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a count to ten . cuddle pile - Printable Version

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a count to ten . cuddle pile - Lawlocked - 08-19-2020

[color=transparent] [w]isker
law could be found with his noes stuck along the lines of tomes smuggled out of temples and dens alike. coloring books mostly forsaken in the search for better, more accurate knowledge. law could be found struggling with books at any time of the day before... well before. but now it was much ore seldom not to note law's presence within the crowd of his family. the strike of short fur grey with strikes of molten gold along his pelt. a whisper of feathers and golden visage; law confirmed to himself the presence of everyone living- breathing. his ears picking up the unsettling Rubatosis over the thrum of a conversation, the sense of breathing between words- or lack thereof, in terms of lawkit.

law had been silent, was a silent child. It was a simple thing of security for him. He felt safe enough- he would speak and now, unsettled with mother's silence- apathy. with seapaw's anger and the rest of his family teetering between sleep ( that had taken their mother ) and awareness; law was terrified, the sweet scent of milk was undercut by the ripe flavor of it. the sharp snap of ozone that was law's scent cut only by the sour not of fear, undercurrent at times and sparked whenever law's silence was ever pointed to; or when the creature cub was prompted to speak.

it came to head, one day. the insomnia, the silence. in the time of day that roan was absent from the temple and law could be found sprawled along one of the cots there, a large tome crumbling under his paws and the words so small and complicated: but he were patient, mouthing the words to himself trying to find the context key to the words. context was hard to grasp when most of the words found on the page were nedlessly complicated, when law's eyes refused to focus, a brilliant yellow now a dull silver with red rimmed edges that hinted to either crying or lack of sleep.

there was an another there, with a great towering form and plumage like the rust that splashed red. Ament: a creature of savage dynasty watched law and smelted no sickness- weakness from this creature approached. law was confused confounded, but ament was persistent patient. Ament crooned to the creature of wings and horns and teeth and law smelt of tiredness, of a welp tuckered out and of the fresh sea-water that brazenly didn't come from the sea.

if anyone where to stumble upon the pair, they would note ament first. tail curled and the large creature wrapped around law. the small creature roux leaning against the main body of the beast, a light snore breezing between fits of twitching movements.
[color=transparent] [w]isker
[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]The dark doesn't frighten me[/glow]

[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]I chose to close my eyes; it is mine[/glow]