Coon just seats himself alone, tail twitching.
So the introduction of pendants -- really interesting, in Izuku's opinion, and he's already got one, wow. The -- medicine one, the bee. The Maine Coon's tail wags, though he's not really surprised. Anyways he'll -- probably have to ask for help finding his pendant. Unless Izuku took off the bandanna, because he could see now, but as he must emphasize, that was just asking for a migraine. Especially with all the snow, it was all a little too bright. (it'd started easing up a little, the headaches, but he still needed a little more time)
Other than that -- Jacob promotions, demotions, the usual. Melantha as Snowseeker was kind of odd, but he's sure she'll be good at it. Shoutouts to the joiners(hearing his friends' names here was weird), and event announcements. Izuku's not sure how to feel about the Typhoon one, and the decorating one -- he could try, but it'd turn out pretty awful. Anyways.
"Congratulations everyone!" Izuku chimes in with a grin, voice just a little about regular volume.  He's ears turn about on his head as he says it, a little paranoid about whatever he may be missing. Or -- oh right, the charms. He should ask for help, and he'd planned to, but Izuku will be damned if he has to ask for help with something as simple as this. Momentarily, the Maine Coon slips off the bandanna over his eyes and -- ow, ow, that really hurts. He squeezes his eyes shut for a moment before trying again, and they're -- over there. Very blurry, but he thinks they are. He slips the bandanna back into place now, just because he can't put up with this, before carefully wading through the crowd to claim his pendant. (he has to momentarily uncover his eyes again to see which is his though. His head really hurts, but he has it now, at least.)

Re: That's the thing I need // 5/11 meeting // to give me new heart - Luciferr - 05-15-2018

Hymn of Ruin
Idly he wondered if the lot of them here would recognise him from his brief appearance at his joining or as the former Typhoonian or would just be point blank confused as to who the large dark dragon was - not that he minded, he'd secluded himself away on purpose while he found himself a cavern just near the edges of the borders of snowbound to live comfortably in, in his natural form.

still he'd re-emerged now, content to attend the meeting quietly and with no fanfare save for the obvious fact of a very large and very deadly looking dragon in the midst of them all - he rumbled quiet congratulations to the promoted and nodded at mention of an event, pleased that the alliance with Typhoon was strong - it made visiting certain in laws easier than say his son in the enemy camp of tanglewood.
