Beasts of Beyond
SAY GOODBYE A DOZEN TIMES ☆ o, palmclan meeting 08/09 - Printable Version

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SAY GOODBYE A DOZEN TIMES ☆ o, palmclan meeting 08/09 - RHINESTONE. - 08-09-2020

[glow=#b8dcf8,2,300]▶ NATURE'S CORRUPTED IN FACTORIES FAR AWAY ◀[/glow]
Three weeks had passed since the last meeting, and it seemed as though Palmclan was finally beginning to recover from the hurricane. It had by no means been an exceedingly easy task, but the group was beginning to shake off the sand that had covered it, and Rhinestone couldn't be happier. With that in mind, he also knew that it was time to start filling the ranks that had been left barren by the destruction of the hurricane, and that meant a meeting, complete with promotions. Not too many to start out with, but enough to make sure that they were growing. Heart beating fast with excitement in his chest, Rhinestonestar leaped atop the large rock near the center of camp, claws scraping against sandy stone as he pulled himself onto it. He could already see a few warriors gathering around in preparation, but he still found himself calling out heartily, tail flicking behind him, "All cats old enough to brave the waves, gather around for a meeting!" His voice was more firm and confident than last time, spurred on by how the group had been doing as of late. He was still nervous, given that it was only his second meeting, but he seemed less fidgety than before.

As more and more members of the group began to gather around, the rusty colored feline tapped his paws excitedly against the edge of the stone slab, a faint smile coming to his face. Once he had deemed enough warriors had gathered, he continued, "First and foremost, I would like to thank everyone for the hard work they've been doing to rebuild in the wake of the hurricane. Things are finally starting to seem normal again around here, and it's in no small part due to you all working hard to help out. I'm also glad to see so many active and participating as of late. It gives me hope." He dipped his head, taking a deep breath in. He could only hope he was properly communicating how proud he was, and no one would see it as false praise. Moving on, he lifted his head once again, "As some of you may have heard, there was a fox attack in camp a few days ago. Because of this, I would like some more border patrols along the forest border, just to make sure no more of them get that close to camp. Another thing I'd like to mention is that... we've been having more outsiders show up at the border recently. I know that, for a long time, Palmclan has been a very reclusive group. But with the hurricane taking away so many of us... I believe it would be beneficial to let in newcomers who wish to join us. Obviously if they present themselves as a threat, I will not warn any of you away from attacking them. However, if they are peaceful, I'd like you to give them a chance." He knew that bit may end up a little... controversial, especially as he could already see confused glances being thrown in his direction, but he genuinely thought it to be important.

Hoping to demonstrate his point, he moved quickly into the next subject, puffing his chest out a bit to show his confidence in his decision, "For example... Stormspine is a warrior that joined us recently. Stormspine is far from a traditional warrior, but he is still a loyal one, as he demonstrated when he helped drive the foxes away from the nursery, and the camp as a whole. Because of his brave actions, I'd like everyone to give him the warm welcome that he didn't properly get a few weeks ago, and I'd also like to present him with the title of waverunner." Rhine wasn't quite so confident in things that he'd go so far as to promote Stormspine yet – or anytime soon, depending on how things went – but he felt it was right to present him with the title. The leader's gaze then searched through the crowd, looking for three particular faces, "In terms of promotions... I've got three people in particular I'd like to ask to step up. First is Vixenvenom, whom I'd like to step up as a senior warrior. You demonstrated your bravery and smarts during the hurricane, and have only further helped out since then, by organizing patrols and welcoming others in." Vixenvenom was an easy choice, considering her reliable attitude and experience as a warrior.

"Next, I would like to ask Featherear to step up as Palmclan's medicine cat. I know that this may be a little sudden, but you have demonstrated experience with herbs in the past, and we'll need that expertise in order to keep the group safe." He nodded his head towards Featherear, feeling relieved that they at least had someone who would make sure everyone was healthy. Next was a face he had been keeping his eye on for weeks, mainly because of his own worries. "I'm also going to assign Sunpaw as Featherear's apprentice. I realize that things have been hard for you, ever since the hurricane struck. However, that doesn't mean that you can no longer serve your clan. I believe that you will genuinely be doing everyone a service by studying under Featherear, and should feel pride in doing so." He could only hope that Sunpaw would feel the same way, and wouldn't take the change in his training as some sort of insult. Gritting his teeth briefly, Rhinestone shoved that thought away before continuing, "With these promotions in mind, I'd like to see all of you around and active, setting your best example for the group. Obviously I don't expect to see you everywhere at once, but I'd just like you to keep that in mind." He wasn't planning on being overly harsh, but he also didn't want Palmclan to fall into a state of disrepair.

Stretching out a bit, Rhine nodded his head before speaking, "Before I go... I would like to announce that we have our second sandcastle building contest of the year coming up next Sunday. So, if you'd like to participate, I'd recommend you start thinking of ideas now." Tail curling around his paws, he seemed to think for a moment before saying finally, "Aside from any questions anyone may have, this meeting is now dismissed."

recap + activity expectations:

Re: SAY GOODBYE A DOZEN TIMES ☆ o, palmclan meeting 08/09 - Luciferr - 08-13-2020

STORMSPINE - male - spinosaurus - palmclan - warrior
Said spinosaurus puffed up immensely when a title was awarded him and he couldn’t help the happy toothy grin on his maw when welcomes were issued to him - truly, Joining this clan of the palms had been the best decision he’d ever made even if he was the only one like himself here, that didn’t bother him! The small ones were good friends

At the mention of stepping up patrols, the great lizard nodded - yes that was sensible to protect the nest! Storm himself would be seated firmly at the best boundaries, he would be the best sentinel he could be - ah, warrior-sentinel? Watchmen? Best nest guard? Either way he would be the very best, no hatchling would be lost if he could help it!

And then promotions were issued out and the spined lizard called out ”congratulations!”

Re: SAY GOODBYE A DOZEN TIMES ☆ o, palmclan meeting 08/09 - featherear . - 08-13-2020

❧  Featherear had heard Rhinestone's call, and her ears perked at the voice. Her tail shook when she stood up, sticking up and twitching as she trotted towards the rock. She sat down and licked at a paw, using said paw to rub across her ear. She watched every cat join with pale eyes, a calm she did not have when she was first found rested across her shoulders like a heavy blanket, and she kept her gaze steady when she looked over towards the rust-coloured cat.

❧  He stood out on the rock like a sore thumb, easily spotted against the dull grey. She smiled a bit. He always did do that, didn't he? Both he and Haystripe stood out. In good ways, of course, Featherear had never once thought negative of people she held close. Especially Haystripe. He might have droven her crazy one or two times, but he was her brother, and she wouldn't trade him for the world. She placed her tail over her paws.

❧  At the mention of Stormspine, the shecat spared a quick glance at the Spino. She noticed he was so much bigger than she thought -- she had only ever seen the dinosaur from a distance, and he felt like a tree when he sat near her. She almost felt dizzy. But pride swelled in her chest at the mention of his promotion. He deserved it, after saving the kits. After saving the Clan.

❧  Featherear turned her attention to Vixenvenom and Sunpaw when they were mentioned, and her tail flickered in excitement. At this point, she was beaming with pride. She nodded her head to the leader in thanks when he mentioned her name. Her pelt felt like it was prickling all over, she was so overwhelmed with pride and joy. She turned her head fully to look at Sunpaw and offered him a small smile. She was going to be the best she can be for him.