Beasts of Beyond
WOULD YOU BE SO KIND | private, izuku - Printable Version

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WOULD YOU BE SO KIND | private, izuku - PIERCE - 05-11-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
//this lowkey sucks ddsfghj but !! [member=183]izuku[/member]

Pierce had been doing his best to help around the clan and act like everything was the same as it had always been, and while things most certainly were not the same, busying himself and making himself feel useful kept his mind off of things. So, he'd gone out to find some food, which had proven to be far more difficult than he'd initially thought, though he shouldn't really be surprised, considering the snowy climate. Eventually, though, he'd managed to find a mouse that seemed to have recently emerged from hibernation, judging by its slow, sluggish movement. It was a rather easy catch, especially considering the fact that he hadn't been out hunting in a long time.

Once he'd returned it to camp, he paused, glancing around the area. It was still rather early in the morning, but out of the mouth of the cave one could spot the sun beginning to light up the horizon. It was pretty, despite the fact that the clouds obscured and blurred it slightly. With that done, and not much left on his agenda, Pierce figured he might as well not stop in keeping himself busy, taking a quick seat and pulling a little sketchbook out of his satchel. Absently, he would begin scribbling in the book, so as to not get carried away by his thoughts.


Re: WOULD YOU BE SO KIND | private, izuku - arcy - 05-18-2018

//its fine!! this post sucks too + sorry this is 10 years late i was having muse problems lmao
Izuku, on the contrary, had been kind of -- holed up in his room, for a while. He knew, sometimes, that he should probably try to actually help around the clan, but when Izuku was having a bad day(bad week), interacting with more than one person at a time was -- problematic. Especially when he couldn't see. (he could see, but it really hurt.)
Even so, Izuku knew he should try and interact with someone to try and kickstart his recovery or whatever.
Which is what brings Izuku to where he is now. Ears pricked, he hears the scratch of uhh -- something against ... paper, maybe? Izuku isn't any good at recognizing sounds, even after almost a week of practice. The scent, though -- oh, that's Pierce, right?
"Um -- hi!" Izuku finds himself wandering over the direction he hears the noises, grinning all the while. His tail is wagging as he does so, and a few feet away(just in case), the Maine Coon stops in place. "What're you doing?" Izuku chirps, nosy as ever as he balances in an odd way. If he could see, or was any closer, it'd be him trying to peer at Pierce's notebook but. He can't. Anyways, it's kinda obvious what Pierce is doing, either writing or drawing, but Izuku wants to hear it himself.
