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dads on a hunting trip - Printable Version

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dads on a hunting trip - batter - 08-12-2020

i'll be taking an extended break. im unsure if im leaving for good or not, but im leaning towards the former.
there's other things i want to focus on, and unfortunately this site isn't one of them

for sam, please assume she passed due to lung cancer.
for salvatore, he didn't exist.
for asvini, she disappeared.
for elduin, he took off on an adventure.
for my palmclan characters, you can assume vixen disappeared and sun/sanguine never existed.

please keep in mind to love yourselves, drink water, and eat regularly.

Re: dads on a hunting trip - fulzanin - 08-25-2020

It's super sad to see you go, Auto. Other passions that need to be followed should definitely be adhered. I think the only character of yours that I knew was Sam, but her design was absolutely stellar. I hope that wherever your new passions lie, you take such wondrous designs and imaginative concepts and apply them. You're amazing, and we'll miss you!

Re: dads on a hunting trip - batter - 08-27-2020

im absolutely stunned that you said that about sam <3 she was my pride and joy
and believe me, i'll try my best to do just that