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YOU'RE TOO LATE, I'M AFRAID — Lawkit's biography . wip - Printable Version

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YOU'RE TOO LATE, I'M AFRAID — Lawkit's biography . wip - Lawlocked - 08-09-2020


Name . Lawkit Roux Brannon

Physical age . 5 moons old
Creation date . 7 . 12 . 20
First post . 8 . 4 . 20

Powers . to be discovered

"Law, beyond his name is not a rigid in set character-trait. He is a devoted kitten with strong ties to his family and crew-mates. His naive nature from the start of his life quickly adapts to methodical and polarizing as he comes to term with the meanings between family, foe and the ones in between. He has a mild personality and doesn’t mind falling into the background of his sibling’s louder personalities; enjoying the ability to simply bask into their presence. 

He is very naïve, and his naivete plays into his faults of polarizing others. While first impressions mean little to him; actions will always speak louder than any platitudes. As a kid, instinct rules his personality in this; he reads body language before he hears other’s words. His calm nature as a child and lack of action in tandem of his siblings’ allow him the time to observe them and others.

As a kid, his reactions towards other’s is honest and genuine; when not openly guarded he has a sense of stoicism as a kid due to being calm, and rather lacking most reactions beyond a naïve kindness. He takes most of his que from his parents and siblings, and without them within the area his reactions will be lacking.

Tiger/Doberman Hybrid . 100%
Modifications . doberman body + tiger addons ; wings and antlers
Scarring . n/a

Law-lu takes more after Samantha than goldie, at first. His fur is a bland double shade of dark grey-on soft orange and very short, wire-like fur. As he ages past his long legs his body shape, when compared to his own mother Samantha is much more stockier, not quite reaching the same level of a tigers, but much bigger than a Dobermans. His physice still resembles a doberman more than anything else; with long agile limbs and a similar coat. Tons of spots decorate his lower back, hind-back legs and near his angles. As he grows into an apprentice aged his spots fully develop into strips akin to a more traditional tiger. His eyes are a rimmed yellow, that fade to blue with thin silts for pupil.

In comparison to an actual Doberman, law-lu is a lot stockier, lacking the well-known sleeker build as Doberman. His snout is elongated like the dog-breed, nose more circular than triangular. His legs are a lot more elongated than a tigers, allowing him a ton more maneuverability as he ages into his paws. His tail is similar to a tigers, long and covered in a lot more wire-like short fur.

His horns are already pre-set into his skull as he was a kid. Full set wings being similar to an King Vulture; taking years to fully develop with their full color and capability. A slate-grey with stripes-spotting along his feathers. His wingspan will become 1.3x his body length cutting a rather imposing figure when in full span or arched along his back. His wings are similarity to a king vulture’s in meant to be used for long glides rather than quick swift flight

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Re: YOU'RE TOO LATE, I'M AFRAID — Lawkit's biography . wip - Lawlocked - 08-09-2020

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