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to carry a blessing | house-hunting - Printable Version

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to carry a blessing | house-hunting - PAOLA - 08-11-2020

[shadow=black,left]PAOLA VASQUEZ[/shadow]
Paola hasn't settled. Since her arrival at the Typhoon, she'd spent a large majority of her time exploring the island's many nooks and crannies, bickering with its sole semi-sentient raccoon, and trying to tail Devland for something fun to do. She hasn't exactly found the time to find a place to sleep; instead, she often conked out on the beach, or on a tree, or on the roof of somebody's hut, and it's not like that's new for the teenager—she can't even remember how long she's spent sleeping under the stars... then again, that might just be the memory loss again.

The huts don't particularly appeal to her. They're cute, sure, but every time she tries to set foot in an empty one, she feels her pelt prickle with discomfort. The tavern isn't something she'd like to stay in, either. Sure, she loves the lively atmosphere, but even teenagers need some peace and quiet, and she trying to sleep in such a bustling place would drive her mad faster than she could even catch some shut-eye.

So she keeps searching, wandering, browsing her options. She thinks maybe she can just make a den in the jungle, a little nest between some twisted roots, and it's what she's after when she dives into the undergrowth one morning, desperate to find a place she can call home. It isn't long, however, until she stumbles across a large tree with gnarled roots tangled across the jungle floor—but that isn't what catches her attention.

Looking up, a cabin sits upon its many branches, with forgotten rope bridges linking it to several, smaller others. "What the fuck..?" She thinks there might have been a staircase spiraling around the trunk once, if the hanging bits of rope and planks are any indication, but it's clear they've since rotten away and fallen, resting instead on the soft earth. Not that it matters. Paola gives her rump a little wiggle before launching herself at the trunk, slowly clawing her way to the top.

When she reaches it, she finds a hole where the staircase would have ended, and she slips through it to reach to the deck surrounding the treehouse. For a moment, the wooden planks groan, warning that they might give way, but they hold under her weight after a breath or two, stilling from their complaint. Sighing with relief, Paola picks her way to the opening of the treehouse—door-less, like the rest.

"Whoa," she manages under her breath, looking around at the abandoned interior and marveling at the remains. A table, some couches, a bamboo swing facing a long window—how anybody had managed to bring it up, she isn't quite sure, but she's thankful nevertheless that they'd left it behind.

On the far wall, across from the doorway she'd entered, she finds something carved on the wall, partially obscured by a curtain of vines. She latches onto them, carefully pulling them away, pushing them to the side or tearing them down until she can see the rest of what's carved on the surface—a stylized V, etched into the wood. A pair of paw prints are painted on either side of it, canine from the looks of it, and a single black feather is taped underneath the point of the letter, collecting dust but miraculously intact.

"V? For Victory?" She rises up to her hindlegs, reaching for the painted pawprint but coming up short—whatever creature had left it must have had longer legs than her. "Visitors? Is this some old guesthouse?" Paola circles around, eyeing the other doorways, each one painted or decorated a different way. Each one looks about as empty and abandoned as the main room. "I wonder if I can move in here..."

Re: to carry a blessing | house-hunting - devland - 08-11-2020

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 60%; min-height: 8px; font-family: arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 25px"]Like Paola, Devland felt a strange restlessness settle into his bones since his arrival to the Typhoon. He had lived with a large group most of his life, but the two months he spent in self-isolation strangely altered him. Then again, perhaps it was just because the Typhoon was different from where he had lived previously, but that wasn't exactly true either. He doubted he would ever uncover the true reasons behind those swirling feelings because he pushed them away. He refused to wallow in those dark moods. Instead, he focused all his brainpower on cataloging native insects and reptiles, curing Paola's (and his own) boredom, trying to annoy Roan, hoping he could hear Georgia play the handpan again, and sticking his nose in everyone else's lives (like Seapaw's family reunion and Eulia's failed attempt at cooking).

Today, he sat on the jungle floor, eyes trained on a chirping cicada. One of his many journals was sprawled out in front of him, and he haphazardly took notes on the bug's coloring and its call. Though he was usually so absorbed by his work, the scent of Paola did snatch his attention. It took only moments to hear her voice, and when he turned to look back to the cicada, it flew away. Giving a little huff, Devland closed his journal, tossed it in his bag, and trotted towards Paola after throwing the bag over his right shoulder. He ignored the way his still-healing wound protested the weight.

Half-lidded eyes watched the female closely. He tilted his head as she climbed up, up, up, and confusion painted his features. It took longer than he would have liked to admit to realize Paola was crawling her way into a tree house. He rolled his shoulders. Not one to be left behind, the havana scurried after his friend. The climb took more effort than he would have liked, and he stood on the deck, huffing. Trying to ignore the exhaustion and soreness that tugged at him, he let his gaze float around the cabin.

"Maybe the V means vacuus," he suggested, running a paw along the dust-coated floor, unable to help himself from outlining the cicada he'd been watching moments ago. "Latin for vacant, I think." He stepped closer to Paola at her question, purposefully bumping into her. He studied everything around them carefully. "It doesn't seem like anyone's been here in a while, Paola... What if there are ghosts?" He feigned fright, pressing closer to his friend before falling away with a laugh.

Re: to carry a blessing | house-hunting - Keona. - 08-11-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
The tiny Dealer had migrated a few times in her years among the Typhoon.  A hut to the Tempest to the Tavern.  So long as she remained in her current position, she figured she wouldn't be moving again for a while.  She had been noticing others moving about though, ears perking as Paola and Devland's voices fluttered down the trees.

It seemed so recently her younger half-brother had moved into a treehouse too.  She hummed softly in thought before circling the sprawling roots and trunk.  Maybe she'd stay down on the ground.  Most of her tree-climbing endeavors ended badly.  "Aloha!" The petite fae raised her voice, curious as she caught the last snippets of conversation.

"Can't remember anyone livin' 'ere in a while, so I'd consider it open."
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: to carry a blessing | house-hunting - michael t. - 08-13-2020

For a while after he had first arrived, Michael had never really had a proper home within the Typhoon. After all, when he had first been dragged over from the Pitt by Roxie, he had hardly had much of a plan. He hadn't even really been sure if he was going to stay more than a couple of days, even though he was a big fan of the company within the group. So, for a while, he had just remained within his sister's home, enjoying the sort of organized chaos that went on inside the place. At the time, the officer had less children than she did now, but that didn't mean that it had been any less hectic, especially considering Roan had still been a bright eyed child back then. Michael had never really minded, however, far too used to the constant whirlwind of moving from camp to camp and listening to Trevor's constant excitement to be too disoriented by a bustling family life. However, he had known that it wasn't really the place for him. Roxie's family needed their space, and as much as the reaver had felt at home there, he had known he would need his own space as well – if only to hide his more self destructive habits.

After that, it hadn't been too terribly difficult for the thief to find a place to live, considering he wasn't extremely picky. In fact, he was so not picky that he had immediately fallen in love with the home he had found that was infested with rats. Of course, he had ultimately ended up taking in all of the rats as his pets, but to anyone with an outside view? Michael probably would've looked like a crazy person with no standards – a joke that Roxie often liked to make at his expense, even though he very much did have standards. Since then, he had pretty much always stayed in one place, enjoying the homey feel of the hut that he had gradually cultivated over time. It felt a bit more empty now without Trevor's loud presence within the building, but he knew it wouldn't be like that forever, especially if current plans went well. Not only that, but he still had all of his rats, along with the strange collection of moths that his husband had taken to raising. It certainly wasn't the usual white picket fence paradise that one might imagine in their heads at the word "home", but Michael loved it nonetheless.

He had honestly figured that house hunting would be similarly easy for anyone else within the group, but it never even occurred to him that they could've wanted something more specific. After all, there were so many different kinds of homes scattered across the Typhoon's territory that it was practically impossible to not have at least one you liked. That said, he did find those that lived in treehouses to be a little bit bonkers. Maybe it was just because of his own short legs and slight hesitancy to go anywhere higher than a seat at the tavern, but to live up in the branches? It seemed odd to him, even after his nephew had decided to go and live such a life. Despite this, he wasn't about to tell anyone where they should live, as demonstrated by what he said as he came padding up beside Keona, "I'm pretty sure Keo here is right. I don't remember the last time I've seen someone heading out here, let alone going into that treehouse." He admittedly avoided the jungle a bit more ever since that time he had gotten lost, but he still did patrols fairly often, and couldn't remember seeing anyone heading out this way. Shifting a bit awkwardly from his place on the ground, he added, "I'd come up and congratulate you on your potential new place, but I'm not really a big fan of heights..." He was glad Roxie wasn't around to hear that, sure that she'd make fun of him for it.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: to carry a blessing | house-hunting - Luciferr - 08-13-2020

”if you fall, I’d simply catch you” another voice intruded on the collected chorus that beheld Paola’s house hunting success, a form near wholly pitch as the night save for the white, the red and the more dark to faded grey that dotted his form as a hellion out of his draconic appearance - but the same eyes and the same livid red scar marked out who this was clear as day.

Luciferus padded-up to the group quietly with a nod to Devland, Michael and Paola - he spared doing one for Keona, instead opting for a quiet hello at the much smaller fae typhooner’s direction and a soft unseen smile.

Mismatched eyes flickered upward toward said house - it had been a very long time that he couldn’t recall who might have lived here ”if it agrees with you Paola I’m sure it’s yours - clearly if there was a prior inhabitant they’ve long since left”

Re: to carry a blessing | house-hunting - PAOLA - 08-14-2020

[shadow=black,left]PAOLA VASQUEZ[/shadow]
I just wanna taste it; Watermelon sugar high!
Paola startles at the sudden voice, letting out a soft yelp and whirling around, only to relax when she finds that it's Devland. "I think I saw my life flash before my eyes," she says with a choked sigh of relief, giving her bristling fur a shake to flatten them. She chides herself for being so jumpy—nobody has been in the treehouss for a long time since her, it's unlikely that its owner would return after it's fallen to such a state of disrepair.

"Yeah, or maybe the V stands for Vandalism, because this is some poor decor right here," she tosses back with a crinkle of a grin, returning his bump in kind by gently knocking her head against his shoulder. "Bro, I can't believe we're about to be haunted by a ghost with awful interior design skills. What's it gonna do, rearrange everything in the room two inches to the left?"

She cackles at that, falling away from Devland too and letting the laughter run its course. When she finally comes to, belly aching from the effort, she hears a voice and a new scent, and with a quick glace at Devland (a pleading look for him to come with her), she pads back over to the deck and peers over the edge, delighting at the other Typhoon members appearing.

"Hey, good day," the she-cat greets kindly. "Do you remember who lived here last? I think they might have had black wings, if it helps. Something to do with a V. Maybe Victoria?" Vivienne? Violet? If it's on the wall, it has to be a name—a testament to their presence, however fleeting. Didn't people often leave their names to prove that they have been there before?

At Michael's admission, Paola gains a thoughtful expression before getting back up on her paws. "Well, Dev, we better get down there," she says, tossing her friend a wink before backing up from the edge, counting to three, and running forward to launch herself at an opposite tree. She picks her way down, branch by branch, until she finds the lowest ond just above their heads and dangles from it upside-down, her tail wrapping around the limb securely. "Hi, Mr. Michael, sir. It's alright to be afraid of heights. I'm afraid of tight spaces, if that helps."

She flashes him a wide, encouraging grin before letting herself be distracted by Lucifer's unquestionably glorious form. "I'd be glad to live up there, if it's allowed," she answers. "It's open and has many windows, and it doesn't make my skin prickle like the other enclosed places do. Shame that it got left behind, though, it must have taken forever to build." She glances back at the treehouse complex, only to cock her head to the side when she think she sees a pair of green eyes staring at her from the foliage. It disappears after a blink, however, and Paola is left to wonder whether the treehouse really is haunted.

Not that it matters. She would never let some ghost chase her out of her new home.

Re: to carry a blessing | house-hunting - GEORGIA. - 08-14-2020

*・゚✧ / BETA / 08 MONTHS
The Somali was enduring a particularly brutal time that day; her curse had settle like an awful itch into her bones, radiating the concept of lonely, lonely, lonely. It was the day after her sparring session with Seapaw, which...had honestly been one of the most uplifting experiences of her recent life. The rush, the adrenaline, the water...both were completely soaked by the end of it. It was so distracting that Gia completely forgot the lead weight of dread that sat heavy on her spine, knowing that heartwarming scenarios were closely followed by bitter cold and chilling withdrawal. It was like being dunked in icy water; a repetition of alone, abandoned, unwanted. Always pushing her to move, move, move.

When she happened across the small cluster of her clanmates, she was grumpy. Every glance her way felt like one of disgust, even though she knew her glasses were tinted with the color of the curse. That didn’t make it easier. Her eyes roamed the scene, finding their way into the canopy to observe the tree house, Paola, and everyone else. She squinted, noting that there seemed to be more than one tree house among the leaves.

”Kinda weird how there are four. Why would you pick a place with three empty houses?” She grumbled, her mind already jumping tracks to different thoughts. Georgia herself had been house-hunting recently...and was tempted to claim another cabin for herself.

Re: to carry a blessing | house-hunting - devland - 08-14-2020

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 60%; min-height: 8px; font-family: arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 25px"]Devland laughed loudly at Paola's shock. He certainly hadn't intended to frighten her, but he didn't exactly regret it either. He held up a paw as if to apologize, but he was lost in a fit of amusement. He did calm himself enough to listen to her next string of words, snorting, "Hm. I could see that. This place needs a serious face lift." His eyes wandered for a moment though his attention returned to Paola as she headbutted him and spoke of the interior design ghost.

Keona's call broke through their two-person comedy bit, and Devland couldn't help but musing, "Sounds like the ghost has returned to haunt us." He easily read the look Paola sent him, and he joined her at the edge of the tree house, glancing down at those gathered below. For the first time, he was aware of how high up they were, and he was thankful vertigo didn't set in. He listened silently as Paola asked her questions to the Typhoon members, and he nodded in agreement at her suggestion for them to join the others.

A grimace darkened his face as Paola jumped down. His movements were much slower and twice as deliberate, and his shoulder burned from the effort. However, when he finally made it to the ground (a bit out of breath), he greeted, "Hello," to Keona, Michael, and Luciferus. Each of them echoed one another, and it seemed the tree house was open for the taking. He allowed himself to feel glad that Paola finally found a home.

Ah, and here was Georgia: a fast-approaching storm cloud (though it was no fault of her own). He tilted his head minutely to one side, wondering what might have brought on this dark mood, but he certainly wouldn't inquire about it. At her question, he chuckled. "Maybe she wants neighbors, duh," he explained as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Some people like the company of others." His words were teasing but soft. Yes, he wanted to rile her up a bit, but she was already in a foul mood - he had no intentions of making it worse. "Maybe you should consider it - being a neighbor." His final thoughts were a bit more serious, even if he did still sport a sideways grin.

Re: to carry a blessing | house-hunting - PAOLA - 08-18-2020

[shadow=black,left]PAOLA VASQUEZ[/shadow]
I just wanna taste it; Watermelon sugar high!
There’s something off about Georgia, but Paola doesn’t know what might have led to it—she isn’t sure if she has any right to ask about it, either, but the she-cat offers her friend a wide, beaming grin anyway, hoping, at the very least, that it helps allay some of her worries. She can admit to herself that she likes the somali’s company; she enjoys the roughhousing and teasing they often do, and seeing Georgia so off-put by something only makes her want to help.

”Ah, see, that’s for—” And then Devland fills in the blank. ”Bingo!” The she-cat nods enthusiastically at his explanation, and then her expression brightens further at his suggestion. Paola peers at the other houses, perhaps a little self-conscious that if she’s going to be offering these places to anyone, she should at least fix some of the holes, but she decides that she’ll put off the whole “spring cleaning” thing until she knows someone will be moving in.

”I mean, no forcing anyone, and I could probably do something about the holes and the dust first,” Paola says sheepishly, her ears pressing to the back of her head only to spring forward when she realizes that they’re hot; she doesn’t quite understand why they’ve reached that temperature, but she figures it could very well be the humidity. ”But I’d love to have you as a neighbour! If you wanted to move, I mean. Hell, if anyone wants to claim one of those cabins, I’d be happy. It’s a cool place but a little creepy alone…”

Paola trails off, feigning a nonchalant shrug. ”If I’m gonna be haunted by a winged black ghost with poor taste in furniture, I might as well have someone to hide behind.” The grin returns on her face, as bright and gleaming as ever, although she won’t deny that there’s a hopeful chime to her words.