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HEY JUICY / moving - Printable Version

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HEY JUICY / moving - ROXANNE R. - 08-17-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Her old home had been falling apart and well, Roxanne had wanted to move out... To the officer quarters though Diya had offered being roommates with the Officer and Roxanne hadn't been all too against the idea eventually agreeing to it. Once she had managed to pack everything, the draconic tigress would close the door of her old home staring at it for a long moment and she would miss it seeing as it had been her home for a few months... Where she had raised her children though they had all moved out so she figured that she should do the same. Diya had been nice enough to help her move the boxes of her stuff to the new home, Roxanne deciding that she would go pick herself a room in the officer's quarters. A workspace if you will and well, Roxanne wanted to keep occupied for the most part. The thought was tiring but the large femme would make an effort especially after these tough times where her niece had lost the love of her life, she tried not to think too much on it as she accidentally bumped into the polar bear ambling in front of her did the Officer utter with a weak giggle "Sorry Diya,"

Soon enough most of her boxes were outside of the shared home, her ears perking forward as her eyes brightened a bit. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad and well, she needed a place to get away. Without another thought, Roxanne would help move her stuff inside and left them there for the time being telling Diya of her other plans so, she departed. Heading in the direction of the ship, she would be somewhere above the captains quarters if she remembered correctly and Goldie needed time yet Roxanne felt it would be best if she was able to be there for her niece as well after her loss. The Officer picked out a room for herself beginning to clean the dust from the surfaces, she broke into a bit of a sneezing fest for a few moments only to continue working once more. She moved some of the furniture that was already in there around to her liking and eventually made space on a desk that was now hers. There she would set down two frames down with a younger Roan and her cubs though on some shelves to the side there was a few more pictures of her children.

It felt nice having a place to work aside from being stuck at home all the time, her eyes were tired and her shoulders slumped a bit. "This is it," Roxanne breathed out, barely a whisper, she would rise to her paws walking around her room for a bit only to grab a small door hanger to put in the front of her door, it was a heart with a few ribbons and a 'R' in the middle of it. With a satisfied sigh leaving her, the tigress closed the door heading out onto the beach in the direction of her new home with Diya. This would he better for her. Besides, she probably wouldn't get things done if she tried working from home... Diya would be a distraction of sorts... Though not in a bad way. Roxanne bit her bottom lip feeling her heart flutter inside of her chest.

Sharing a home with someone else that wasn't her own children was quite the big step, she recalled trying it with Greed but see where that had gotten her. But Roxie was certain that she would be smarter about this, she was determined to. She had her priorities set and well, maybe she would do something selfish like putting work in front of herself instead of confronting her feelings. It was a troublesome thought but she could try working around it, she supposed. The polar bear was still there in the front pushing the boxes forward and Roxanne would trot over brushing up against the other with an exhausted grin as she spoke beginning to organize the boxes "I set up my office... It's real nice, you should come see it some time." The both of them fell into a conversation, moving outside and inside as they began to decorate their shared home. Sharing laughter and playfully pushing one another.

/permission given to powerplay diya by rex uwu [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HEY JUICY / moving - APHRA CIPHER . - 08-18-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]FOR ONCE, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST COME AND CHASE ME ?。+゚.[/glow]
A lot of peoples' houses had been ruined during the meteor crash, though Aphra thought that everyone had gotten their shit packed together already and fixed things, so when everyone was whispering about Roxanne moving, Aphra was quite confused over that.

Completely disregarding her nervousness around the Officer, the she-cat made her way over to see Roxanne cuddling up against a polar bear. "Who the hell is this?" Aphra huffed, narrowing her eyes at Diya as she got closer to the two. Her fur prickled at seeing Roxanne so happy with this stranger, acting as if she's known the other for years - When I've never seen her in my life. Of course, that doesn't mean anything; people disappeared and came back all the time, but of course Aphra would like to act as if she knew everyone and everything that went on around in The Typhoon.

The necklace that Diya wore caught Aphra's eye and she made another angry huff, "What, someone from The Ascendants?" Ugh, nasty. Weren't The Ascendants and The Typhoon enemies at one point? Regardless, Aphra didn't like how close Roxanne was being with the polar bear. "Why don't you go back to being extinct or some shit, like your home?" Technically speaking, it was The Elysium now, though, wasn't it? Still, The Ascendants themselves weren't a thing anymore, and that was exactly what Aphra was referring to.

Roxanne didn't deserve to be happy. Not right now, when after the bitch broke her body.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HEY JUICY / moving - Simon F.M. - 08-18-2020

Take what you need while there's time
The city will be earth in a short while
If I'm not mistaken it's been in flames
You and I will escape to the seaside
Diya didn't own much so, when it had come time for Roxanne to move in, it hadn't much of a struggle. She only had to rearrange a few things to make room. The hard part was getting all of the tigress' belongings from the broken home to their new shared home. They had managed to get all the boxes moved over to the new home before Roxanne dipped to go set up her office.

After seeing her off, Diya had curled up to take a short nap, not bothering to go back to her feline form. She'd just have to change back later, anyways. By the time Roxanne made her return, the snowy vampire had gotten back on her feet and was already working on unpacking. Warmth filled the polar bear's chest as she saw the approaching Officer, greeting her warmly. "You'll have to show me tomorrow! I'd say tonight but, I think I'll need time to rest after all this." Brushing her muzzle against Roxanne's shoulder, she felt something twinge in her chest. She had long ago come to terms with her affections for the other but, was careful not to be too revealing. How it easy it would be to let it slip, a simple "I love you" placed somewhere in a conversation. But she couldn't, she didn't want to push her friend somewhere she didn't want to go. For the time being, she was content in their friendship.

She had seen Aphra approach but, had expected the white she-cat to continue on and leave them be after everything that had happened. As the daring female decided to snark out a comment, the polarbear would quickly turn to face her. She would subtly place herself between the two, a snarl already rising in her throat. "I'm Diya but, no need for introductions. I already know who you are." She would speak with malice, upper lip curling to show massive elongated canines, much longer than even that of a polarbear. She'd heard before of Aphra's microagressions, though her recent scene at the Captain's late wife had been a pivot point, a breaking point for many. She was lucky to be alive, in Diya's eyes.

"What, someone from The Ascendants? Why don't you go back to being extinct or some shit, like your home?" Something snapped in the were-pire, rage surging in her chest. She took several swift steps forward, her massive maw opening to show the full extent of her massive jaws, the sharp teeth that lined them in full view. A low roar rumbled from the bear before she snapped her maw shut inches from Aphra's whiskers. "Keep that name out of your filthy mouth or you'll be the next to join my mothers in their grave," she would threaten lowly, her ears pinned back against her skull. Low growls continued to rumble from her as she kept her head low, crystal blue eyes tracking the scarred feline's every movement, as if daring her to make a move.

Re: HEY JUICY / moving - michael t. - 08-18-2020

Michael had been one of the ones lucky enough not to have to worry about their home, in the wake of the meteor strike. It had been left mercifully untouched, meaning that all of his pet rats and Trevor's pet moths were safe and sound, along with all of his other possessions. Despite this, he had considered moving once or twice. After all, it was a fairly large hut, and without Trevor around to help him fill it, it had begun to feel a bit lonely. Thankfully, Roxanne had constantly been visiting to help banish the loneliness, and now, with the pups coming, the reaver was more than a little glad he had decided against it. Soon enough he would have a bunch of little children running around to keep the place lively, and perhaps Trevor would even move back in... the thought warmed his heart, and had even motivated him to clean up a little bit. It wasn't too hard, involving just a bit of moving things around, and cleaning the dust off of tables left unused except for the occasional book. However, he had needed a few tools he didn't have for the task, such as a proper broom. He had been heading to the tavern to borrow one of theirs, when he heard the news of Roxie moving. It hurt a little, realizing she hadn't told him beforehand, but he supposed it made sense. After all, her old home was barely hanging on, and she probably didn't want to bother him with something like that after the pregnancy news had broken.

Despite this, the thief couldn't help but feel curious about what his sister's new pad would be, so he had decided to do a bit of snooping. It wasn't anything overly complex, considering all he needed to do was follow the scent trail from Roxie's old house to her new home. It was unsurprising that Diya's scent mingled in along the way, considering the relationship that the pair seemed to have as of late. At first Michael had been jealous, thinking that perhaps Diya was going to take up a sibling role in Roxanne's life as well. However, as he had seen their interactions, it had become crystal clear what was going on there. Nowadays, he wasn't so much jealous as he was worried for his sister's heart. Diya seemed like a nice girl, but Roxie had already had her heart broken so many times over, and Michael wouldn't hesitate to raise hell if she was hurt again. It did surprise him that the pair of scents eventually led him to Diya's home, however. After all, he didn't think that Roxie was even aware of Diya's feelings, yet she was moving in with her? Had he missed something? Not wanting to make assumptions, the coyote had just shaken his head, picking up the pace a bit.

Unfortunately, the male hadn't arrived in time to stop Aphra from doing something stupid. A scowl appeared on the canine's face as soon as he spotted the feline, and his feelings didn't get better from there. Once again, she was being a selfish little bitch, not that it surprised the reaver in the slightest. Not after what she had said about his children, and especially not after Sam's death. It was satisfying, seeing Aphra already being threatened by his sister's maybe not quite girlfriend. However, he wanted to rub salt in the wound, as demonstrated by how he came up behind the white feline, aiming to try and set a paw on Aphra's back, and try to shove her face first into the sand. As he tried to do so, he would growl out sharply, blue eyes narrowed, "God, I know no one taught you any manners, but I really thought someone would've taught you to not be an absolute idiot." It was really a wonder that Aphra wasn't exiled yet. Or dead.

Turning to then look at both Roxie and Diya, Michael gave them a smile, showing off similarly sharp fangs. Ignoring Aphra's presence entirely whether or not his little stunt had worked, the coyote yipped cheerfully, "Nice new place, Rox. And a pretty nice roommate, to boot. Maybe you're getting better at picking good friends, and not the shitty ones. You know, like thieves." He smirked crookedly, his tone clearly joking as he took in his sister's new home. It was farther from his place than he would've liked, but he couldn't have expected Roxie to basically live next door to him forever. Especially not if she eventually ended up in the captain's quarters, like he was sure she eventually would.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: HEY JUICY / moving - MIRIO! - 08-18-2020

"My, my! What a pleasant sight, Officer Roxanne! Settling in well, yeah?"

Keigo had of course been watching not too far away, but he wasn't one to step into drama unless he needed to- geez, this Aphra girl really did seem to enjoy the whole 'I hate everything' act, didn't she?

"Heya, chica. You're lookin' good today, minus the leg and dirt all over you. Get a new furcut? Mud bath?"

It was playful teasing without a bite, however, as Keigo folded in his wings and sat down to greet the others who were there with a wave of his paw, he couldn't help but to watch Aphra out of the corner of his eye while he conversed.

"I can make a nice little dream catcher for 'ya two. 'Said to help with bad dreams, but it's not a bad home warming gift, right?"

Re: HEY JUICY / moving - APHRA CIPHER . - 08-19-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]FOR ONCE, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST COME AND CHASE ME ?。+゚.[/glow]
To see a polar bear come stalking towards you wasn't a pretty sight, and Aphra fluffed out her fur and backed up as Diya got between her and Roxanne. She flattened her ears at first, but as Diya came charging at her, Aphra scrambled backwards as much as she was able to, only to be slammed face-down into the sand by Michael. Aphra scrambled backwards from both Diya and Michael now, her fur bristling and kinked tail lashing. "Piss off." The she-cat hissed towards Keigo, glaring at him for a moment before looking back over at Diya.

The fact that the other female threatened Aphra over the mere mention of The Ascendants was slightly amusing, if Aphra put past the fact that Diya looked like she wanted to kill her. "You shouldn't be here. Go back to those pansy-ass wallflowers." She growled. Aphra knew she was practically toeing the line between life and death right now - but fuck it. If the situation got bad, she could shift into another body and (hopefully) flee the scene before she got killed. "We only welcome true pirates here." She didn't like the fact that Diya had been apart of another group, but perhaps that was slightly hypocritical, considering Aphra was never born in The Typhoon - and left a couple of times, too, in fact.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HEY JUICY / moving - GEORGIA. - 08-19-2020

Today was a much different day than the last; Georgia had the luxury of waking up in completely separate moods one day after the other, and could maintain that if she didn't lose herself to the anxieties rolling around in her head. The only problem were the triggers, which grew in number nearly every passing hour. Sometimes, it was as simple as seeing Roxanne or Aphra and being thrown back into the mindset of Sam's deathbed; other times, it was a smaller, more complex trigger, like the sand getting stuck between her toes and setting off a sensory chain that resulted in a mini meltdown. Today she felt lucky; she felt like she could handle her shit. She'd slept well, she'd eaten. This could work.

She happened across the small crowd gathered outside of Roxanne and Diya's new home - her eye, somehow, was drawn to the movement of Aphra getting her face shoved into the sand with deliberate force, courtesy of Michael. "Always a pleasure to see a Cipher face-down in the dirt, where their attitude belongs," Gia cooed, scrunching her nose in Aphra's general direction. She had no sympathy for the white feline - none. Perhaps, had she met her before Sam's death, she would have been more curious of her origins and her story. But Georgia felt no remorse for someone who could say good riddance at such a horrible scene.

Polar bear. Polar bear, polar bear, polar bear - Came Georgia's forcefull, interrupting thoughts. She knew that if she traveled any further down the wormhole that was Sam's death, she'd zone out and crash the mood. Instead, the pale somali swept up beside Keigo, taking a seat next to him even if he was a little unfamiliar. She'd never met Diya before, at least; not in her living memory - nor had she seen a polar bear. "I didn't know you had a thing for pretty bears, Rox." The girl parrotted, a teasing glint in her eye.

Re: HEY JUICY / moving - Simon F.M. - 08-20-2020

Take what you need while there's time
The city will be earth in a short while
If I'm not mistaken it's been in flames
You and I will escape to the seaside
Diya had seen Michael approach but refused to take her eyes off Aphra until the white feline was planted firmly in the sand. It brought her some level of amusement to watch scramble, to see the fear she struck in the Cipher. Diya was not normally a hateful or violent person but, sometimes her darker nature would rear its head. Prepared to return to her new roommate, she swung her massive head to look at Michael and give him props for his actions.

Before she could, Aphra surprised her by speaking. With a short snarl, she swung her head to look at the idiotic feline. In just a few quick steps, she was upon Aphra, a massive paw landing firmly against the other, pressing her firmly into the sand. Diya would duck her head, teeth inches from Aphra's shredded ear. "Those pansy-ass wallflowers housed many threats, such as a long bloodline of vampires, of which I am the member," she would snarl quietly into Aphra's ear. "I could easily save everyone some trouble." she would lungr forward, maw going around the others head, just to drive her point home. Was she laying it on a bit thick? Maybe so but, she really wanted Aphra to leave them alone.

Giving the fear a moment to set in, she would lean back, paw still settled on the other's side. "You say I am not a true pirate but, I have something you lack, Aphra Cipher. Loyalty. A true pirate respects her captain and would never say the foul things you have about the members of her own crew." With that, Diya would lift her paw and step back, towards Roxanne. Her eyes would remain on Aphra for a moment longer, threatening her to misstep.

Her gaze would move away from Aphra, expression shifting into a kind smile as she looked at Keigo. While he had made her uncomfortable at their meeting, she was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. "That would be heavily appreciated, Keigo, thank you!" the polarbear would chirp.

She felt odd lingering in her bear form but, didn't trust Aphra not to try something if she changed. Her smile would brighten as Michael and Georgia's comments, a bear's attempt a purr rumbling. Some behaviours were habits that didn't stick with their customary forms. "Hello, Michael! How are the pumps? Everything coming along well?" She made a mental note of his own sharpened canines, deciding she would attempt a conversation over them at a later date.

A chuckle rumbling from her chest, she would shake her head at Georgia. "You are much too kind, dear!" she would respond, clearly pleased from the compliment. It didn't occur what was being insinuated, not realizing how this would all look to an outsider. She would sit next to Roxanne, leaning against her slightly.

//Permission to powerplay given by maple

Re: HEY JUICY / moving - bubblegum - 08-20-2020

Re: HEY JUICY / moving - APHRA CIPHER . - 08-23-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]FOR ONCE, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST COME AND CHASE ME ?。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra should have known that her comments would have caused a fuss, but alas, she seemed to follow in her father's footsteps in the way he dealt with his words spilling out. She wasn't a fighter by any means and just rather enjoyed starting drama just for the hell of it. Unfortunately for her, this meant she wasn't prepared whenever someone decided to lash out at her. As Diya came forward and pinned her, Aphra's breath was knocked out of her chest, and she tried to struggle beneath the much larger female. "That means nothing to me." The succubus hissed in response to Diya talking about her heritage with vampires, but of course she was shut down once more as Diya opened her mouth and covered Aphra's head within it.

Of course Aphra would be uncomfortable with this. There was panic and fear in her chest, to the point where it hurt, but as soon as Diya released her, the she-cat scrambled to her paws - stumbling in the process, given how her leg was still healing from Roxanne's attack. When Goldenluxury spoke to her, Aphra hissed, but said nothing, and instead chose this opportunity to finally try to flee the scene.
