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BRAND NEW DAY;; open - intro - Printable Version

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BRAND NEW DAY;; open - intro - trojan g. - 08-06-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; max-width: 500px; font-family: verdana;font-size:10px;text-align:justify;"]The recent events with the raid had caused nicabar to gain a memory. Of course, he didn't know that what he was seeing were things that had actually happened, but they were still something that seemed to be effecting him rather greatly. Where he had been seemingly a young child coming up onto the border, he'd recently realized that he was, in fact, an adult. A young adult, but an adult nonetheless. Estimated to be around 14 months old if he remembered correctly - which he was pretty sure now that he did.

Nicabar suffered from being short and had a perpetual baby face, a thing that he couldn't help but wished that he could, for then maybe he wouldn't have thought himself to be so young considering the way otehrs would act around him after they had found out, or even how they would have acted straight away had they not seen him as a small young child that needed to be protected.

Clearing his throat, the serval would look around to those around him before beginning to speak at last. "Hello," He would begin, voice low and quiet at first, though would get louder as he gained his confidence through the speaking. "My name is Nicabar, and I'm new to the group, or, well, newish I guess. I don't remember much about my past before coming here, but I think it's slowly coming back, and even though I'm short, I realized today that I'm an adult, which is weird to me because I should have known that already..." He didn't really know what he was saying, seemingly just rambling. "I felt like I should be here when I started on my own little journey, and I've been glad so far that I've stayed." Was that a good enough introduction for those around him to meet him at last?

Re: BRAND NEW DAY;; open - intro - DELILAH. - 08-07-2020

tracking to reply when I can!

Re: BRAND NEW DAY;; open - intro - Luciferr - 08-13-2020

Fenris was a long lived creature - not as long lived as his father, who was far older by far and had seen far much more than the war wolf would ever know - but he’d lived long enough to see many a strange thing and many a troubled person.

Which is why when Nicabar began introducing himself, the great wolf had wandered closer, settling on his spines haunches to quietly listen as he talked before offering anything of his own.

Though it was almost comical to see Fenris, tall as he was, next to everyone else here more or less - the weather jokes were endless.

”we’re glad you joined us Nicabar” he rumbled, inclining his head with something passing a thoughtful frown on those ever snarling features ”whether you regain all your past or not though, don’t get too troubled by it - everyone has a fresh start more or less when they join us after all”

Hopefully that helped - void knows Fenris tripped over his own paws when I take to words an awful lot, of at least in his attempts to comfort, he often felt far more out of his depth and useless in those scenarios.