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ALL I'M LEAVING IS THE PAST BEHIND ☆ o, seagulls - Printable Version

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ALL I'M LEAVING IS THE PAST BEHIND ☆ o, seagulls - RHINESTONE. - 08-11-2020

[glow=#b8dcf8,2,300]▶ NATURE'S CORRUPTED IN FACTORIES FAR AWAY ◀[/glow]
Seagulls were hardly unusual creatures to encounter on Palmclan territory, but that didn't mean they were any less of a pain in the ass. Rhinestonestar often referred to him in his head as the "rats of the sky", and he had never really been able to determine that as wrong, considering how commonly they were a nuisance for the group. For a long period after the hurricane, all had been quiet on the seagull front, and Rhine had only been able to imagine that they had been spooked by the high speed wings and the rain whipping through the sky. Unfortunately, the leader had known that wouldn't be the case forever, and he had been right. It had been a shame, too, seeing as the tom had been having a fairly nice day otherwise. The sun was up in the sky, there were no urgent matters to attend to, no attacks from wild creatures headed their way, and all of the patrols had already been sent out for the day. It seemed like a perfect time for him to get some rest, climbing atop the rock in the middle of camp and letting himself lay down against the warm stone. It was a little hot against his stomach, but the sun against his rusty fur was too much to give up, his pale blue eyes falling shut before long, a small smile curling on his muzzle.

Of course, the leader's peaceful afternoon wasn't destined to last long. He winced when the shrill cry of a seagull broke the air, and he glared upwards, immediately searching for the source of it. Even if the creatures were a terrible annoyance, they could at least make a good meal if they flew low enough – although he had personally never been a fan of the taste. However, his sharp gaze found nothing flying around the sky, and he felt confusion cloud his mind, trying to think of where the call could've come from. He was about to give up and try to rest again, when another shrieking whoop reached his ears, making him groan out loud. This time it came from below, and immediately he glared downwards, eyes widening when he caught sight of several seagulls around the prey pile, stealing from it. He let out a loud yell as he got up to his paws, furious at the audacity of the nuisance birds, "Hey! You rotten little creatures, get away from our food!" After that, he leaped down from atop the rock, rushing at the avians and lashing his claws out at them, causing them to scatter and shriek. Unfortunately, they didn't entirely get the message, lingering in the air and occasionally diving down to try and grab whatever they could from the prey. Rhinestonestar let out a shout of frustration at their determination, his fluffy tail lashing behind him as he tried in vain to defend the prey pipe all on his own.

Re: ALL I'M LEAVING IS THE PAST BEHIND ☆ o, seagulls - trojan g. - 08-11-2020

Seagulls were something that Sugarspice was going to have to get used to if she was going to be a member of the clan. Not knowing they were even a thing before she had come to live here, she hadn't thought much about the white birds at first, thinking them odd for hanging out around the clan so much, but then realized how troubling they were after they began to steal food from her hunts, and now they had the audacity to try and steal food straight from the main camp.

An annoyed scowl ran across the warrior's face and she looked over towards Rhinestonestar for a moment as he tried to get them to cease their actions, before she ran up to the prey pile herself, leaping in the air in an attempt to get them to stop, to fly away, at least for the time being. It worked for a moment, but they were persistent. Growl leaving her maw, she looked towards the leader and in a breath of slight annoyed puffed out her words. "I think we need to build something to store the food, like a giant bowl made out of seaweed or something." Something with a lid at the very least, make it so the seagulls couldn't get into their food as easily.  "speech"

Re: ALL I'M LEAVING IS THE PAST BEHIND ☆ o, seagulls - Luciferr - 08-13-2020

STORMSPINE - male - spinosaurus - palmclan - warrior
a snapping sound inches in the air above the two would punctuate sugarspice’s statement as the seagulls caved in distress and flicked away from the teeth that were suddenly much larger and far higher up than usual that were now flashing and biting at them.

Stormspine was thankful he had claws, because it meant he could hold what he’d caught when he had returned to camp and quickly moved his catches to said claws when he saw what befell the pile of food for the small ones - normally the seagulls wouldn’t dare so much when the spino was around

But sadly seagulls were crafty and persistent beasts - and they knew to wait till he’d gone hunting.

Stormspine frowned as much as a spinosaur was able before he leaned down to put the fish he’d caught back in the pile muttering ”winged fiends, they always wait for me to leave” a baleful eye flickered back up to the cawing sky.

”she’s right though - maybe some kind of structure sir?” ever failingly polite this one.

Re: ALL I'M LEAVING IS THE PAST BEHIND ☆ o, seagulls - RHINESTONE. - 08-15-2020

[glow=#b8dcf8,2,300]▶ NATURE'S CORRUPTED IN FACTORIES FAR AWAY ◀[/glow]
Annoyance bubbled unpleasantly throughout Rhinestone's form as he swiped at the diving pests, his anger only relieved by the arrival of both Sugarspice and Stormspine to help. He sighed a little as he heard the newest of their warriors, nodding his head in agreement before he muttered, "You're right... at this rate, we won't be able to actually eat any of the food we've caught, since the seagulls will just swipe it away while we're asleep." He set his jaw at the thought, shaking his head from side to side in frustration. He tried to think back to how the last leader had seen fit to deal with the seagulls, but he found his mind coming up blank, save for images of swirling seas and yelling as the hurricane slammed itself into Palmclan's territory. He had to close his eyes briefly to calm himself, a shuddering breath coming from him before he could stop it. It seemed as though thinking of the past was still difficult, when there were so many out there to be missed.

Eager to get his mind off of worse things, Rhinestonestar instead looked towards Stormspine, listening to the dinosaur's words. He tapped a paw thoughtfully against his muzzle, sitting back on his haunches before he spoke, "A structure of some kind would be good... like Sugarspice said, a container would be best, since we could keep it in the same spot. Until we can make something, however, maybe we could move the prey pile to one of the dens, temporarily? It wouldn't be the most convenient thing in the world, but it's unlikely any of the seagulls will go down into the tunnels." He didn't like the idea of nighttime guards needing to carefully weave their way into a den in order to get a late dinner, but it would only be until some sort of container could be made.

Re: ALL I'M LEAVING IS THE PAST BEHIND ☆ o, seagulls - trojan g. - 08-17-2020

Sugarspice was glad for the help that Stormspine offered in this time. At first she'd been wary of the other, their size something that could cause issues when hunting, but it seemed as though despite her worries he was a good member of the group, and she was glad to have him with them, high above them and able to keep the seagulls even further from the prey pile than she and Rhinestonestar were able to do.

Speaking of the leader, he seemed to also like the idea of her baskets. Though she didn't know how to weave any, she was sure she could figure them out easily ( she was wrong about how easy it'd be ) and maybe she'd be able to get others to help her out with some baskets. "We could have a big basket at first for everything, just to start out with so that we don't have the seagulls coming to get the food, then could do two baskets, one for the fresh stuff, and one for the stuff we need to eat as soon as possible." Usually older prey sat at the bottom of the pile, going sour and causing that around it to go sour with it. It wasted prey, and with two baskets, less would go bad as quickly.  "speech"

Re: ALL I'M LEAVING IS THE PAST BEHIND ☆ o, seagulls - RHINESTONE. - 08-18-2020

Stormspine's help was certainly appreciated in situations such as these, and Rhinestone was honestly pleased to see the relieved look that flashed over Sugarspice's face. The leader had taken some criticism in the last for allowing the dinosaur in, despite the fact that there was no rule saying that they strictly couldn't take a spinosaurus into their clan. Despite his initial worries about having Storm become a full member of Palmclan, it seemed as though more and more people were coming around to the thought of it, including new warriors like Sugar. It was definitely a comfort, seeing as Rhine didn't have to worry about both putting his clan back together and arguing with everyone over tradition. Especially tradition he was slowly losing faith in, considering how long it had been since they had gotten word from Starclan.

Returning his thoughts back to the present, the rust colored feline glanced over at Sugarspice, slowly nodding along with her thoughts. Much like Sugar, he had little idea of how exactly one was to go about weaving baskets, but it couldn't be that hard. Twolegs did it, and from what he had heard of them, they were often clumsy, lumbering beasts. As he let his tail slowly curl around to rest on top of his paws, Rhine mused softly, glancing around camp, "That definitely isn't a bad idea... it would allow us to avoid a lot of picking out crow food. If anything gets too old, we can always just dump the older basket out and start again." He shuddered a bit, remembering back when he had been an apprentice, forced to go and pick the older crow food out of the prey pile. It was always disgusting, and he often felt lucky not to hurl. Shoving the thought from his mind, he nodded to Sugar, "If you have some idea of what supplies you'll need for the baskets, feel free to take some other warriors and go get them. The sooner this is done, the better, so that we have less to worry about regarding the seagulls." Normally he would've had one of the senior warriors organize such a supply gathering endeavor, but he had been seeing less and less of Vixenvenom as of late...
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