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Plotting with my babeys? - Printable Version

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Plotting with my babeys? - SirDio - 08-18-2020

Zip Zap Zop

Wanting to do something with either Lyxio or Asteri - keep in mind School just started and I have off days on Tuesdays and Thursdays; on those days I still have work to do

Asteri - The quiet, polite pushover of a wolf, I'm open to most things.
Open to
~ Friendship
~ Attempts to persuade her to join a group
~ Visits
~ Meet 'n Greets
~ Attempts at romance
~ Long term plotting

Kinda iffy about
~ Corruption (this may connect with persuading her to join a pack)

Closed to
~ Killing her, for obvious reasons

Lyxio Rex - My humble Komodo Dragon, still growing and still able to be kinda influenced
Open to
~ Platonic/ Friendship
~ Long term plotting
~ Persuading him to join a group
~ Attempts at romance (Good luck)
~ Minor Injuries
~ Mischevious Activities (Causing a raucus and such the like, if you can persuade him to participate)

Iffy about
~ Corruption
~ Major injuries

Closed to
~ Death, again for obvious reasons

If you have any other ideas don't hesitate to hit me on discord (ShallousAngelous#8262) or say so in this thread!