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that's how it goes . introduction - Printable Version

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that's how it goes . introduction - Lawlocked - 08-09-2020

[color=transparent] [w]isker
It's start out small, the little hints towards the striking traits that will become key in acknowledgement the creature roux. such as the sky slowly darkens along the sandy beach does leaks of lawkit seem to catch a stranger- or not so stranger's eye. lawkit's bounding out of the den was becoming more and more frequent. the dark flash of short fur or the streak of brilliant yellow-orangegold along the beach. keen-curious quiet, too quiet for a roux presence encroaching along the edges of other's awareness as the crew- the clan as a whole gets used to the hybrid's presence, and similarly, his refusal to leave the background of the stage. he skittered, outright ran when confronted without his brother or sisters. brilliant yellow eyes doe-round and startled before sharp claws and a bundle of fur- energy reserved just fr the case of running from other's attentions.

on occasion, he could be found napping along a low hanging branch with a brilliantly knitted blanket, or a woolen scarf tucked along his form, the longer strands billowing in the winds as he braced against the kicked up sands or the salt-tinged air. on occasion, rarer still, would law be found relocating a snow white stuffed beat, horribly sewn but gently- well loved, the only sign of wear being the restitched left eye with bright yellow string, somehow more crude than the rest of the piece.

now, it was stark as the north star hung above their heads. a low light and small amounts of smoke billowing from the tavern of the isles, within a booth cut off from the world did the creature stay, sitting along the booth and a book propped along the lowered table. a coloring book of different animals, all pages blank of color beyond the curious facts that reflected back from the stark pages.

within the hustle bustle of the tavern, law was silent, solemn child, occasionally switching from his task of study to watch the tavern and the people; flipping between the pages.
[color=transparent] [w]isker
[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]The dark doesn't frighten me[/glow]

[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]I chose to close my eyes; it is mine[/glow]

Re: that's how it goes . introduction - lovekit. - 08-11-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
It was hard to miss that Lovekit was the most boisterous of his litter, carrying the Roux flair that many of the family had become known for. Both Harlow and Lawkit were significantly more subtle and subdued than he was, but that had never been a problem for the small hybrid. In fact, he just saw it as an opportunity, to try to draw them both out of their shells. The child had taken notice of how his brother preferred the shadows, and he was more than happy to oblige, liking to think of himself as a protective presence for both he and Harlow. Whether or not that would be true remained to be seen, considering how very small the kit still was, despite the size difference between he and his siblings. As it was now, it would be exceedingly easy for a larger animal to just toss Lovekit aside, invalidating all the big dreams of being a protective warrior that danced in his head. However, he knew that one day he would be able to live up to those visions, and make both his mothers proud – not to mention making sure nothing ever tore happiness away from himself, or his siblings.

The tavern was a building that the boy had not yet properly explored, finding it so grand and intimidating that even he was vaguely unsure of himself. When the scent of Lawkit led inside, however, the male knew that he needed to follow, not willing to chance any dimwitted adults upsetting his brother. So, the hybrid had slipped his way through the front doors, ignoring the way that a few curious looks were shot in his direction. Hell, he could even hear a few whispers about his parentage, more than likely those already curious about their captain's children. Ignoring those, Lovekit allowed his green eyes to cut sharply through the crowd, eventually identifying Lawkit sitting in a booth near the corner, hidden away with a coloring book. A smile coming to his muzzle, Lovekit made his way over, large front paws pulling himself into the booth across from the other. Offering his kin a sharptoothed grin, Lovekit found himself muttering over the general hum of the tavern, "Hey Lawkit... what're you looking at? I never thought I'd find you here at the tavern... this place is loud, right?" The loudness was sort of a comfort to Lovekit's hyper sensibilities, but he had always thought Lawkit would prefer a more comfortable, quiet setting.

Re: that's how it goes . introduction - ROXANNE R. - 08-11-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne would usually avoid the tavern since well, she used to be a recognized face around there wanting to be forgotten amongst the large crowd and alcohol wasn't something she drank that much aside from a few occasions when Michael had dragged her along. It had been a while since the last time Michael had dragged her to the tavern, part of her missing it whilst the other simply rolled it off her shoulders with a shrug. But it took her by surprise when she saw Lovekit heading in the direction of said building, a frown on her maw as one of her nonexistent eyebrows rose. She supposed that she would need to make sure nothing happened to her nephew so without another thought, the Officer was walking over in that direction feeling slight discomfort rise within her. She ignored the looks that she received though Roxanne did her best in simply searching for her nephews soon spotting not one but both Lovekit and Lawkit.

Brushing down the fur down on her chest, the Officer would draw near with a smile on her maw and briefly twitched her whiskers "Hello Lawkit and Lovekit." There was a brief pause as she let the greeting sink in though she would continue to speak just after it with a tilt of her cranium, a smile present on her maw "Do your mothers know you're here?" She might as well ask seeing as she never let Roan come to the tavern when he had been much younger except for that one time he had snuck in and had taken a seat next to her, a soft purr of amusement leaving her. If their mothers didn't know, well, Roxanne would make sure to keep them safe until either of them came over to collect their little ones or make sure they were safe. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: that's how it goes . introduction - Lawlocked - 08-12-2020

[color=transparent] [w]isker
the Capricorn tavern were filled with loud boisterous voices, and it was easy to fade here, into the shadow of an unused booth. it was easy as simply finding the shade for law to have his creature comfort. without a mother curling along his shadow or a sibling trailing around his long curling tail lawkit found the tie to be alone in the quiet and in the noise. a peace within a din of a chorus of drunkards and the flow of hushed words. drunken confessions that everyone would pretend to ignore for their keen hearing.

but the Capricorn filled another purpose, it told law many things here beyond the strands of ink darkening his paws at the very moment. information was a valuable resource, closely guarded secret and a hymn of power traded between friendlies. the book was merely an invitation for the ignorant, and a bluff for the knowing. keen where the darkening golden eyes, as they swept throughout the tavern, watching the barkeep for an avid moment as they leaned down to give a strange drink towards a newcomer; law wondered what it was, and heard the giggle of an older patron further in, knowing.

law's eyes narrowed, but then he spotted the brilliant hue of his sibling and his atention was diverted. "[glow=grey,2,300]love, it's good to see you.[/glow]" the smile that law gave was honest, earnest. the shadow in his expression lightening at the sight of his own brother. the largest of the lot of them glared around at the tavern, threadbare wings spreading in a silent threat that most would recognize as a bluff. the whispering- the gossip here was annoying, but it served it's purpose.

law silently offered the book for his brother, a grin along law's smile as he shared the small margin gibberish that he had wrote. some of it was common knowlege, but some of it wasn't.

everyone is born with blue eyes

it was written childish, but legible next to an uncolored monkey on the page.

but then there was their aunt, a sheepish- boyish grin gracing the solem child with the innocence of childhood still. "[glow=grey,2,300]i haven't tried to hide my presence here[/glow]"- no but it were now obvious, another gathering within the pub, and the group was getting curious looks, of course such a new- younge faces of him and his brother- paired with the officer of the typhoon- auntie would drawl attention, and he lowered his ears slightly, being sure to make room for both of them within the booth. "[glow=grey,2,300]do you think they would be mad? I haven't had anything but water, and juice here- the bartender is really nice![/glow]"- even if he seems to have a habbit of spiking drinks- ah

"[glow=grey,2,300]ano- i'm just here because it's... shady. and it's hot outside.[/glow]"
[color=transparent] [w]isker
[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]The dark doesn't frighten me[/glow]

[glow=#5E5E5E,2,300]I chose to close my eyes; it is mine[/glow]

Re: that's how it goes . introduction - lovekit. - 08-12-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
Everyone is born with blue eyes.

It wasn't vital information by any means, but Lovekit still found his gaze lighting up when he saw the words, taking a moment to process them enough to read. He was still kind of getting a handle on the whole reading thing, but Lawkit's occasional scribblings were certainly helping. After all, what better reason to learn how to read, than to read what your brother had found out? Lovekit was hardly the type to sit back and just let himself... listen to the world around him. He was fairly sure he would never be the spy type, since it was difficult to let himself blend into the shadows, and just take in information as it came. Plus, there was very little chance that he wouldn't take the first opportunity to launch himself at an enemy if it came to that. He couldn't just watch as others plotted, because a sense of wrong and right in his chest would constantly shove its way to the forefront. However, he didn't mind that his brother was better than him in that department. They all had their strengths, and that just meant that they could work better together, right? The thought brought a lopsided grin to his muzzle, although the meaning of it was hidden from the other boy, for now.

Lovekit's secret delight, however, was interrupted by the arrival of their aunt, his green gaze flicking upwards to look at the small feline. She was still larger than him, but surprisingly not by all that much. He hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to answer – and petrified that he was about to get lectured – but Lawkit responded promptly, making the larger of the two settle somewhat. From what the child had picked up so far, Lovekit knew that aunt Roxie was hardly the type to go screaming her head off about a little rule breaking, but he also didn't want to worry their mothers. After Lawkit had given his answer, Lovekit tacked on in a soft voice, still smiling in a smaller way, "Ah... I didn't tell our moms where I was going, but I didn't originally know I was going here. I was just trying to figure out where Lawkit was, so I followed his scent... like he said, we haven't done anything wrong, though." Both Goldie and Sam tended to allow their children a pretty hefty deal of freedom, as long as they weren't putting themselves in danger. It was sort of a relief for Lovekit, whose constant hunt for the next discovery often put him in places he maybe shouldn't have been.