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bury your love far away from you;; open - joining - Printable Version

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bury your love far away from you;; open - joining - trojan g. - 08-10-2020

If Sugarspice had to choose one word to describe her day so far, it'd be wet.

Having been woken up this morning by a prank gone wrong, the female found herself on a beach, washed up on shore. Of course, she was fine - she was tough, a little water wasn't going to stop her - but she had swallowed some of the salty water that surrounded the island. Sugarspice could only assume that it had been a prank done by her brother, though where he was she didn't know - she didn't know this of course, but he was back at home, frantically searching for her, crying and scared to tell their mother about what had happened.

Due to not knowing where she was, nevermind how to get home, Sugarspice had traveled along the shore of the ocean, the waves lapping at her paws, as she waited for someone to eventually come and find her. She had yet to speak at all, and was scared to do so, worried about the damage the salty water had done to her throat.  "speech"

Re: bury your love far away from you;; open - joining - RHINESTONE. - 08-10-2020

[glow=#b8dcf8,2,300]▶ NATURE'S CORRUPTED IN FACTORIES FAR AWAY ◀[/glow]
It wasn't often that someone came to them through the sea. Most often, outsiders arrived through the forest boundary, or even occasionally came down from the boardwalk, but emerging from the sea? It just seemed so far-fetched, even to the leader of a clan that thrived when it came to the ocean. Of course, Rhinestonestar was completely unaware of where Sugarspice had actually come from, simply stumbling upon the other feline walking along the shore. Initially, he had thought perhaps she was a warrior that he had never met before, but that seemed like a bit of a stretch, considering how worried he had been about everyone lately. Not to mention her still faintly wet pelt and the half confused and half worried look on her face. All of that added up to one very confused newcomer, evidently wondering where she was.

Abandoning his casual walk along the beach, the rusty smoke made his way over to where Sugarspice was, clearing his throat to alert her to his presence. Once her gaze was on him, he offered her a comforting smile before speaking, "Hello there... my name is Rhinestonestar. I don't believe I've ever seen anyone like you around here before. Do you think maybe you could tell me your name, and where you're from?" He was interested in her business on Palmclan territory as well, but he didn't want to overwhelm her with questions, considering how dazed she already looked.

Re: bury your love far away from you;; open - joining - trojan g. - 08-11-2020

As soon as she heard the clearing of the throat that Rhinestonestar had made, Sugarspice found her eyes flicking over to the other, paws stopping and she was stuck standing there, listening to the words that were spoken in her direction. She got a name, but didn't get where she was, so she figured she'd have to ask that question at some point in the conversation she was now obligated to have. "My name's Sugarspice, and I don't think anyone's really seen me around here before to be honest." She would begin, looking out over the sea for a moment before turning back to the male before her.

"I'm not quite sure where I came from in relation to here, seems as though a prank gone wrong, thought I'd explored all of the area I'm from though, so not sure if I'm from this place or from another." She knew that this would possibly be confusing, but she didn't care to elaborate any further at this point in time. "You've got star in your name, don't suppose you're a leader of a group looking for another member?" Might as well join until she either figured out how to get back home, or figured out that she wouldn't be able to get back home.  "speech"

Re: bury your love far away from you;; open - joining - RHINESTONE. - 08-11-2020

[glow=#b8dcf8,2,300]▶ NATURE'S CORRUPTED IN FACTORIES FAR AWAY ◀[/glow]
A prank gone wrong, huh? The thought of it made Rhinestone wince, an uneasy look coming to his face. He couldn't imagine what a state the prankster in question must've been in, certainly not aiming for something like this to happen. He had expected Sugarspice to be a bit more anxious about her current predicament, but the other seemed surprisingly calm, something that was actually sort of a relief to Rhine. Not that the tom wouldn't have comforted her if she had been panicking, but this meant there was more of a chance for things to go smoothly. Before his leadership – and even a little bit now – Rhinestone had always been more of the laidback type, and comforting someone from a panic had hardly been a strong suit of his. He hoped, desperately so, that soothing the worries of a clan would be easier for him than soothing the worries of one person.

Sugarspice's explanation was a bit confusing, but it wasn't as if he had never heard it before. After all, he still had no idea where Stormspine had come from, even if the other had turned out to be one of their most helpful warriors thus far. With a fluffy tail flicking behind him, Rhinestonestar nodded his head before speaking, a soft chuckle leaving his muzzle, "Ah... I am indeed the leader of a group. Palmclan, actually. We occupy this territory... we certainly wouldn't mind another member, considering we're recovering from a hurricane. You're certainly welcomed in, if that's what you're looking for." It still felt a little weird, welcoming in outsiders with such ease, but he knew it was for the good of the clan as a whole. Besides, Sugarspice hardly seemed like she was a danger to them, and instead seemed as though she could be a valuable member of the group, however temporary.

Re: bury your love far away from you;; open - joining - Luciferr - 08-13-2020

STORMSPINE - male - spinosaurus - palmclan - warrior
”are you okay?” came a concerned voice that seemed to come from far above bit actually are from a rather large creature that had - while the two were conversing - slowly and quietly risen up out of the waves from an early morning swim and quietly walked over to the two, quiet enough to hear the conversation.

And also concerned, swallowing water was no joke after all! Some people thought they were gone and then later it seemed the exact opposite - it had happened to one in his old nest before they’d learned to properly glide with the tide as it were.

Cinder and green eyes blinked down at the two before seemingly remembering that the sugarspice - an odd name but he liked how it rolled off the tongue! The double s was easier on his more hissing lisp - didn’t know him and seeing as Rhinestonestar was welcoming her, he’d best introduce himself

”I’m Stormspine miss, I also live here” and tried to aim for what was his best non threatening looking smile.