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Reality without you // Return - Printable Version

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Reality without you // Return - teef - 08-09-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai 'pure' shi 'honest' lynn lingré. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting kydobi, regina & idyllfields. marauder of the pitt. demiromantic gray-asexual.
time had passed too quickly for the old being to catch up with, the passing of seasons flying by in mere moments. Breath spilling from their lungs, blind blue eyes taking in empty expanses that were filled with life and beings. The scent of their home rolled over their muzzle, the kingpin slowly moving back towards their lands. They hadn't been here in months, and it seems like most everyone else had left in their absence as well. They had left while ill, fearing their demise would come upon them. They had survived the danger, living away from anyone for the longest time as they recovered. Now, they had come home to drive out the rodents and pests that had come to live within the borders of Alithís Evgenis, to do some cleaning and see if anyone would come by again. They could only blame themself for the loss of members, as they had to leave themselves for some time. Currently in their draconic and favored body, the being moved forward, feeling the air around them change directions, bringing a foul stench to their muzzle.

Spreading their jaws, they let go a mighty roar, frightening nearby roosting birds from trees, muzzle creasing in anger as they scented things that didn't belong there. Somebody had moved into the territory, and they could smell these lives and the bodies that belonged to them. "I'm back!", they announced, thinking that they should at least warn the invaders that someone big and angry had arrived. Lashing theirtail, they descended down the treacherous cliff to their den, snarling and snapping at the beings that fled their den with shrieks and screams. Inhaling the stale scent of their den, they were pummeled by old memories and rested their nose upon the ground. Growling, the tired beast curled up in their den, talons digging into the peat and dirt. They needed to formulate how to fix this.

Re: Reality without you // Return - Veris - 08-09-2020

Veris had stayed in Alithís Evgenis for as long as she could, and when she couldn’t, she was always around. It had been only a small time since the raiders had come. They had caught her off guard when she came back from a hunting trip and she was alone against many. She knew her siblings were some to come and go but she was unsure of where they were then and their status has stayed that way. So she was alone, and had been for awhile since her parents have gone.

But she could’ve sworn she heard them... perhaps she had drifted too close to the territory and heard those damnable bandits, or maybe she had been living alone for so long that she had conjured voices that belonged to no one. The voice was so real though, and one she hadn’t heard in such a long time.

It was a swift sprint to try and find it. It was a complete possibility that all Veris would find would be a fight but the shrieks of fear from the occupiers was a good sign to the shadowy jaguar and it brought a pleased grin to her face. She slunk through the shadows as she passed by the frightened animals.

She could see them then. Curled up and looking just like they used to. “You’re here?... you’re actually back?...” Her steps were light as she stepped from the darkness she hid in. It was almost dream like seeing them back in his den. It took everything not to lay next to them like she did as a small child in the case they were injured or angry at her for letting the territory fall to waste.

Re: Reality without you // Return - teef - 08-18-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai 'pure' shi 'honest' lynn lingré. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting kydobi, regina & idyllfields. marauder of the pitt. demiromantic gray-asexual.
a certain kind of relief filled their heart, curbing the hard and angry tide clawing up their throat to spill from their mouth as poisonous actions. they were not mad with her, they were mad with the world and what it had done to their family. "baby girl. veris." they crooned, hit by her scent still tainted by the faintest scent of milk and their nest in the nursery from so long ago. she was theirs, their tiny daughter. they could remember the feeling of her pressed into their side, her tiny muzzle feeding against their skin. they remembered the soft and milky scent clinging to her when she had hatched, immediately coming to nurse.

"its okay. im here now, my little one. I'm back and I'm not going to leave you again. I'm sorry
I was gone for so long. I'm better now, and I'm going to get our home back, darling. Come here, little one, come talk to Dad.
" they murmured ever so softly,  their blind gaze roaming the area before pinpointing her by her scent. Tears slowly made their way down their face, lingering on the ridges of their scars. "Whose all here, baby girl? Is it just you and me?"