Beasts of Beyond
YOU'RE THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE ☆ joining - Printable Version

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YOU'RE THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE ☆ joining - nobletrigger. - 08-18-2020

It had been some time since she had been in a proper, organized group. Months and years seemed to blend together easily after so much time spent wandering, so Nobletrigger couldn't even properly remember the last time she had been in a group. Perhaps it had all the way back, before her initial death...? She could still remember the gruesome nature of it, and the feeling of talons digging deep into her spine, crushing and unrelenting. When she had woken up afterwards, seemingly ages later, she had thanked the stars above silently. In the back of her mind, Noble even liked to think Balaur had played a hand – or rather, wing – in her return to the land of the living. Either way, that had been quite a while ago now, and while certain parts of the wild dog were adverse to the thought of joining a new group, a larger part of her missed the life. Missed the feeling of home and companionship that came with it, even if she had sometimes wrecked those close relationships thanks to her bluntness. It had become immediately apparent to the wise hound that she would need somewhere tough. Somewhere where her companions wouldn't shrivel back and shatter at the first sign of the more pointed side of her. Somewhere like... home.

Her long legs had carried her far and wide, on the hunt for somewhere that properly reminded her of her birthplace. Eventually, in her travels, she had begun to hear whispers of a place known as The Pitt. The group sounded properly edgy, and that had initially turned her away, thinking them to be a pack of fools making themselves out to be gods. Still, it was the best lead that she had, so Noble had eventually made her way towards the desert, her journey silent and uneventful. After all, most knew to avoid the large canine with her face covered, and a sheathed blade on her back – not that she truly had any intention of drawing it against mere foolish rogues.

The trek through the desert was not as bad as one might think, mainly due to Noble's attire. She wore a thin green cloak, with golden patterning along the edges. It was thin enough not to soak up too much unnecessary heat, while also being protective enough to stop the sun from roasting her in her thick patterned pelt. By the time she eventually arrived at where the desert met jungle foliage, she was merely slightly bothered, rather than panting and struggling. Taking a seat on the edge of the border to the true lands of The Pitt, Noble shrugged off the hood of her cloak, revealing her face in tones of tan, dark gray, and various shades of pink red. She looked as though so much blood had soaked into her pelt that it had permanently stained her, although in reality, that was just what her pelt had looked like when she woke up. Nobletrigger took in a deep breath, her green gaze scanning through the trees before she barked, her voice echoing out, "Is anyone here? I'm looking for a place known as The Pitt." No fear was reflected on the african wild dog's face, despite the rumors she had heard of this place. After all, her original home had hardly been a place of peace.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: YOU'RE THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE ☆ joining - Luciferr - 08-19-2020

they did not as some might believe, call themselves gods, no for what was the point of useless boasting? To have something to wound so easily as self important pride and ego?

Foolish useless things,

You could have pride in achievements it supposed, but outside that such blatant ego didn’t serve any but to get the foolheaded killed quicker than most - taking insults to every slight against them.

It mattered little to him - to it - if they died to such foolishness, their flesh would at least be another resource for them (if less valuable currently than another fighter for battles, but one must weigh their resources carefully)

Silent already knew he was something far from mortal - not a boast, merely a fact of existence.

So it was the shambling horror of far too many limbs emerged and uttered what passed for a guttural hum ”and so you’ve found us - do you come to join?” he didn’t bother asking purpose, it was either join or not.

Most didn’t come here without it in mind - else they wound up decorating the border more often than not.