Beasts of Beyond
WE ARE AWARE - blooding - Printable Version

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WE ARE AWARE - blooding - Luciferr - 08-16-2020

'ARIA' P H O B O S  .|.  S U S U R R U S INFERI  .|.  'REQUIEM' D E I M O S

[they all go off alone, it’s just easier to keep it all in one here ofc, each section is their own parts, I ran low on muse but I wanted this out of the way.]

It took them some time to settle in before they approached their trials.

As one the three of them would split off to do so alone for each, the black mark of the void encircling their necks whispered where they would find a target suitable.

For they all heeded the call of the void - and they all knew to wipe the slate clean.


His kill had not been an easy fight,

Such were the hungry ones - demons, but not of any known to this realm, for there were many that could be called such, as was the way when dealing with dimensions and parallels - ever a difficult lotto fight and this one had roamed the desert sands unheeded for far too long - on the brink of becoming a greater demon, a hellinas even.

The horned horse like beast had finally fallen though and its twisted form was already starting to burn away leaving naught but the skeleton behind.

From which Susurrus grabbed the gnarled demonic looking skull taht sported two great horns that served more like a spear or two swords affixed to its head, it would serve well for a trophy - and one of the horns, the greater one would be easy enough to break off for a weapon making.

Yes he could see why they had been called here now, the carrion vultures circling the slumbering behemoth beneath the sands were to be taken care of by them,

Remove the parasites from the eggshell of this land, let it flourish under this silent king - nurture the thing beating in its heart.

Susurrus smiled as he made the walk back, the void purring in his mind, the mark curling a comforting warmth around his throat, Black as his blood had turned in pitch.

Yes, a worthy cause,


He’d encountered this rival drake in the deeper parts of the desert, apparently staking out a claim in one fo the craggy caves that seemed to be randomly dotting various parts of the endless wastes.

It had not been difficult to one used to fighting such as he - and the advantage of the ability to manipulate waters and ice meant the big standard drake of the usual fire spitting variety was not a true challenge that say, a hellinas dragonkin might have been.

Those would have been especially annoying to fight, used to fighting hordes of their lesser kindreds or not.

Still, he had his trophies that he required - the horns of the beast and its spiked shoulder plate.


The cultists had been an easy enough thing to take care of, weak as most usually were


Deimos grunted, the vicious thrill of the hunt still burning through him and still calling for more now that his challenge had only been met with a pathetic effort at best,


It would do however,

At least with the festival, he would have a chance to hunt for larger prey than these that the void had beckoned him too - pathetic wretches that they were, their blood now feeding the sands below was small pennies to the price demanded for setting such filthy paws upon this earth.

Deimos sneered as he moved off, taking the skinned and peeled skulls and claws of the filth still frozen in screams for his trophies.

Pathetic, but at least one less stain upon the land.


Much later all three finally reunited to return to the Pitt, trophies in tow - Deimos loudly complaining that he had t got such a challenge as the other two and Phobos jokingly placating the firey dragon whilst Susurrus simply smiled, fond, content,

Yes this banter felt familiar, easy even in this new home,

Perhaps this land would be good for them yet.
