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hewwo again - Printable Version

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hewwo again - stilly. - 08-12-2020

I realized that I never made another one of these after I got back from my brief hiatus! So I might as well say hewwo and introduce myself again <3

I'm Stilly!! I'm a 17 year old (soon to be 18 in October) student and roleplayer who has been on Beasts of Beyond for about a year now. I'm autistic and Jewish, and I have a ton of different special interests, including GTA V, Pokemon, space, and various animes. I also often joke about being lazyass Garfield kin lmao
As of right now, I play Michael, Lovekit, and Roan in the Typhoon, Rhinestonestar, the leader of Palmclan, and will soon be playing a character named Nobletrigger in the Pitt, so if you ever wanna plot or just hang out, feel free to pm me on here or just say hello on discord !!

Re: hewwo again - Orion - 08-13-2020

*hugs you*
Thanks for posting a reintroduction, Stilly! Nice to get a lil fresh update, ya know?

Also side note, I adore what you're doing with Palmclan. While I haven't joined yet, I've been avidly watching the progress of the group and loving the traction it's getting. Once I get some free time, perhaps I'll throw a character there (still loving the name Twistedwhisper, so probably them) and roleplay with y'all!

Re: hewwo again - kinglykingstone - 08-13-2020

hihihihihihihihi stilly!!!!!
Its so good to have you back after that hiatus!!!

I love you so much!!!!