Beasts of Beyond
ad vitam aeternam | jungle juice - Printable Version

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ad vitam aeternam | jungle juice - PAOLA - 08-18-2020

[shadow=black,left]PAOLA VASQUEZ[/shadow]
I just wanna taste it; Watermelon sugar high!
Haven Island.

As soon as Paola lands on its lonely shore, she hears the boat behind her whirr to life. She whirls around, startled, and watches anxiously as the vessel begins pulling away. "Hey! This island isn't haunted, is it?" The other member doesn't respond, opting to only wave its tail in amused farewell. Her pelt bristles at the audacity, and a few irritated curse words fall from her words until her paw hits the flask that she's brought with her.

She grimaces at it, using her tail to maneuver the lid and lift the uncapped container to her mouth. "If there are ghosts in here, I swear to all the gods…" She doesn't finish her threat. With a long sigh, she throws her head back and downs the jungle juice in one fell swoop, refusing to breathe through her nose to dull the taste. Once she sets it down and throws the loop around her head to bring it with her, she allows herself a few short breaths and finally notices that the taste has since gone down, leaving only subtle notes of something that she can't quite place.

With a determined nod to herself, Paola heads into the jungle. For a few short moments, nothing happens, and she thinks that the jungle juice is nothing more than a scam to freak her out—but then the edges of her vision blurs, spiraling into indecipherable shapes, swirling into an obnoxious mass of color before exploding into black…

and then everything is back to normal.

"Is that it?" Paola chances a look at her body, flexing her hooked claws before peering over her shoulder. Her hindquarters are the same, too, the sleek black scales at home in the shadows of the night. "I seem to be alright," she murmurs, raising a massive paw to pat around her head and trace the crown of horns that sit on her head. "I seem to feel alright."

"That's because it's fake, silly," a mirthful voice chides, and Paola turns to the source, finding instead a cream-colored wolf grinning impishly at her. Its blue eyes nearly throw her off her feet. "The whole thing is a sham. You know what they say about pirates—the sharper the sword, the softer the heart."

"I think so too," she offers happily, padding over to her friend and giving her ear a gentle nip. "I'm so glad that you made it here! I've been waiting for the others to start popping up but so far it's just been me—and you, wow, I can't believe you're actually here!" Paola leans forward, brushing her muzzle against her partner's and feeling her heart swell with contentment. "I've waited so long for you."

"I know, Paola," the stranger whispers back, and Paola purrs as the cream-colored cat brushes against her side, leading the way deeper into the jungle. "You wouldn't believe what I've seen and done these past few years. B̶̡̧̢̨̛̛͙͔̺̯̭͇̭͇̟͖͍͚͕̫̼͔͕͕̙̯̠̠͍̤̬͎̰͍̟̣̺̤̠̗̺̗̘͇̼͖̼̯̣̭̲̺͉̙̬̟̣̜̯͓̰̫̳̪̗͔͉͓̪̪̘̥̳̐͒̇̔̒̃̉̊̿̈́͑̑͋̽̅̓͒͌̋͆̎̃̌́̑͗͊̉͗̍̓͘͘̕͘̕͘͜͝͝͝͠ͅͅë̷̡̨̢̢̢̧̢̢̨̨̡̡̛̛͇̥͎̦͓̤̯͙̰̱̯͈̘͕̯͕̳̜͚̣͎̺͙̪̤̱̟͍̙͉̰̥͈͓̹͈͇̘̳̯̬̖̤̺̹̰̹̲̝͕̭̘̭͍̥̭͈̳̱̹̜̖̠̘̻̘͙͉̣̤̳̖̻̮̲̯̯͎̫̩͓̣͕̩̯͙̫̥̪̭̮̠̖͈̙̺͐̿̋̋́͛̈́́̈́̓̓̔̊̀̑͆̒̔̊̍͋̎̈́͌̒̀̍͑͆̏̍̾̍͒̅͌̓̔̈̂̈́͛̔͋͋̑̾͑̆͂͊̇̂̽͛̊̐̿̈̔͑̑̒́̀̅̏́͌̀̌̓̊̽͂̈́̂̽͛̈̐͊͑̄́̊̒̈́̓̐̅̔̄͘͘̚̕̕͜͝͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅn̸̨̨̨̧̨̨̛̛̠̲̙̫̹̱͙̹̮͓͈͎̠̪̫̟͔̲͚̰͍͍̣̲͖͓̮̳̺̩̯̈́̉͆̏̎͌̓̌̓̐͆̄͊͜͜ͅj̸̡̧̨̡̨̢̨̛̛̞̭͚̗̦̠̜͎̺͖͍̳̩̣̖̖̻̗̖̝̮̪̻̖͎̼̘͇̝̝͔̝̯̟̘̖̣̦͓̗̙̞̜̳̙̱̼̻̖̝̣̱̝̪̫͎͙̭̬̞̻̗̲͈̘̝͓̑̃̒̾̿͌̉̓͛̈́̋̉̍͛́́̃͌̒̉͗̏́̿̐͌̔̽́̽̒͒̾̓͌́̓͑̍̒͆̈͒͌̿͌̐̽̑͋͑̕̚̚͘̚͜͝͝͠͝ͅa̴̢̢̘͔̙͈͙̠̭͖̟̺̣̹̲̟͓͍̫̗̰̖̦̦̩̣̙̹̞̺̻̟̯̺̮̞̱̪̳̟̖̥͖̲̭̬̬̟̼͔͖͚̰̬̳̜̜̣͓̠͕͙̐̒͐̏͒́͆̂͜͜͜ͅm̵̧̡̧̧̧̧̡̧̨̨̨̛̛̛̛̥̲̲̞͖̮̹̘̭̬̮̣̬̟̫̦̩̳̰̗̗̞͕̗͔̘͎͉̼̺̲̯͍͇͔̼͉͎͓͇̠̣̗̖̪̲̭̠̳̜̠̪̝̮̪̖͚̲͕͈̳̯͓̳̜͍̫̖͎̭̼̜̗̝̫̗̲̼̳̻̲̯͕̝̹̖̰̼͖͍̣̞̘̝̱̭̣͉̟̤̤͙̯̩͈͇̩̬̈̂̆̆̏͊̎̌̃̎̉͑̇̏̃͋̀̽̇̀̓͂͋͑̓͑̾̇͑̈́̀̂͗̆͒͊͋̀͑̆̐̊̀̈͂̈̾̉̀͑̊͆̾͛̃͊̆̄̉̈́̈́̈̀̿̇̒͆͒̑̀̇̓̐́͋͒͌͂͗́͆͆͛̏͛͐͐̓̑͒̿̈́̊̉̒̓̇̾́̀́̒͑̒̉͊͆̐̈̑̆͆̊̓̅̽̏͘̚͘̚̚͘̕͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͠͝͠ͅͅi̵̧̧̛̛̛̠͉̠̰̟͔̖͕̗͓̱̩̩̖̹̼̲͚̮̝̪̞͍͉̖̺̻̞̱̞̽̒̽͑̈́̀̔̂̓͒͆̓̌̊̇̑͛͌̍̈́͆̓̉͐͐̒̿͗̀̎̈́̍̎͌̈́̃̈͊̊̂̀̐́̀̍̿̊͊̎͋̓̈́͒̅̾͑̌̿̃̏̓͐̊̊̇̓̈́̆͋̀̈͑̈̔͆̿̄̐̒̈́̒́̉̿̎͊̓̋͊͘̚͘͘̕̕͠͝͝͠͝͠͝͝͝͝͠͝ͅn̴̨̧̨̢̢̧̧̨̲͈͖̯̙̰̜͔̭̥̯̲̦̹̙͙͈̝̣̭̮̱͚͓̱̬̞̣̘̱̫̩̰̜̙̺̩̙̙̱̪͓̜̥̙̺̥̟̠̯̤͓̰̯̙̭̺̼̲̟̖͉̬̪̟̖̱̈̓͊̀͂͊͋͑̌̿̀̂͊͗͗͋̇̀̒͋̕̚̚͜͜͝͠ͅͅ has kids now, can you believe it? It feels like it was just yesterday when he was training us."

"Gods, he's old," the black she-cat snorts, thinking fondly of her old friend, the eldest of them. He had been surprisingly kind—perhaps the kindest of all the older members of the group. "I miss the old scumbag, though. Not that I'll ever admit it to him."

"We should visit him soon," the cream-colored doe says, sounding wistful but eager, and Paola can't help but nod her feline head. She inches closer to her partner, their pelts brushing with every step. "I miss you, Paola. I wish you'd come home."

"I am home." They reach another coast, its upper banks elevated from the shoreline. They sit, tails intertwining, two wolves dotting the endless, murky, angry, serene sky. "I can't wait for you to meet our captain and her family—and Georgia, I think you'll like her, I think I like her, and Devland! He's my best bud, you'll adore him."

None of the words seem to reach her. Paola doesn't seem to notice. Ş̸̢̧̢̡̡̼̝̰̞͈͈͔͖̪̟̳͉͈͚̦̰̪̺͎̹̔͐̑̐͛̒͂̍̿͂̉͗̍͌̈́͋̿̉̿͐̂͆̃̾͌͊̚͝͠ͅơ̵̮̲̻̳̳̜̬̖͎̝̟̦̱̰͐̎̃͌͊̋̀͛͗̃̾̐̒̔̍͒̅̂̈́̐̍̓̇͋̚̚̚̚͘͜͜͠͠ͅl̵͇͓̠̫̺̦̞̤̔̆͌̃̀̆e̵͎̣͍̳͚͎̞̟̟̣͉̫̺̥͌̀͆̃̈́d̵̢̨̛̜͔̹͉̪̼̬̘̼̖͇͕͙̭̳̬̭̤̗̯̘̪̪͍̼͉͇̟̩̗̘̻͉͙̘̤̃̔̓̅̎̀̊́̑̓̎̾̌̽̄̏̇̉̑̍̈́͋̌̄̃̃̋̀̾͆̇̔́̌̌̚͘̚̕͜͝͝h̵̰̓̾͝͠ş̵̛͚͕̘̥̮̻͇̫̰̊̌̾̅́͊̿͒̿̈́͊̈̍̓̉̐̃́̆͜͝͝ͅķ̷̡̣̬̪̳̳̯̗̺̰̗͍̫̜͈͈̝͕̦̗̥̣̩̂̔̔̀̄̅͂̉̉̐̑̀́͊̑̎͒̏̐̀̅̃̽̎̌̀̆̒̿̊̍̕͘̚͘͜͝s̷͔̜͎͔͍̻̺̦̪͚̀̔͂͂͌̿͜͝ leans her muzzle on the black cat's shoulder and Paola happily accepts it.

"I wish we could go back," her wife whispers, each breath cold across her fur. Paola finds herself nodding in agreement, missing the old training ring and the obstacle course and the ephemestrials that roamed their land. "I remember when you were ten moons old and trying to p̴u̷l̸l̷ ̵a̶ ̷p̷r̶a̸n̶k̸ o̶̮͝n̵͕͂͝ ̴͙̋B̷̙̘́̕ě̵̪́n̸̢̳̈́j̸͕́͠ȁ̵̺͋m̶͍̿i̴̙̺̽n̴̗̞͋ e̴̳̿̎ ̷̞̗͗p̶̩͓̍à̸͇̱̓n̸̉͜r̸͔̈a̴̞͠ ̴̤͇̅͠ḛ̵̽̓ȓ̴ͅe̴̜͑͒ ̷̟͛h̴̬̯̃a̶͓͐ͅo̴̠͠ ̴̟͆̂f̷̨͎̑i̷̢͌l̷̢̹̀o̶̻͑̀n̶͙̫̑̄."

"I'm sorry, honey, I don't think I caught that," Paola chuckles, nudging the cold body beside her teasingly. "Wanna try again?"

Y̸̛̥͍̙̘̫̭̤̹͔̻̫͎͌̇̏̒͐̔̀̾̍̉͊̓̀́̋̽̆̇̀̀͌͌͊̍̔̔͌̅̎̽̕̚̚͘͠͝O̴̧̨̡̨̡̧̨̡̱͖̫͓̦̱͖͚͈͉̳̪̤͍̱̗͙̯̰̗̬̪̝̻̖̪̞̿̀̃̋͐͆̾́̏͊͊͊͌͑̔̇̽̐̍͋̽̚͜͜͝͝Ư̷̩̔̑̔̀̃͌͒͐̀̽͋ͅ ̸̛̛͕͖͊͆̌̒̒͐̐̀͒̈́̎͌̽͘̚D̶̨͉͕͔͙̻͎͈̲̗̠̦͋́̃͋̓̋̋̄͗͋͐͐̓̕O̷̩͆͌̿̌̈́̾͒̈͗̊̈́̈́͛̽̔̈́̀̈͂̐̈́̿́̐̎̔̓̉̃̈́͛̔̄̓̃̋͐̚͝ ̶̨̛̥̝̟͍̫͖̞̗̞̲̯̝͈̘͖̣̫̯̞̀̏̊̑͋̂̉̍̕̚ͅN̸̢͉͉̪͍͑͛̐̈̆͘̕O̵̡̹̳̹̞̯̳̞̱͕͈̺̓̅̅͑̇̃͐̓̈͂͂̽̌̾́͐̉̆̽̉̏̾̓̑̾̀̌̆̍̾̓̓͊̐̄̄̒̿̍̚̕͜͜͝͝͝T̷̜̱̣̰͓̗͔̬͙̪̻̯̩̭̘̞̙͎̱̂̃̾̀͆͛̈́̋̅̇̿̀̾͐̍̑̂͋̄͊͌̕͘͘̕̚͜͜͝͝͝ ̶̘̭̈̌́͐̅̃͗̑̂͝B̷̡̧̡̡̞͍̼̻̹̩̯͎̹̦̝͍̻̩̹͉̭̥͖͈̬̟̺̗͙͓͕̗̞͍̙̮̭̙̝̭̾̈̀̀̈́̆̆̈̽͊̊̂͛̋̐̍͗̕͘͘͜͝͝Ĕ̴̡̯̣̯͖̿͒̀́̉̍L̷̨͙̤̺̯̬̝͒́͊͐̋̇͛̓̊̒̊̍̑̚͘O̷̢̯̤͓͔͔͔̩͔̩̲͙̺̼̜͉̞̬̠͚̣̿̃͊͗̃͛́͂̂̉̊̒̆͛̆̽͆̈́̔̿̓͗̆͐̄̃͂̈̈́̔͊̽͂͘͘̚͝͠͠N̵̨̧̢̢̢̢̛͇̗̬̦̺̭͈̝̗̲͕̹̯̫̮̙͙͇̲̱̥͉͎̳̥̲͙̞̱̥͕̈́̎̽̐́̔͐̿͂̔͒͛̇͊̉̈͆̒̆́̈́͛͋͝͝ͅͅG̴̢̛̗͈͍̠̺̟̹̣̫͕͈̰͙̬̠̯͙̦͎̻̫̺̘̯̠͚̫̮̬͖̅̀̾̽̇̀͂̊͜

The sudden yell causes Paola to jump back, fur bristling as a massive fiend stares back down at her with five white eyes. Slowly, its jaws begin to part, splitting in four different directions a̶̢̡̛̤̣̲̋̋̓͊̕͝ņ̵̹̫̞̤̮͆̈́́̊̈́͗̀d̵̰̲̠̞̱̭͇̩͂̽ ̶̜̟̇̽̉l̸̹̓̄͐̏ȩ̸̛̦̝̯͚͍͐̀̉͋ͅt̸̢̳̱͎͛͘͠t̴͖̼̓͋͒̑̽̊ǐ̵͔̦̙͉͜ǹ̵̰̺̞͈͛̊̀̐̃ͅg̵̢̛͈͉͎̣̳ ̶̠̮͕̞̳͇͎͑̒̊͜ļ̵͎̫̠͇͙̼͍̏̈́͂̑̅̈̚ò̶̥̞̫́̒̒̔̀ͅŏ̴̹͔̝̹̱̱͚̜̊̌͝͠ş̴͓̘̀̓͌̇̔̒̈͝ȇ̷̪̰̹̄̒̑̄̀̃͝ ̵̛̬̩̹̀́̓̈́́̒ẁ̴͈͎̻̞̎̈́̎̓͂̊͘r̵̢͉̺̙̞̱̩͑͗̅̿͜i̴͕͛̓͠ț̶̦͖̦͖̲̓̈͂̌͝h̵̰͉̾̎͗̏̐í̵̼͍̬͋̅̄̎̔̇͝ǹ̸̡̻̼̙̩̩̇̔g̸̖͐͒͘ ̴̮̘̺͌̋̽̈́͂̈́̐ţ̸̤̘͙͈̀̈͆͒̈́͠e̴͙̼̙̭͇̅̈́͂̾͠ņ̶̹͕̫̈́̐̎́̋̔̇͌͜ạ̶̜̈̋̓̔̀͝t̶̨̂́̎͒̍a̷̢̐̍̋̅̎͛̈́͝ ̴̜͎̖̮̠̭͒͛̔̐̓ṵ̷̯́̈́̽͗̕m̵̳̪̲̞̈́̓̂̚ͅ ̷̱̫̿̒͌c̶̘͑́͒͒̈̐̍͠ṟ̵̐̈́̉̈́́͂́̕ạ̵̦̟͎̺͙̘̓͋̿̀̋̈́̐u̸̡̝̳͋͌̌̽̕l̴̛͓͎̻̖̹̖̃̿̒é̵̡̥̜̬̳͕̗͍̉ ̴̜͕̃͗̾ẹ̸̡̣̣̲̺̭͜͝ŗ̴̼̻͔͚͕̗͈̓̂̂ë̸̫̘̝̲̳͎̖͉́̀̈́ ̵̧̲͈͍͙͔̪̓̆̒̒t̸̻̩̠̺̘͖͔̒͊͋̈͝ǫ̵̧̖̟̞̆̓͆͂͊̀̏̚n̵̡̝͚̭̝̤̫͌͌̍͛͗̽͒ǫ̷̤͉̳̭̖̦̿́ ̸̡͎̞̜͍̮̉̽̌͐͛̿̕̕m̵̱͖̤͍͌̇͘͠͝ī̶̫̩̙̻̲̒̋̈́͘͝ ̷̣͒̅̂s̷͖͈̱̟͈̫̊o̵͙̥̒̏͂̕l̷̺̑͘ì̵͈̋͊̚͝e̷̳̩̪̙̓̉͝ņ̸͚̱̳͒t̶̫̠̰͑͊͆̾̑̾͘͜e̴̗͋̈́̉͝ ̸̮̮̥̼͓̿ͅv̸̢̮͈͇̟͙̳̾͆́e̶̺̪̓̇͊ ̸͕͎̲̤̓͂̿̀u̴͍̳͚̠͖̮͛̎̃̏́l̶̻͒͒̅̏̌̈̚͘t̴̝͇̦̜͙͙̖̀ị̷̡̧̢̳̦͕̬̎̏͋m̴͈̻̳͉͚͎͌́̂̓̄̓a̴͉̝̬̠̮̟̫̭̽ ̶̧̺͈̀̀́͘̕s̷̨̺̘͍̩̅͊̑ͅą̷̼̯̲̘̒̎̔̓̀̄̈͜r̷̨̉́̍ǫ̸̨̭̫̹̆̇ ̶̢̬͓͗d̸̘̣̥̼̠̙̀̄͒̒͌̕ȯ̸̭̫͂͜͠ ̸̡̩͚̥̜̜͔͓͗̎͠ḫ̴̞͋̆̽o̶̧̼̰̠̻͑̏͒͗̌̈́͝r̵̡̻͖͖̮̩̝̼͋͆̑̎͛̒̌͝e̴̢̎̀s̶͔̉̈́̀͋ ̴͔̳̪͎͇̈́̈̊͝ẏ̶̟͉̳͚̻̭͓͙ ̶̣͊͊͊̾̓͜m̷̢̻̻̟̣̪̤̻̓͊̉͑̌̔̿̂a̷̤̩̻̯̠̓͂ͅr̴͉̻͂͜o̷̢̟̬͆̆́́̓̃̕͠ṉ̶̡̨̫͚̬̺̠͆̀̈́̆̔̃ ̵̨̭̫̱̂͆̈́͆͊̂̽ḁ̵͔͍̞̮̦̹͋̌͊̾̋̉̀r̴̨̗̜̭̈́̿̔g̶̻̳̙̏̋̍̿͒̈͠ǫ̴̺̝̗̣̗̏̈͌͑͜͠ͅ ̵͍̜̼̯̅̂͜v̷̩̠̩͗̈́̀̕ä̶̢̩͕̩̱͎̦̲́̋̐̈́̇l̸̨̳͕͕͉͉͙͆͆́̓͛a̵̡̯̞̜̣̝̐̈́̍̐̍͌̚s̴͓̘͕͓̦͈̟̅͜ ̸̛̺̹̻̰̉̊m̷̼̳̽̎̏͒̈́̒i̶͚̤͕̎̀́̆͊e̵̛̲̦̖̺̜r̵̡̠̬̹̦̝͑̕t̵̛̯͕͇͇͑̐͆́̋͗͠r̶̻͕̙̺̤̻̐̕͝e̷̢̝͍̺̘̝̱̫̋̏̕ ̶̪̬̪͌͂̍̎̈́͐̕e̴͔̺̙͚͛̇͒ͅ ̷̠̯̟̺̰̣̖̦̅̅̈̅͗̈͐̚s̴̰͝o̴̢͓̬̳͉̲̲̮͒͝͝l̷̨̧͖̺̻̰͖͒͠a̸̡͚̽̿̏̀ ̷̡͈͙͇͇͜͝m̶̡̯̖̭̂i̷̛̤͐͗̋͋͒̕͝ę̴̨͈̮͉͙̜́̚̚͜r̴̡̦͚̦̣͉̱͐̓͛ͅt̷̫̉͐̾̂ŗ̵̆̽̾̉̀̚ė̵͉̺̠̠̞̤͇́̎ͅ.

u̴̻̟̇ ̶̡͖̹͉̰͖̏́͝͝ṉ̶̡̥̯͉̒̀̌͗͌͗̚͝o̶͇̬̟̱̰̽͋͝ ̷̧̰͔̝͔̟͙͑̎͜ḧ̷͎̦̹́̉̋̂̒̇̀͘ą̷̹̪͔͉̋̈́̐̒̀ ̷̯͖̺͈͈̩̊͒f̶̖͑̊̊͒ḛ̵͎̼͆͗͒̋̀́̕͜l̵̘̊͗̋̂̽ō̷̠̤͔̙̮̝̪ͅǹ̵̹̣̣̊͑̏̒̐̈ ̶͍͕͉̳̝͎̙̈̾̀̀u̸̧̨͈͍͓̬̥̔ ̴͎͇̣͚̓́n̷͇͍̣̮̼̘͌͑̿̑͗o̷͇͖̲͇͉̒̂̊͗͝͝ ̷̘̓̒͆̑̏̈͝b̷̢̹͔͔̀́͊̏̍̆e̴̥̦͘͝l̵̰̞͖̝̈̌̉̉͌o̴̙͗̕n̴̢̙̭̗̯̪̆̏̿g̶̪̹̯͎͓̊ ̷̨̦̈́̈́̔̚ỳ̴̢̩͋̈́͘ơ̸̡̩͚̼͕̾̎̂̇̿̉̐͜ū̴̡̠̰͓̺͎̼̇̋̔̈̓ ̴̨̦̠̞͆̈́̾̉̀̍̅d̸̜̯̣̲̮̙̻͆͐́̀̎͂͠o̷͉̜̞͖̤̣̎͑̑̎̌̈́͝ ̸͈̀̋n̸̨̬̙̤̮̠̮̿̃͝͠o̴̺̭̗̮̐̿͘t̸͕̮͈̫̾̀̌͘̕ ̵̢͓̪̬̖͖̈́̿͆̈̈́̕ͅb̸̛͎̞ë̵͕̺̹̠͚̭́̀̑̀̆̀̎̀ĺ̶͓͒̀̉̄́̈́͘o̵̪̣̤͗̋̋͝n̷̢͈̻̬̖̣̥̈̇ḡ̸̟̓̄͜͠͝ ̷̛͖͍̞̣͖͚͚̄̑̚ȳ̷͉̥͗͐̒̈́o̵̥̱͓̖̪͒̄̓͛̐̈́͘u̷͇͔̿̏͐̌͆̎̎ ̵͍͖̜̩̏̊͛͋̾̇d̵͍̘͕̓̄̊͂̾̊o̶̡̙̬͂̔̍͂̃̀͋ ̵̧̡̠͉̦͕̘͉̿͗͛͂͑̕n̵͉̥̥͊̊̅̃̃̕͝ǒ̴͕͕̱̬̖͊̊̀͜ț̷̨̽́̉̓ ̵͎̘̻̑̀̈́͗̓̚͠b̷̨̢̺̰̒ẹ̸̗̟̈̏̑̒̂̂ļ̸̧̨̘͖̪̬͉̏̀̌o̵͛̓͌̑̍̊͜n̶̡̹̠̻̜̹̘̉̈́͂̐͑́̿͜g̵̬̫̹̠͖̥̻̪̎̑̅̊ ̷̠̦̣͙̆̀͋͜͜͝y̴̭̜̣͚̿͊̂͑͑̈́̎͝ͅö̴̼̥̭͑̊͒̔͛̿͜u̸͖̾͊̚̕ͅ ̵̛̰̼̏͒̓d̶͖̻̬̆̈́̑̉͛̾͝͝ö̴̗̰̙͎̲̱͎́ ̷̗̙͕͋͐̎͊̉͑͝ṉ̸̛͓͙̣͔͉̞̋̑̆̌̑̃͝ǫ̸̞͇̪͉̳̓̀̀̌̎̍̌ţ̷̢͚͚̩͎͇̳̑ ̵̮͔̞̮͇̮̰̑̓̑͑̾̒̚b̶̛̖͕͑̇͌͆͌͜e̶̢̹̬̒͗͂̎̚̕l̸̝̻͚̮̻̆̇̋̕͝o̴̖͒͋͐̄̽n̷̝̺̭̝̗̩̰̓̇̇̑̎̀̈́g̶̣̥̠̓̐̔̒̂ ̷̧̯̦̬͖̃̓̌y̷̘̝͙̞̦̬͊͌̽ͅo̴̙̙͇̤̾͛̓͜u̶͇̭͠ ̸̡̰͕̥̮̬͍̼̆̉ḓ̴̄́̔̍̾ô̵͉̘̯̫͇͌̇̓̐ ̶̥̫́̿̈́͗͌̏̿n̴̛͈̉̚ò̶̢͚̟̱͖̹͉͒͠t̶̬̰̞̓̔̒͂̇́ ̶̫̪̭͊b̵̛͕̱̣̩̐̋̿̈͗̒͠ę̷̧͙̥͍̇̔̉̆̈l̸͓̭̭͕̖̠̙̔̒̓̆͊̐͘̕ͅỡ̴̛͔̘̖̣̗̊͛n̵̨̹̞̼͎̍̌̎͑͂̑̆͛g̵͉̋͋̂

u̴̻̟̇ ̶̡͖̹͉̰͖̏́͝͝ṉ̶̡̥̯͉̒̀̌͗͌͗̚͝o̶͇̬̟̱̰̽͋͝ ̷̧̰͔̝͔̟͙͑̎͜ḧ̷͎̦̹́̉̋̂̒̇̀͘ą̷̹̪͔͉̋̈́̐̒̀ ̷̯͖̺͈͈̩̊͒f̶̖͑̊̊͒ḛ̵͎̼͆͗͒̋̀́̕͜l̵̘̊͗̋̂̽ō̷̠̤͔̙̮̝̪ͅǹ̵̹̣̣̊͑̏̒̐̈ ̶͍͕͉̳̝͎̙̈̾̀̀u̸̧̨͈͍͓̬̥̔ ̴͎͇̣͚̓́n̷͇͍̣̮̼̘͌͑̿̑͗o̷͇͖̲͇͉̒̂̊͗͝͝ ̷̘̓̒͆̑̏̈͝b̷̢̹͔͔̀́͊̏̍̆e̴̥̦͘͝l̵̰̞͖̝̈̌̉̉͌o̴̙͗̕n̴̢̙̭̗̯̪̆̏̿g̶̪̹̯͎͓̊ ̷̨̦̈́̈́̔̚ỳ̴̢̩͋̈́͘ơ̸̡̩͚̼͕̾̎̂̇̿̉̐͜ū̴̡̠̰͓̺͎̼̇̋̔̈̓ ̴̨̦̠̞͆̈́̾̉̀̍̅d̸̜̯̣̲̮̙̻͆͐́̀̎͂͠o̷͉̜̞͖̤̣̎͑̑̎̌̈́͝ ̸͈̀̋n̸̨̬̙̤̮̠̮̿̃͝͠o̴̺̭̗̮̐̿͘t̸͕̮͈̫̾̀̌͘̕ ̵̢͓̪̬̖͖̈́̿͆̈̈́̕ͅb̸̛͎̞ë̵͕̺̹̠͚̭́̀̑̀̆̀̎̀ĺ̶͓͒̀̉̄́̈́͘o̵̪̣̤͗̋̋͝n̷̢͈̻̬̖̣̥̈̇ḡ̸̟̓̄͜͠͝ ̷̛͖͍̞̣͖͚͚̄̑̚ȳ̷͉̥͗͐̒̈́o̵̥̱͓̖̪͒̄̓͛̐̈́͘u̷͇͔̿̏͐̌͆̎̎ ̵͍͖̜̩̏̊͛͋̾̇d̵͍̘͕̓̄̊͂̾̊o̶̡̙̬͂̔̍͂̃̀͋ ̵̧̡̠͉̦͕̘͉̿͗͛͂͑̕n̵͉̥̥͊̊̅̃̃̕͝ǒ̴͕͕̱̬̖͊̊̀͜ț̷̨̽́̉̓ ̵͎̘̻̑̀̈́͗̓̚͠b̷̨̢̺̰̒ẹ̸̗̟̈̏̑̒̂̂ļ̸̧̨̘͖̪̬͉̏̀̌o̵͛̓͌̑̍̊͜n̶̡̹̠̻̜̹̘̉̈́͂̐͑́̿͜g̵̬̫̹̠͖̥̻̪̎̑̅̊ ̷̠̦̣͙̆̀͋͜͜͝y̴̭̜̣͚̿͊̂͑͑̈́̎͝ͅö̴̼̥̭͑̊͒̔͛̿͜u̸͖̾͊̚̕ͅ ̵̛̰̼̏͒̓d̶͖̻̬̆̈́̑̉͛̾͝͝ö̴̗̰̙͎̲̱͎́ ̷̗̙͕͋͐̎͊̉͑͝ṉ̸̛͓͙̣͔͉̞̋̑̆̌̑̃͝ǫ̸̞͇̪͉̳̓̀̀̌̎̍̌ţ̷̢͚͚̩͎͇̳̑ ̵̮͔̞̮͇̮̰̑̓̑͑̾̒̚b̶̛̖͕͑̇͌͆͌͜e̶̢̹̬̒͗͂̎̚̕l̸̝̻͚̮̻̆̇̋̕͝o̴̖͒͋͐̄̽n̷̝̺̭̝̗̩̰̓̇̇̑̎̀̈́g̶̣̥̠̓̐̔̒̂ ̷̧̯̦̬͖̃̓̌y̷̘̝͙̞̦̬͊͌̽ͅo̴̙̙͇̤̾͛̓͜u̶͇̭͠ ̸̡̰͕̥̮̬͍̼̆̉ḓ̴̄́̔̍̾ô̵͉̘̯̫͇͌̇̓̐ ̶̥̫́̿̈́͗͌̏̿n̴̛͈̉̚ò̶̢͚̟̱͖̹͉͒͠t̶̬̰̞̓̔̒͂̇́ ̶̫̪̭͊b̵̛͕̱̣̩̐̋̿̈͗̒͠ę̷̧͙̥͍̇̔̉̆̈l̸͓̭̭͕̖̠̙̔̒̓̆͊̐͘̕ͅỡ̴̛͔̘̖̣̗̊͛n̵̨̹̞̼͎̍̌̎͑͂̑̆͛g̵͉̋͋̂

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"P̶̢̮̤̠̠̩̟͇̈̀̎͒̔͠ͅͅà̷̧̼͔͙̘̲̲̹͛̽̉̎̉̄̒̎͘͜͠ő̵̡̡̳̜͙̯̬̻͆͒̇̽̓̚ļ̸̪̻̲̜̼̤͙̤̪̳̻̋̋̉͗̓̌͋̚ͅa̴̫͑̅̓̌͒͑̀͝͝,̴̙̝̗͓̼̃̃̊́̿̈́͝ ̵̢͚̺͖͍̼̆͆̄͛̋́̍̚R̴̢̞̺̭͕͚͋̎͂́͆̾̿̒͝ ̵̛̦͐̌̅̂̓͋͛́̕U̷̡̨̲̗̼̫̼͈̗͈̜͎̦͒́ ̸̜͇̰̯͛̋̇̅͒͒͛̕̚͘N̴̨̥͙̻̪̯̲̜̰̹̦̏͂̌̓̔́̓̃̆̊̂͝ "

Paola leaps to her paws, panting wildly as her eyes register the sun peeking out of the horizon. Pelt bristling, she whirls around but finds nothing except a lonely crab scuttling back to its hole. "Holy motherfucking shit," she cusses breathlessly, yanking the flask off of her neck and throwing it as far away from her as possible. Her body os trembling, shaking hard enough to make her teeth rattle, and in the end the she-cat curls herself up into the tightest ball possible, shivering and waiting for the boat and whoever it carries to come find her.

ooc. figured i might as well leave it open in case any good-hearted individual wants to come help her and please do help the poor girl, she's terrified out of her wits

Re: ad vitam aeternam | jungle juice - Seakit Roux. - 08-18-2020

tiguar . 8 months . he/him
Many made the path to Haven Island via boat or flight but, for Seapaw, he simply walked. Well, it was more of a swim. After is very long journey under the waters, he found himself ancy if he spent too long out of its cool grasp. A good excuse, he decided, was going to see his cousin over on the island. Why his cousin had decided that's where he wanted to stay was lost on him but, he knew how nice having some space could be.

The brightly colored tiguar hauled himself onto the beach, willing the water on his fur to return to the waves. He hadn't thought to check with the tavern keep, to assure nobody was going through with a bout of jungle juice. It quickly became crystal clear to him that one of his crewmates indeed had gone through with it recently when he heard the pants breaking the quiet of the dawn.

He slowly crept over, stepping heavily so that way his steps would be noticeable. Upon seeing the small feline curled in a ball, he would wince, shaking his head. "Hey, hey, you okay?" he would ask softly, gently nudging her with his muzzle. He worried she may have accidentally hurt herself during the hallucinations, it wasn't unheard of.

Re: ad vitam aeternam | jungle juice - michael t. - 08-18-2020

Some on the island probably considered Michael to be a coward, considering he had never gone under the effects of the jungle juice. However, he just considered himself to be smart. After all, why would he ever want to go under a hallucinogen that caused him to see his greatest fears? Let alone his deepest desires. He already knew what his deepest desires were, all without some stupid juice relaying them back to him. Happy family, gold, power, entertainment... it was all obvious, and he didn't need to risk facing some horrible mutated version of his father just to play around in fantasy land for a day. He was a perfectly fine reaver without it, and while he sometimes questioned whether he was living up to expectations, it was never because of that. Anyone stupid enough to actually accuse him of being a coward would know better as soon as teeth sunk into their face, so he wasn't too worried about it. Besides, any desire he may have had to go through the ritual was dashed the moment Roxie came back legitimately injured from it.

Needless to say, Michael had little to no idea why the hell Trygve had decided that the island would be a great place to live. After all, there were plenty of homes back on the mainland, not to mention the other wide variety of housing besides the huts. However, even as Ry's mentor, the thief knew that there was little way to change the kid's mind after it had been made, so he was stuck going out to the island if he wanted to visit. Unlike Seapaw, however, Michael had very little interest in diving below the sea in order to do so. He liked the water in small doses, yes, but he didn't have the deep connection to the sea that some crew members of The Typhoon had, so he preferred to just head out on one of the boats that went back and forth. It was a little bit of a hassle roping someone else into paddling for him if he got really lazy, but pregnancy really did a wonder as an excuse. Not to mention the fact that there were some NPCs that simply made that their job. He couldn't imagine how boring it must've been, just going back and forth, but at least you didn't really have to work often.

The coyote had been half draped out of the small boat carrying him, when he spotted both Paola and Seapaw on the beach, a frown immediately coming to his muzzle. Seapaw seemed fine, but the sight of someone curled up into what was essentially the fetal position was never good. Especially when that someone was Paola, someone that Michael had actually been starting to like. Turning around a bit, the reaver let out a sharp bark to let his "driver" know to go faster, and it wasn't long before they hit the sandy shore, the lanky canine leaping out once they did. He was hesitant in heading over to where Paola was, not wanting to make things worse, but a larger part of him urged his legs forward. It was sort of surreal, wanting to act protectively and almost fatherly to the teenagers of The Typhoon after how poorly Michael's father had treated him, but perhaps that was his way of coping. Making sure that no one else had to live a life as bad as his had been. Not that he considered himself to be a father to anyone save for perhaps Trygve, obviously. He wouldn't stick himself in that role for anyone, unless they wanted him to occupy it.

Once he had reached where Seapaw and Paola were, he gently flicked his tail against Seapaw's spine, wordlessly greeting the boy. All of his attention was on Paola, and the faintly shaking form of the poor curled up shecat. Hesitantly, he leaned down to touch his muzzle to her head, muttering questioningly, "Paola...? Are you alright? I'm assuming this was from the jungle juice... none of it was real. Just remember that." He tried to keep his voice as soothing and even as possible, one dark paw coming up to gently drape over her in a reassuring weight. Maybe it was because she was obviously distressed, or maybe it was just the hormones from the pups, but Michael immediately felt extremely protective. He had always hated the jungle juice ritual, and this only motivated him to hate it more. After all, what the hell had it even accomplished, aside from scaring Paola shitless and causing trouble for most of them?
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: ad vitam aeternam | jungle juice - devland - 08-20-2020

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 60%; min-height: 8px; font-family: arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 25px"]Where Paola was, Devland was not far behind. He remembered his friend's eagerness to complete the entrance ritual Goldie had talked about at the meeting. The boy wasn't all too excited about it after digging up stories from older crewmembers, and though he would never verbally admit it, he was spooked for Paola.

He ignored his own apprehension and the worry that crept up his spine as he trotted around Haven in an attempt to locate his friend. He would just watch from a distance; intervening would be wrong. Besides, he told himself, he wasn't actually doing this out of worry. No... No, this was definitely so he could better understand what he would have to deal with when he participated in the ritual... Yeah. He bit his lip and shook his head. Agonizing about all that wouldn't do anyone any good, so he forcefully shoved his emotions aside.

"What the hell?" The words sluggishly brushed passed his lips as he moved closer to Paola, Seapaw, and Michael. It took mere seconds to note the way Seapaw and Michael acted and spoke carefully, indicating to him something is wrong. As he drew nearer, he finally saw Paola, curled into a ball, shaking violently. A burst of red anger washed over him, hating whatever caused Paola to look so frightened.

The feline limped closer, stopping only when he was directly in front of Paola. "Hey," he greeted, voice gentle. The tone wasn't nearly as soothing as Seapaw's or Michael's, but it wasn't unkind, just his rough-around-the-edges way of dealing with emotional scenes. His lips tugged downward in a frown, and had he not looked so puzzled, the scowl on his face would've been deep.

His expression softened significantly, and for not the first time, he wished he better understood how to console others. "Hey, you're okay," he promised and his voice was lighter than before. Should he reach out? Paola liked hugs, but what if she needed space? Should he keep talking? Should they wait until she said something? What if she didn't say anything? Questions buzzed in his mind like a swarm of bees. He decided he should let Seapaw and Michael handle this - they were already doing a fine job -, but he remained seated in front of her, hoping his presence could, by some miracle, help.

Re: ad vitam aeternam | jungle juice - APHRA CIPHER . - 08-23-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]FOR ONCE, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST COME AND CHASE ME ?。+゚.[/glow]
The jungle juice was fucking awful and Aphra knew this. That being said, though, she enjoyed seeing how it effected others - even when she knew it scarred her. It was amusing to see others in mental anguish, and it was a nice break in getting absolutely beat up. What Aphra wasn't expecting, however, was others to go to the island as well, seemingly to check up on Paola. Unfortunately for the poor gal, Aphra wasn't here to be comforting.

"Stupid bitch." Aphra mused, hoping off the boat and trying to stabilize herself on three legs (considering the one was still broken). The way Paola was curled into a ball, clearly distressed and uncomfortable, was almost comforting to Aphra, in a twisted way. On one hand, it showed that the jungle juice ritual was just as scarring to others as it had been to her. On the other hand, it brought joy to Aphra to see someone in such a state.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ad vitam aeternam | jungle juice - Seakit Roux. - 08-24-2020

tiguar . young . he/him
demigod of the deep
As Michael and Devland had approached, Seapaw backed away, knowing the others were close with the terrified she-cat. Allowing the others space to give her comfort. He brushed his nose against his uncle's shoulder as he backed away in way of returning the greeting.

His head turned at the sound of a boat approaching. Seeing the stark feline upon it, he hoped that it was Diya come to go along her own trial. Sadly, he couldn't be so lucky. As the scarred face of Aphra began to identify itself, he shook his head, already feeling the rage build. He hadn't seen her since the day of his mother's death, which was lucky for her.

He stood, aiming to keep between her and the small party of three. As she opened her mouth, Seapaw narrowed his eyes at his former friend. "You shouldn't have come..." he would growl lowly, taking a step forward into a crouch, ears pinned. Before he got too far, he paused, and idea coming to him. "Hey, Paola, watch this!" he would shout, hoping it would gain her attention as he gave a quick twitch of his thick tail, letting a paw in a scooping motion. As he did so, a jet of water would lift from the water and arch upwards to be above Aphra before dropping, aiming to soak the offbalance domestic.

Re: ad vitam aeternam | jungle juice - PAOLA - 08-25-2020

[shadow=black,left]PAOLA VASQUEZ[/shadow]
I just wanna taste it; Watermelon sugar high!
The sound of pawsteps makes her ears twitch, and for a fleeting second, Paola fears that it may be the creature again, coming back to finish her off. She turns, fur beginning to bristle, but quickly relaxes with an audible sigh when she recognizes Seapaw making his approach.

She accepts his gentle nudge with a rumbling purr, still wary but clearly comforted by the presence of a familiar face. At his question, Paola lets out a short, disgruntled huff, candidly answering, "Honestly? That was horrible, why is that a thing? I would have thought it'd be, I don't know, hallucinating something artful, maybe, but no! It was if you took a nightmare and mixed it with a very bad time."

Despite her complaint, a wrinkle of a smile appears on her muzzle, trying to comfort Seapaw and show him that he's still okay, somehow, vaguely—she's a fighter, and she might be scared now but she'll probably end up laughing about it... eventually, possibly, if she finds enough stupid things to distract herself with.

At Michael's sudden appearance, Paola feels even more comfortable, quickly crawling towards the coyote's side and pressing her smaller, shivering form to his side. She ponders his offered reassurance for a moment and nods, but then shakes her head. "It felt real—the woman's voice, it's someone I knew, I just can't..." Paola trails off, unsure how to explain just how familiar the voice had sounded. "I've heard it before, but—but you're right. Maybe the voice is real and I've heard it before, but nobody's here now. It's just the wretched jungle juice."

Despite the admission, a part of her continues to wish that it had been real, a part that she doesn't recognize. She doesn't know how and she doesn't know why, but something in her chest aches at the memory of the voice—aches as if she'd lost something important to her and found it, only to lose it again. Another part of her fears that it might be the last time she'll ever hear the voice again, and she recognizes that it's irrational but she's terrified all the same.

So terrified that, at Devland's arrival, she immediately rushes towards him, quickly wrapping her forearms around his neck and burying her face into his shoulder. "I am now that you're here," she murmurs in a jokingly flirty manner, taking a deep breath before stepping away, but only by a fraction. She's trembling, still, but being surrounded by so many familiar people is enough for her to catch her footing and anchor herself to the present, to the real, to home. "Jungle Juice? 3/10, I don't recommend it."

Then Aphra arrives... and Paola surprisingly lets out a loud albeit breathless laugh, her whole body shaking with each amused sound. "Yes, both of those are true," she concedes, clearly unbothered by the insult but rather agreeing that maybe, possibly, certainly doing the ritual has to be the dumbest thing she's ever done in her life—and that's saying something, given her lifestyle of 'try the idiot thing now, deal with the idiot consequences later.'

The sound of Seapaw's voice catches her attention. She opens her jaws to allay her friend's fears, because really, she won't deny what she is, but the sight of the water streaking out and hurtling towards Aphra is enough to immediately fascinate the teenager. Without second thought, a trembling paw sweeps out to mimick his gesture, but she must have done something wrong, because instead of forming into a fine streak of water, it creates an unsightly globule instead, floating shakily in the air before dropping, accidentally aimed at Seapaw's head. "Seapaw, look out!"

Re: ad vitam aeternam | jungle juice - GEORGIA. - 08-25-2020

[pre breakdown]

Georgia had avoided the jungle juice ordeal, the ritual; she knew what her deepest desire was, and she didn't care to see it. She was all for getting drunk and having some fun, but purposefully induced hallucinations? No thank you. If The Typhooners didn't like her disagreement, they could throw her out. It would sting, but it would be nothing new.

This time, she was following Seapaw; she had no idea why he was going to Haven Island, but the minute he jumped in the water, Georgia wasn't far behind him. She was always down for a little fun and games, anyway. Scaring him would be fun. Instead, when he left the water, he headed for a ball of black fur on the beachline. A ship passed Georgia in the water, carrying Michael and a few others. They joined him next to...Paola, probably, and it took Georgia far too long to figure out she must have voluntarily done the entrance ritual. She snorted, and urged the water to jet her to shore faster.

"Nasty shit - I don't know why you'd willingly take that stuff." She mused, shaking her fur out. She'd finally started to lose her baby fluff, and her pelt was thinning into a sleek shine of sandy neutrals. The ocean water probably helped. She turned her eyes to Paola, wondering what had the girl so shaken. What had she seen? Her worst fear, or her greatest desire? Georgia's actually merged along that line...another reason she refused the juice. She offered her friend a smile, as it was...the most she could think of to give. She already had Devland and Michael, Georgia's only other idea was to distract her from her own misery.

Seapaw was one step ahead, though, and had already taken to dousing Aphra. Good, she probably deserved it. Then Paola tried, but ended up soaking Seapaw, instead. Georgia could have stopped it, but chose not to. Why should she? Instead, she turned to dunk Paola with seawater too; it would probably sober her up as well. "Why did nobody mention we were starting a water fight?" She cooed.