Beasts of Beyond
ACTIN LIKE I GIVE A SHIT // Hunt - Printable Version

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[glow=white,1,400]SO JUST GET BUZZED AND STAY FUCKED UP !。+゚.[/glow]
Dante had been absent for quite a while, though if someone asked him why he hadn't been around, he would say it was because he wanted to 'catch up' on the highs he missed during Kydobi's whole trial bullshit. That being said though, the hybrid didn't miss hearing about this festival that Silent was hosting - and of course the raid on Tanglewood, but the hybrid cared not for fighting pathetic swamp-dwellers at the moment.

The first event of the festival was hunting something within The Pitt's territory and Dante was briefly reminded of how he had hunted that lion during his trial, though that was mostly due to him being deprived of his drugs and feeling the need to just kill something, a primal urge to get some sort of high (in that case, it was adrenaline). This time, though, he wouldn't be deprived of his urges - thank god. This was a willing participation, though Dante didn't know if Silent knew he was participating or not. Perhaps it would be a nice surprise.

So, the hybrid headed out into the jungle instead of the desert - it gave him bad memories of the trial, and Dante didn't want to deal with the stress of remembering how gone he had been in that moment. Plus, the jungle had water in it, so if he happened to need a quick break, he could just hop into a pond or stream and it would all be fine. Actually, no... he wanted to hop into water now. It's been far too damn long since he's been in the water, and as he started to hear the noise of water flowing, Dante realized how badly he longed to be in the water again. Quickening his pace, the hybrid made his way towards the lake and jumping into its depths.

Dante had no need to hold his breath, thanks to his shark genes. He could very easily breathe under water, and it felt great. The water was cool, a huge relief considering how hot The Pitt was getting lately. The hybrid kept his wings closed close to his body, knowing they would hinder his ability to swim. Hell, he wasn't even sure why the scientists had given him wings, especially considering they didn't even allow him to fly, but whatever. You know they were only trying to experiment on you and others. He reminded himself.

Something dark flickered in the corner of his eye and Dante maneuvered under the water to turn around to see a large catfish swimming towards him. The catfish was hard to see against the dark color of the lake, but the movement wasn't as hard to miss. Deciding to take this opportunity to use this as his offering for the festival, Dante waited for the fish to get closer to him before he swam forward, gripping the catfish in his legs. The catfish struggled in his grasp until Dante used his mouth to bite down into its flesh. The catfish still tried to get away from him, his claws digging into it and causing it to bleed, and his fangs tearing into its body. Eventually though, his prey stopped moving and Dante moved to get back to the surface.

After reaching the air, Dante inhaled, preparing himself to breathe air again before he continued onwards to land. Setting his capture down (though he kept watch for other predators), Dante shook his fur and wings out, trying to get as dry as possible as he could before heading back home.

"Silent?" Dante called for the Ardent, his voice muffled by the catfish he was carrying back to The Pitt. "I'f got somethin for the festival."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]