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SAYING I SHOULD QUIT ☆ o, beach party - Printable Version

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SAYING I SHOULD QUIT ☆ o, beach party - RHINESTONE. - 08-16-2020

[glow=#b8dcf8,2,300]▶ NATURE'S CORRUPTED IN FACTORIES FAR AWAY ◀[/glow]
It was hot out. That alone was nothing new for most members of Palmclan, as they had grown used to the beachside heat that effected them every summer, leaving most of them miserable, or not wanting to leave the sea for a second. Unfortunately, today was one of the more scorching days when it came to heat, and it was impossible for Rhinestonestar not to notice. Although the male had made a habit of keeping his pelt extremely neat and lean in order to combat the heat as best he could, he had to admit that it was... difficult. Fur was still fur, and the feline still found himself panting slightly under the midday sun. He could only hope that it wouldn't be as bad tomorrow, when the group would be holding their sandcastle building competition. He could only imagine how difficult it would be to come up with creative structures when you were suffering within the sweltering heat. The thought made him shake his pelt out even more, scowling from where he was hidden in the sparse shade of the leader's den. He refused to remain stagnant in camp all day, but the thought of doing anything at the moment was hardly appealing... until an idea popped into his mind. A light bulb practically went off over Rhine's head as he got to his paws, moving off to gather supplies for his brilliant plan.

Luckily for the young leader – and truthfully Palmclan as a whole – the twolegs that had once occupied the boardwalk had a habit of leaving things behind on the beach, which meant that there was plenty to scavenge the closer you got to the wooden structure. That was where Rhinestone had gotten most of his supplies, including towels, a beach ball, a few sand toys, and even a sun hat. After collecting everything good he could find, he had dragged everything back to the beach in front of Palmclan's main camp, stretching the towels out under the shade of the palm trees, and scattering the toys and beach ball around for everyone to enjoy. With the sun hat atop his head and practically dwarfing his smaller form, the leader called out enthusiastically back towards camp, "Everyone who would like to attend, come to the beach for a little party to escape from the heat! Kits are even allowed, as long as they're accompanied by an adult." He had no doubt that children such as Hailkit would try to weasel their way over to the event anyways, so might as well make sure they were doing it safely.

Re: SAYING I SHOULD QUIT ☆ o, beach party - Luciferr - 08-19-2020

STORMSPINE - male - spinosaurus - palmclan - warrior
Stormspine had dealt with the heat far better than the furry small ones - a small boon that his scaly skin meant he bore it with grace (of course, colder months meant he’d be the one shivering) and if he needed to cool a tad? Well a swim sorted him just fine!

Still he blinked lazily in the daylight summer sun as Rhine gathered the curious things and laid them about, before the great beast dragged himself up with a muffled thump of his feet, clawed hands dragging in the sand and the air as he stood and moved ambling slowly over to watch more closely

”a beach party?” he asked intrigued.

Re: SAYING I SHOULD QUIT ☆ o, beach party - RHINESTONE. - 08-23-2020

The first to arrive to the small gathering was Stormspine, someone who Rhine knew couldn't have been suffering as much as the rest of them in the sun. Despite this, the warrior was still very much welcome to the impromptu event, even if it seemed as though he didn't quite understand the purpose of it. With a smile curling on his rusty red muzzle, Rhinestonestar explained clearly, "Yeah! A beach party. It's a get together, where we can all hang out on the beach and pretty much just enjoy the sun and some swimming to cool down. I didn't have a specific schedule in mind, but I'm sure we could have some prey out here, maybe play with the beach balls... we could even play a game of capture the flag, with sandcastles! Although... I think you might have a bit of an advantage." The young leader chuckled a little, the tom knowing full well that Storm's size definitely gave him an advantage in a game of speed and possibly strength. Although he lacked stealth, the spinosaurus would probably be able to plow through to whatever "flag" he needed before anyone could hope to capture his team's.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: SAYING I SHOULD QUIT ☆ o, beach party - PenumbraRunner - 08-23-2020

It was safe to say that Penumbra was no shorthaired cat. Usually her main way of cooling down was sitting underneath trees with plenty of shade. Her previous clan wasn't one with a whole lot of water so she hadn't necessarily thought of taking a dip in the water to cool herself. At least not until now.

Umbra was quick to the call...well, she was fairly quick to get anywhere but this time it was to Rhinestone. She wasnt doing anything important before so she figured the beach party that the leader spoke of would be fun at the very least. "I think it's a pretty good idea! It's been pretty hot recently." She said it as she made her way closer to the shallow waves before sitting.

Honestly, Penumbra loved the feeling of sand. It brought her amusement to occasionally run along the beach real fast just so that she could feel the sun warmed sand under paw. If they were going to be doing beach activities then the she-cat was all for it!

Re: SAYING I SHOULD QUIT ☆ o, beach party - trojan g. - 08-25-2020

The las ttime Sugar had been to the beach had been when she had joined the group. Though it hadn't been planned that day, and though she likely wouldn't want to do it again, she was happy she had washed up on the raft, having found the family that she had so far, even if she missed her brother and mother while being here.

Coming over to the beach at the call coming from their leader, Sugar would look over the water for a moment before looking back towards her clanmates that had already arrived. "I can watch any kits that want to go swimming or anything." The female would offer, loud enough for any kits that were on their way to hear her. She was a good swimmer and should be able to stop any drownings that could potentially happen, maybe even teach the kids how to swim.  "speech"

Re: SAYING I SHOULD QUIT ☆ o, beach party - RHINESTONE. - 08-25-2020

It was good to see that so many were interested in an escape from the heat that so often plagued Palmclan. He couldn't deny that Penumbra looked like her pelt would be cooking her alive, and Sugarspice didn't get off much easier, so he found himself smiling at the both of them. The rust colored feline stretched out a leg to lightly touch it beneath the water, lifting it and flicking it playfully in Penumbrarunner's direction as he spoke, "You can say that again. Fall will be coming soon, and that will bring some relief, but I'm afraid part of being a beach based clan is that we'll always bake in the sun, at least a little bit." Turning his gaze then to Sugarspice, Rhinestone chuckled and nodded, saying as he rolled one of the beach balls that he had grabbed towards her, "I have no doubt that Hailkit or Weepingkit would be interested in that. Although maybe Weeping would rather knock around the beach ball a little. I know he's always eager to show off his strength." His little brother was quite stress inducing with how much he wanted to prove himself, but it was also charming in a way.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]