Beasts of Beyond
MISSED MY CATSCAN THAT DAY ☆ o, sandcastle competition - Printable Version

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MISSED MY CATSCAN THAT DAY ☆ o, sandcastle competition - RHINESTONE. - 08-17-2020

[glow=#b8dcf8,2,300]▶ NATURE'S CORRUPTED IN FACTORIES FAR AWAY ◀[/glow]
It was Sunday, and the time had come for the sandcastle contest to begin. Thankfully, the heat had let up somewhat from the previous day, and the entire clan wouldn't be roasting while trying to make something impressive. Rhinestone himself obviously wouldn't be participating, considering the leader was supposed to judge the entire thing. However, he could still thing fondly upon when he had been just an apprentice, building a grand sandcastle for the first time and competing against his friends. The thought brought a smile to the rather new leader's face, his rust colored tail flicking behind him as he got the beach ready for the proceedings. Obviously they'd have to be working on the structures rather far back from the sea, so that there was no risk of anything getting toppled over or dragged away by the salty waves. In addition to that, he had gathered a variety of old twoleg tools meant for playing in the sand, just in case builders wanted to use them. He didn't exactly see the obvious uses in some of them, but nothing was useless, especially when you were trying to come up with the most creative design, not necessarily the biggest. Besides, gathering the tools was hardly a hassle, considering how many of them had ended up abandoned by twolegs that had once visited the beach.

Once all of the necessary tools were gathered, and Rhinestone felt satisfied that the sea was far enough back with the tides, the leader gave a firm nod. Taking a deep breath to fill his lungs, the leader turned his head, calling towards camp, "Everyone come over here if they want to participate in or observe the sandcastle building contest! The winner gets bragging rights, as well as a special shell for their necklace!" The sandy colored shells were particularly illusive, hence why they were used as a reward for an event that only happened every few months. He knew several of the apprentices would be enchanted by the thought of having one around their neck, along with a few of the adults as well.

( welcome to the sandcastle building competition !! This contest will essentially consist of you having a post of your character coming over and participating by making the most creative sandcastle you can think of! This isn't a contest about post length, just what unique designs you can come up with, and how vividly you can bring them to life through your posts! Everyone has until Thursday to post their character making a sandcastle in this thread, and then someone will be picked based off of creativity and vivid imagery ! The reward for winning will be 100k gems, which is just enough to buy an elemental, or anything else cheaper that you might like! )

Re: MISSED MY CATSCAN THAT DAY ☆ o, sandcastle competition - Luciferr - 08-19-2020

STORMSPINE - male - spinosaurus - palmclan - warrior
”I hope you don’t mind if I play observer?” asked the resident dinosaur - for he didn’t feel inclined to make a castle of sand (and rather thought it would be a tad awkward for his claws, created for skewering fish and small prey as they were) but he’d love to watch the small ones work! No doubt they’d make so many pretty castles!
