Beasts of Beyond
PATH - - [multi hunt] - Printable Version

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PATH - - [multi hunt] - Luciferr - 08-19-2020

'ARIA'  P H O B O S  .|.  S U S U R R U S  I N F E R I  .|.  'REQUIEM'  D E I M O S

[gonna be putting all my hunts on this one thread for ease.]


It hadn’t taken them long to select a target they were going to take, an edible one at least

Hellinas were decidedly not, with the ashen flagrant lures they made upon death - nor their corrupting energies would they make for a good choice.

They were many things after all, but they would not poison themselves or their home if they could help it - not with such pestilent flies.

So the trio returned him dragging a very large creature between them - what looked like some kind of perverse cross between a horse and a feline like creature with its back hooves - though perhaps a dash of eagle thrown in to speak for the wings it had.

Either way, a worthy prize.


He’d directly targeted a tangler for this one,

Why not, he’d eat the corpse himself if any of the others had a problem with it - or share it with Barbara perhaps,

The tangle had been disappointingly easy to take down in the end, caught off guard and no match for the horror that confronted it, the tiger had barely had the chance to retaliate before tendrils had wound around it and broken its neck soundly

Even if the mouths that crunched it’s skull hadn’t killed it first.

As it was, the limp form was tightly gripped in its lower jaws, dangling like a discarded toy.

Disappointing, but it would serve its uses.
