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gardening [★] trust me - Printable Version

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gardening [★] trust me - aine. - 08-17-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
In and out.  Out.  In.  Hazel hues flickered and watched the flow.  A different sort of hustle and bustle.  No doubt for the harvest.  The druid flicked her ear, suddenly finding the tips of her feathers more interesting, counting the specks of white.

She'd grown up a fox.  Hunting should be natural to her.  Should.  But foxes were omnivores not simply carnivores.  She found her tastes perfectly satisfied on the vegetarian diet she soon began practicing without thought.  Plants were what she knew and understood after all. 

Besides.  No one was forcing her to hunt.  So she wouldn't.  But all the coming and going made her antsy.  Restless.  Until she huffed quietly and wobbled up to her feet, taking care to keep the pressure off her still-healing hind leg.  The better she took care of that, the faster it would heal.

It was a good day to visit her garden.  To harvest the fully grown herbs.  Tend her flowers.  So she trotted through the jungle, a basket hanging in her jaws, ears twitching as she passed a few clanmates. 

Her garden remained a point of pride for her, having landscaped it herself.  Just off one of the main paths in a small clearing.  With the circle of rocks divided in quarters, she could easily manage her plants.  With a content hum, she placed the basket besides the pond in the middle and wobbled over to one of her herbal sections.

Let's see who's all ready...

Re: gardening [★] trust me - Luciferr - 08-19-2020

P H O B O S  .|.  S U S U R R U S  I N F E R I  .|.  D E I M O S

”do you need some help with that?” a voice that sounded like it was trying to be as gentle and as quiet as it could be asked.

From behind the very small fox stood Phobos the white-blue icy dragon looking very out of place amidst the blooming garden - though to his credit he appeared to be trying his best to not harm it in any way - as far as to keep his chilly presence as inward as he could.

Phobos hadn’t meant to wander this way, but the dragon had left his other halves after their hunt to simply go and enjoy a little exploration of the territory they now found themselves in - even the hot desert sun barely inconvenienced him fro all his icy glory as he had hummed quietly to himself along his walk - but it had been then that he’d spied the garden and curiosity won out - as well as a brief pang of longing.

It had been once, very very long ago that he’d once tended such places full of life.

And then end spied the hobbling little fox going about the garden and had drawn back at first, unsure his welcome - aspect of fear he might be but he didn’t intentionally want to startle the gardener and well fear was for his enemies, this little one was far from being that.

He shifted almost nervously one might say before he offered up ”my name is Phobos” as if he’d almost forgotten to even introduce his name.


Re: gardening [★] trust me - fulzanin - 08-19-2020

ghostwhisper - mantis-awahondo hybrid - they/them
[div style="width: 100%; height: auto; text-align: justify; padding: 20px; font-size: 15px; color: #f2ffff;"]The only gardens Ghostwhisper knew of weren't exactly the most up kept. They were overridden with thorns and puddles of acid, making for a tricky trek whenever they had decided that they wished to grace their mother, if the root could even be deemed a mother for tuning her slowly blinding eyes from suffering. It truly fluctuated how they felt about their mother and her gardens. Overran by thorns, by traitors. This garden did not happen to have either of those things. Probably. As far as Ghost was aware, there were no traitors or thorns in this garden that were not supposed to be there.

They can admire some actual landscaping, though. The gardens of the queen were so overrun that whatever landscaping had been done was long gone. Unable to be seen, uncared for just like everything else that pale root had claimed to love. Perhaps they should have felt some frustration, but there was none present. Good, that would make this slow movements over a bit easier and less jittery. Unable to speak, they decide to take up space next to Phobos, perhaps to also indicate that they were ready to help. Ghost's shell barely tips to the side, ever silently watching as the expert of the plants worked.

TAGS 7/22/20: