Beasts of Beyond
Hello there! - Printable Version

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Hello there! - SirDio - 08-12-2020

Hi there! I'm new to this site, so I'm rather eager to join.
My name is Astral, I'm 17 years old, and going into high school as a senior! I've actually roleplayed a fair bit on other sites and even on discord servers (find me! ShallousAngelous#8262), but I haven't been able to roleplay for a while, so I'm sorry if I am a bit rusty. I love to draw, write, and create characters on a whim. Feel free to talk to me whenever, and I can't wait to meet so many amazing people on here!

Re: Hello there! - tikki - 08-13-2020

Welcome to the site! My name is tikki and I'm an admin here on BoB!

If you haven't yet, make sure you read the Newbies Guide ( ) here on the site, to get a feel for how things are run here, and if you need any help with anything, don't hesitate to DM me on here or on discord ( tikki#0717 )

And if you'd like to join as well, we also have some discord servers available to join in on!

Re: Hello there! - Luciferr - 08-13-2020

yo hello and welcome! I’m Luciferr though ‘Luci’ is fine! Glad to have ya join us here at BoB!

Much like Tikki said we’ve got a main BoB discord and several smaller servers for each of the main and backboard clans/groups! Feel free to join some if you like! :3

Re: Hello there! - Orion - 08-13-2020

Heya Astral! Welcome to BoB! I saw you joined our Discord and got excited. :0
I'm Orion, site owner and administrator, and it's a pleasure to meet you. If you need any help, feel free to shoot me message on-site or on Discord! Hell, even if you just wanna chat. <3

Re: Hello there! - kinglykingstone - 08-13-2020

Welcome to the website!!! I'm Percy, one of the junior mods for the website! I'm so glad to see you around on the website!! I hope you enjoy your time!!