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nostalgia // open, trespassing - Printable Version

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nostalgia // open, trespassing - ♕leopold♕ - 05-11-2018

Leopold was briskly walking deeper and deeper into Griffingate's capital. Entering the enemy's territory like this was by far the dumbest thing he's done, especially considering he didn't have Jeong with him. He'd left sometime in the late hours of the night, when everything was still and silent, without telling his body guard. The young adult had even left his beloved dog behind, because he was well aware of the danger and besides, Peanut had done enough walking in the past few weeks. It hadn't taken him nearly as long to get to Griffingate as it had leaving and going to Blackfall, but that was probably due to the fact that it had been the first time any of them had gone to their new home, and they'd been travelling in a huge group.

Since he was alone, Leo could keep going for as long as possible, instead of having to stop for the group because the majority of them were tired. It had still taken a while, but it had taken less time than before, and so he counted it as a success. It was harder to take care of himself when he didn't have someone nearby, and Leopold must've lost some weight considering he hadn't brought nearly enough food for the trip, but the stubborn chub clinging to his stomach could stand to shrink a bit more, so he could deal with the hunger.

Anyways, now Leopold was in the capital of their enemies territory, dressed in a jacket and jeans that he'd taken from Jeong, with the hood partially pulled up. He didn't want to hide completely, was too well-trained to seem weak like that, but he also didn't want to be recognised by anyone who might've known him before the split. Considering his parents had been eager to show him off, more than happy to rant about how great of a leader he was going to be one day, he was a bit more well-known than your average civilian.

His gaze flicked to every person he passed, studying them intently for the second or two he looked at them; who knows, maybe one of them was someone Leopold was familiar with, someone who could tell him what had become of his parents. Although, if his parents were still alive, he knew they'd despise living in the commons like this, so they were more likely to be closer to the center of the capital. Keyword on if, because Leo knew the chances of him being alive were pretty low considering they had stayed in a place full of people they disagreed with.

He sped up a bit more and continued on towards the center, eyebrows furrowed slightly as he lost himself in his thoughts. Gods, Leopold really wished nobody recognised him. And that his parents were still here.


Re: nostalgia // open, trespassing - Orion - 05-11-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]THE FEAR OF FALLING APART
Frederick had wandered within Blackfall recently to interfere with Katherine and recruit her to the other side, but even so, he did not find it satisfying to see another Blackfallen within their territory. The sovereign's arm hair stood on end in fury practically. Nevertheless, he walked over as if it was nothing.... Simply, because he did not know that Leopold was a Blackfallen member. They were not animals and could not smell their scent from miles away. Instead, interrogation seemed to be the best of both worlds within situations like these. Hence, when a unfamiliar face popped up, he took it upon himself to wander over and introduce himself.

His long trench and brown mane swayed in the distance as he walked over with boots clicking on the hard ground. Cold hazel observed Leopold as he slowed his pace. Finally, he stopped at his front. "Hello, sir," he spoke deeply. This was a rather un-authoritative take, as he wanted to seem like a causal nobody. "How are you faring today?" A light smile grew across his lips, though it was tainted with a tenacious intent to learn this man's secrets.

Re: nostalgia // open, trespassing - tinsel - 05-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; line-height: 20px;"]
she'd resided in the capital itself for a little over a year; in the country itself for a few more. you'd think she would be able to recognize more people, but in truth, bianca was shit with faces and names. unless you were consistently relevant, odds were, the blonde wouldn't remember you long. in all her life, there'd been four people she'd never forget - her brother, kendrick, khalid, and the man who'd kept her prisoner for twenty years. she was pretty sure she'd always remember fredrick, but honestly, she'd never really had a chance to forget the sovereign. only time would tell if she would.

she'd been walking, on her way home, when she spotted the men interacting. she didn't want to be nosy, she really didn't, but she was. rather than standing to the side and eavesdropping. the blonde bit her lip, stuffing her hands into her pockets as she inched closer, features neutral as ever, which was really as friendly as she tended to get. dark eyes observed the man, taking in the little details, before shifting to fredrick, then right back to the man. she was curious, but naturally wary - her form was covered in scars marring every inch of her skin that said she had damn good reason to be wary of someone she didn't know. but it wasn't for herself, her nerves were for the older man in front of her in truth.

Re: nostalgia // open, trespassing - ♕leopold♕ - 05-14-2018

Wow, that was a tall man. Leopold didn't consider himself to be short, especially considering the height he could've been, but compared to this man he felt short as hell. He cleared his throat as he stopped abruptly, unconsciously straightening his back and shoulders. "Em-" He winced as his voice came out a bit high, swallowed nervously and did his best to deepen his voice to what it usually sounded like, "I'm well, thank you, and you?"

He was rather bad at this whole 'acting normal' thing, huh? No wonder it was so easy for Jeong to tell when he was lying. Leo took a half step back, eyes flicking to the lady, great, another one. She looked scary for sure, but then again, everyone here seemed scary to him now that he was on the enemies side. "Um- Hello, ma'am."


Re: nostalgia // open, trespassing - Orion - 05-21-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]THE FEAR OF FALLING APART
The King's eyes narrowed, offering a smug expression as Leopold spoke. That wasn't an in depth answer like he was hoping for, but it would do. Instead, he answered the question and moved along. Perhaps this one was just shy. "I am fairing quite well, as you are also," he echoed back. The truth was very different than that, but with his previous smirk(excluding the smug look), he really couldn't put down his mood completely. Tapping his fingers on the side of his hip, he stood tall and offered a laugh. "I'm quite sure we can't be so gloom on such a nice spring day."

Figuring that Bianca didn't ask anything, he continued on. "Your name, sir?" A coy raise of the eyebrow again showed he was quite interested. Not only for the sake of meeting a new person, but also a new ally... at least it seemed so.

Re: nostalgia // open, trespassing - ♕leopold♕ - 05-23-2018

Leo's nose scrunched up the faintest bit, why was this man smiling like that? Leo was the only one allowed to smile like that. He picked at the corner of his lip with neatly trimmed fingernails, looked at the man's forehead as he spoke with hopefully more confidence than he spoke. "Leo- Look, I'd love to talk, really! But, uh, I have... Very important business.."

As he spoke he tried to edge his way around Frederick, giving a weak smile, "Perhaps we can speak another time? I- I'm sure I'll be around for a while longer."


Re: nostalgia // open, trespassing - Orion - 05-25-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]THE FEAR OF FALLING APART
Frederick's smile dipped off to one side. "Leaving so soon?" he questioned curiously. His eyes focused on Leopold's own, even though the male was looking at his forehead(which he did not notice in the first place). It seemed like eye contact to him. "How unfortunate." Really, it was quite the shame. If only he could meddle in this man's business further, then perhaps the sovereign would be pleased with his progress... but no.

"Meet me at the bar later?"

//private thread maybe??

Re: nostalgia // open, trespassing - ♕leopold♕ - 05-27-2018

"Yes, I'm terribly sorry- It's just, I have very time sensitive business, you see- So.." He took a moment to consider, although with the way the man spoke it didn't seem much like a question.. Perhaps those were just his nerves. "Of course we can meet at the bar- I'll, uh, I'll head there once I've finished? Yes, I can wait." That was a horrible idea, why would he say that?! He should've said no, fuck, he was making so many mistakes.

Leopold clapped his hands together and began to walk away, setting the same brisk pace he'd been at before. He glanced back once to call, "See you then, I guess!" and then stared forward as he left.

yeah of course! want me to make or you?


Re: nostalgia // open, trespassing - Orion - 05-28-2018

if you could, that'd be lovely!!