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and then there's seven - visitor - Printable Version

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and then there's seven - visitor - fulzanin - 08-19-2020

ghostwhisper - mantis-awahondo hybrid - they/them
[div style="width: 100%; height: auto; text-align: justify; padding: 20px; font-size: 15px; color: #f2ffff;"]Sometimes it was good to walk around without paper in claw, just so that the true feel of the world befell to them. They had to admit, this was an absolutely stunning continent. So many different people, so many new faces. So much violence, but they'd seen and performed enough of that for such to be null to them. Ghostwhisper always had paper on claw, but without it? That left room to move in such a fluid manner, their legs easily covering ground with a far swifter pace. Not that Ghost had any need to. They wanted to observe, watch, and admire the scenery. Scenery that wasn't beaten down or dulled from years of corrupted disease and husked life. Trees were a marvel. They'd even turned their shell to the shore, wondering what laid just beyond it. They'd seen an island not too far off they coast. They wanted to investigate, to see more, but that would have to wait. Maps had to be finalized before they began searching onward if there was no urgency.

Forest on one side, the slow lapping of waves on the other. They could only look at one at once, which was quite a mighty shame. If there was a way for them to move the holes of their shell just a bit more to the side, perhaps they would be able to achieve such a feat. They scooped sand with a claw, watching it slowly fall from the gently curved limb. The only sand they'd ever seen prior to their arrival was- no, they were not going to think of that. Ghost shook their shell, the thought of performing the movement easily taking precedence over the thought they wished to submerge. They roll their shoulders, deciding that for the time being they'd watch the waves. These waves were entirely different, for their shore was not a burst of flight away. Ghost doubted they'd be able to cross the ocean before them, not as they were currently. As much as they rummaged through their cloak, they had yet to find any heart of crystal present. Annoying, but able to be dealt with.

Gently a claw scrapes against the sand. Almost like paper in the terms of malleability, they realize, and such a thought rises them back into a stand. With their second claws that normally hold a pencil, they gently push and pull the grainy sand around, shell leaned down so far to watch that their balance was hardly upheld. Their wings twitch as their front claws move forward to solve their balance issue. Ghostwhisper continued to mess with the sand, utterly fascinated by watching gravity tug them back down along the sides of the small mound.

TAGS 7/22/20:

Re: and then there's seven - visitor - RHINESTONE. - 08-23-2020

Much unlike Ghostwhisper, Rhine had not seen a whole lot of the world around him. He had thoroughly explored every square inch of the territory that was known as Palmclan's, but outside of that? The farthest he had gone was a little bit into the forest, and then he had stopped. Truly, he had no desire to go any farther than that, since he had everything he could ever want within his home already. He had never been the type to want to constantly travel or want a new source of adventure. He had always just wanted something simple, and secure. While being the leader of Palmclan hadn't exactly proved to be simple for the male, he didn't doubt the security of it, nor the pride he felt in doing his job. Things were a bit rough at the moment, especially with Vixenvenom's seeming disappearance, but they would recover, just as they had when the hurricane had first struck. They were a strong group, and that was part of the reason why he wanted to remain so badly. Why abandon a home that had fought so hard to go on existing, only to go out into the unknown, where things could be so much worse? It just made the most sense to Rhine, and he probably would've found Ghost's way of life confusing.

Of course, Ghost's way of life wasn't the only thing confusing to Rhinestone. No, the other's body was pretty damn bewildering as well. Sure, Palmclan did have a rather unusual warrior in the form of Stormspine, but Ghostwhisper? They were something else entirely, something that Rhinestone couldn't even begin to imagine. With Storm, he had been able to compare the other with smaller reptiles that he had seen sunbathing on rocks along the beach. With Ghost, Rhine had never even seen a mantis before, so he didn't even have the basic body type to reference, not to mention the other's size. Before he even approached, the leader found his ears flattening back against his skull, fear and confusion making his heart slam into his ribs. Despite this, the tomcat found himself padding forward, his paws sinking slightly into the sand as he moved slowly along the beach. Part of him wanted to keep his distance and see how the new and strange creature reached, but what kind of leader would he be then? A cowardly one, surely. If there was one thing that Rhine never wanted to be called, it was cowardly.

It wasn't long before the rusty red feline was in front of Ghost, just watching the other excitedly shift the sand before them for a long moment. Eventually, Rhine worked up the nerve to clear his throat, speaking firmly afterward, "H... Hello. My name is Rhinestonestar, and this beach is part of the territory of Palmclan. Could you please tell me why you're here, or what intention you might have with us?" He could only hope that they were peaceful, despite the doubts swirling around his head. After all, what else could those claws be for, besides ripping and tearing into foes?
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: and then there's seven - visitor - fulzanin - 08-27-2020

ghostwhisper - mantis-awahondo hybrid - they/them
[div style="width: 100%; height: auto; text-align: justify; padding: 20px; font-size: 15px; color: #f2ffff;"]If they really thought hard about it, sand reminded Ghost of ash. Odd ash, pale and powdery ash around a massive hive where fools fought for money and the brand of a king could be safely kept away. The ash of a massive rotting corpse stunk, though. The sand did not stink. Ghostwhisper couldn't smell all that well - with no nose on their face to speak of - but that didn't mean that the reactions of others around them gave them knowledge that the place reeked. So absorbed within the childish task of messing with sand, they hadn't even noticed that someone had managed to move all the way in front of them until a throat was cleared.

Ghostwhisper does not jerk, nor do they give indication that they'd been so blissfully absorbed with their antics that they'd entirely been sneaked up on. They rise their shell slowly, methodically, with purpose, and as they pull their claws close again they make sure to knock over the small pile of sand. Another territory, another group. They seemed to be absolutely everywhere they went. Ghost was going to run out of colors for their map at this rate. Intent, people always wanted to know intent. Being spoken at, rather than spoken to, was always a normality for them. They listened instead of instigating conversations. People took note of their presence, and responded. They dip their shell and cross an arm beneath, a small bow before they snagged paper from their cloak.

'I am Ghostwhisper. Just wandering. Learning the land. Meeting new people. Finding places to stay. What is ash below called?' They finish scribbling their words, and present it to the other. If the other could read, well, that was a simplistic answer. If not? The sand was so malleable, Ghost was certain that they could use their minimal artistic abilities to show what their scirbbles meant. Paper could only convey so much, and it was not as if they had a means to take back any accidental marks they created. The sand easily covered and moved and filled in divots. Patiently they wait, standing rigid spare their extended claw that grasped their written desire.

TAGS 7/22/20:

Re: and then there's seven - visitor - RHINESTONE. - 08-27-2020

As the creature straightened itself up slowly, Rhinestone felt his fur bristle, and his ears pin down sharply against his skull. Ghostwhisper really wasn't like anything that Rhine had seen ever before, and just standing in front of them made panic rise and curl within his much smaller form. Despite this, he refused to back away, his pale eyes locking gazes with the dark holes in Ghost's face that the tom could only assume were their eyes. He expected the creature to speak, although he wasn't sure what the other's voice would end up sounding like. Perhaps deep and frightening, like what would be proper of such a massive insect-like beast. Briefly, the leader considered throwing aside all reason, and just charging forward, just so that he could potentially get the upper hand against Ghost in a fight. However, seeing as Ghostwhisper hadn't actually attempted anything threatening yet, the tom just waited, watching as Ghost pulled forth the piece of paper for writing on.

Luckily for Ghost, although reading was not a skill required of warriors living within Palmclan, Rhine could still understand the words that were written. He had slowly taught himself to read, after ages of searching through twoleg books that had been left on the beach, or he had managed to snag from his very, very brief journeys onto the boardwalk. So, although it took him a moment of staring down at the paper to fully understand, he eventually let out a soft gasp, nodding his head at the other. So, it seemed as though Ghost was not a threat, at least not for the moment. Rhinestonestar was unsure of whether or not he'd be able to let Ghostwhisper in if the other decided he wanted to stay, considering just how strange the beast was. Despite this, he found himself muttering softly, his fluffy tail curling around to rest over his paws, "The ash...? Oh, you must mean the sand. This, right?" He lifted one of his front paws, dragging it very gently through the golden sands in front of him. He then said, shaking his head from side to side, "It's not ash, it's called sand. It makes up the entirety of the shore of Sparkling Beach, where Palmclan calls home." It seemed so odd to him that anyone could not know what sand was, considering he had grown up around it his entire life.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: and then there's seven - visitor - trojan g. - 08-27-2020

Curiosity was something that Sugarspice held dearly. Curiosity to try new things and explore, make new friends and even join new groups at times. She knew not of many of the other groups that called their home on the island, as much like her leader, she hadn't explored far out of PalmClan's territory since she had gotten here. She knew a little bit more and had gone further than Rhinestonestar, sure, but she didn't want to leave the place she called home for any reason right now.

Coming to the beach, Sugarspice would look towards Ghostwhisper for a moment in confusion. She hadn't seen someone that looked like them before, and it caused shock for a moment. Fur eventually slicked down though, and head would shake as she heard the words coming from Rhinestone's maw and looked down on the note that had been written. She could read, but not well, and could only hope that words would remain on the more simple side so she could understand what was going on. "It's nice to meet you Ghostwhisper, my name's Sugarspice." She would look over towards Rhine for a moment before looking back, "You're looking for places to stay?" Places, as in plural? She couldn't ever dream of living in a place other than PalmClan. "speech"