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I Don’t Think You Trust In My Self || Joiner - Printable Version

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I Don’t Think You Trust In My Self || Joiner - Zane - 08-10-2020

A shock of excitement shot through Zane as he walked towards the border. It only barely masked the feeling of fatigue that plagued him.

He had heard of this place before by someone who he trusted. He heard it was a safe haven and he needed it in order to escape his past. He saw his friend for only a short while before they were separated again but in that time they exchanged many stories of the places they had gone and the things they had seen. One of these places was the mountainous region that his friend had stayed at and found a home within. However their meeting didn’t last long when an old enemy showed up and they had to flee.

So that’s why Zane was at the border.

He took a glance behind himself, adjusting his many tails to see the forest before he was satisfied and called out. ”Hello, is anyone home?...” His tone was snarky despite the layers of exhaustion that kept him sluggish. The only thing that kept him going was the hope of a new beginning.

Re: I Don’t Think You Trust In My Self || Joiner - Mistrim - 08-10-2020

—Tomorrow is another day—
——And you won't have to hide away——
—Mistrim knew he was near. She could feel it! He was closer then ever and she hadn’t felt such anticipation in a long time. She ignored the surprised sounds of Elysites at seeing her half run, half fly all the way to the border. Her senses were lit on fire at the thought that she knew he was near. She had seen it the night prior at she felt it now.

”Zane?!...Zane you made it!” Never before had such joy come from that little fox as when she slid in front of the large malamute. Her wings flapped a few times to help keep her from falling flat on her face. She tilted her head upwards to look at the blue and white dog while she lightly touched at the raven earring that mirrored his.

She glanced behind him for a moment before looking back at the huge dog. ”Are you alright?...Come on, let’s get you away from the’s not safe here...” She gestured towards further into the territory. She assumed it wouldn’t take long for others to start showing up. Even if it’s just to see what all her fuss was about.—
——Elysium — Decurion — Speak in #C2BEEC ——
© madi

Re: I Don’t Think You Trust In My Self || Joiner - fulzanin - 08-10-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

New people were always exciting to Clony. New views, new people, more people to interact with, more things to care about. They'd never truly been able to care for much where they hailed from, where with one well placed surge whatever progress was made could ever so easily be turned on its head and ruined. Such hadn't happened here, and they supposed that was why they were able to muster a little more care in their heart for everything around them.

"Hi there!" Clony's mental chatter came as they fluttered over, their wings stretching to slow their descent with haste. An ear twitched, taking note of the many tails that the other possessed. It reminded them of Marr, someone that they hadn't seen in a while - someone who had about the same amount of tails as the one before them. Apparently Mistrim knew this 'Zane', warranting a twitch of their other ear. "Yea, we really should be getting into the deeper-upper territory. I'm Clony, by the way! What brings you to Elysium, Zane- right?" They ask, wings flapping and lofting them up into the sky for a few moments, before they plopped down once more.

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: I Don’t Think You Trust In My Self || Joiner - Warringkingdoms - 08-12-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]The sight of Mistrim genuinely, unabashedly excited had turned a few heads, but Rin didn't think any heads had turned as sharply as hers.

  Mistrim could be... hard to get a read on at times, but from every interaction they'd had, Rin had perceived the vixen as quiet, shy, and more than a little self-deprecating. Not that Rin was one to talk on that last one, but in Mistrim's case, the self-criticism was unwarranted- maybe she didn't have the raw power of some of the other Elysites, but she had a generous supply of loyalty and courage, which were much more important in the long run. That, Rin had to assume, was the reason that Mistrim had suddenly taken off towards the border, even going so far as to take flight; Rin had experienced a similar reaction exactly once in her lifetime, and it had been upon the return of a dear loved one.

  ...Unfortunately, the border had proven itself to be extremely dangerous as of late. Setting aside her cup of tea along with her thoughts of the past, Rin got up and broke into a run towards the border, traversing the mountainous territory as quickly as she could without suffering an impaired-depth-perception-induced accident. Chances were good that another Elysite would see Mistrim and follow her, but Rin wasn't about to take that bet, not after what had happened with the two deer.

  As she approached, finding Mistrim speaking to a malamute that she called "Zane" along with Clony, Rin heaved a sigh of combined exhaustion and relief. She'd been right- an old friend of Mistrim's, or perhaps a family member. No one had attacked in the interim, and the two other Elysites were quick about escorting Zane to safety. Everything was alright. Everything is alright.

  "Yeah, let's get inside," Rin said after a moment, starting to walk back in the direction of the cave entrance, and flicking her tail in a gesture to follow. "My name's Rin. The others have covered pretty much everything else."

  /less ish than the other posts