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I AM AN OLD SOUL LOOKING FOR REST | whittling - Printable Version

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I AM AN OLD SOUL LOOKING FOR REST | whittling - Luciferr - 08-06-2020

it wasn’t often he could be so idle, if anything he was usually doing something,

But today he was simply stretched out across the white sands, partially obscured by the palms large enough to provide the lying dragon with some shade though the weather was hardly a chore for him, when one was used to the frozen hells of the starlit expanse or the burning hellfire of a supernova kissing vantablack scales, it really was rather manageable in comparison.

Sometimes he missed flying up there, but then, he wouldn’t miss the long loneliness,

No, grounded was better if it meant he was with friends - and family.

Luciferus hummed to himself as he worked his claws over another piece of driftwood - while his attempts at knitting plushies were still rookie level, the art of whittling was something he was quite good with, he knew how to angle his claws after all - and how best to carve,

Originally he knew this for much more violent reasons - but then, it had hardly been his choice to learn so, at least now he could put that same finesse to a much smaller much less harmful use.

He smiled as he scraped the last line into a slowly increasing number of carved animal likenesses - this one was a dolphin, curved mid flip - humming quietly, he placed it down next to the cat mid leap he’d carved earlier as he picked up another piece of driftwood and dyed it, wondering what to whittle out next.

Though It did, from the outside in, look like he was quietly amassing a small wooden army of the things.

[ooc: feel free to ask Luci for one of the carvings (or to carve one btw) ]

Re: I AM AN OLD SOUL LOOKING FOR REST | whittling - devland - 08-06-2020

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 60%; min-height: 8px; font-family: arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 25px"]Art was hard. Devland's quick sketches in his journals were nice enough, but he refused to actually attempt drawing or painting. He certainly had never considered carving things either. Granted, he supposed he had never harbored a need to want to do those things, but the longer he stayed in the Typhoon, the more aware he became that everyone had a nice, artistic hobby. He felt like he was falling behind, but he was also too apathetic to really commit to anything. Besides, he could vicariously live through others.

He had been watching the great dragon whittle away for quite a while before making himself known. "You're pretty talented," Devland noted, taking a seat near Lucifer, watching him work. He was surprised the large being could craft such tiny things. Half-lidded eyes surveyed the growing wooden menagerie with interest. He had seen things like this before, but the craftsmanship of Lucifer's creations excelled ones the boy had previously seen.

His head lolled to one side. "Where'd you learn how to do this?" He wondered if there were secret lessons the Typhoon held for these sorts of things. If there were, he wondered why he hadn't heard about them considering he liked to throw himself in everyone's business.

Re: I AM AN OLD SOUL LOOKING FOR REST | whittling - bubblegum - 08-08-2020

Re: I AM AN OLD SOUL LOOKING FOR REST | whittling - michael t. - 08-09-2020

Art wasn't something that Michael was exceedingly good at, unless one considered thieving to be an art form. Although, there was form of art that the bobcat found himself enjoying more than anything else – acting. He had always been a dear fan of all the old human movies he could get his paws on, and acting as a different person had always been his favorite part of pulling off schemes with Trevor. It was hardly an art form one got to practice often, unless they were lying often – which was something Michael had done often in the past, but had tried to mitigate as of late – or putting on constant stage shows. While part of that did sound very fun to the reaver, he also didn't think that the ribbing from Roxie and others he would get afterward would be as fun, so he neglected to consider that an option.

Whittling, by comparison, was an artistic skill that was far easier to practice, as long as you had a tool to do it with, and some wood. It was never something that Michael had been particularly enchanted by, but the thief could certainly appreciate the work that went into it. It was hard to not be aware of where Lucifer was, even on such a large span of land as the Typhoon's territory. So, when the bobcat spotted the other whittling away at surprisingly nice looking pieces, he found himself making his way over quickly. He eyed the small army of wooden figures that sat in front of the other, taking in the rather bold and adorable shapes of several of them. After a moment of hesitation, he found himself asking in a curious tone, "Do you know how to whittle something that represents protection? Like a charm or little protective figure?" Michael was, for once, not actually worried about himself. Rather, he would've liked to give a protective symbol to Trevor, seeing as his husband was still out and about in the uncharted lands, a fact that often caused the fugitive heaps of anxiety.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: I AM AN OLD SOUL LOOKING FOR REST | whittling - GEORGIA. - 08-09-2020

*・゚✧ / BETA / 08 MONTHS
Georgia had few talents, and they were all ocean related. All connected to the sea, somehow, in some form. A good swimmer, a good fisher, playing the handpan, sailing...and an odd, disembodied way of singing. Siren-like, almost. Nevertheless, these things got old. Sometimes she was tired of being linked to the ocean; tired of being tied and limited. She wanted to be good at land based things, too. She wanted to be good at artisan crafts. She wanted to draw and cook and build. Stupid fucking Greek mythology heritage.

In happening across Lucifer, Devland, Michael and Goldie, Georgia couldn't help but bite her lip and pin her ears at the sight of Luci dragging his claws over the driftwood. The way it caught underneath his nails, the uncomfortable made her own nail beds itch like crazy. She took a moment to individually shake each paw, flicking them as hard as she could so she could rid herself of the sensation.

"How old he is?" The somali echoed idly, creeping forward to inspect the finished pieces. "How old is he?" Georgia had a mild concept of age and ancient deities; she believed in gods and goddesses whose culture had disappeared millenia ago. Still, she'd never met any, which made it a little difficult to physically wrap her brain around them.

She poked the dolphin carving, fully fixated on all of its fine markings and intricate details. "Can I have this? It's awesome."

Re: I AM AN OLD SOUL LOOKING FOR REST | whittling - Keona. - 08-09-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
It's the sound.  The scrape of claws over wood.  Intricacy.  She knows Lucifer is carving as she passes by.  An art even the tiny faerie can appreciate.  She may not be able to see the carving, but it was art she could feel.  Touch.  She could not touch paint without ruining it.  With a carving she could explore the patterns, recognize the shapes. 

If she weren't so small, she may try to master the art herself.  Perhaps one day.  Time was one of things she did not lack.

The voices surrounding Lucifer brought an amused twitch of her whiskers.  How old?  Well.  The Dealer imagined Luciferus was older than Raziel.  Of course, Keona had never asked her uncle just how old he was.  In fact, she let her ears flick down, snorting quietly.  "Kinda rude to ask."

That said, the petite feline felt sure Luci probably didn't mind the question too much.  So, she smiled and took a seat close to the dragon, tail tip twitching behind her.  "... Aloha, Luci.  Can I feel them?"
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: I AM AN OLD SOUL LOOKING FOR REST | whittling - Luciferr - 08-13-2020

hed been absorbed in whittling this next one, finally having decided on what looked like a great cat but with three tails and a second head - carefully mind - when Devland’s voice drifted past and it was a near thing but he carefully didn’t scratch this one - ah, he really was going soft if he let his guard down this much (the typhoon was home though and he’d never been good at keeping his guard up in such a relaxed atmosphere, it was nice really).

He turned his head to address Devland now that he’d joined him before another spoke for him and he snorted with a smile ”oh yes, I’m just that old sadly - a real old man am I” he chuckled idly ”but hm, time and practice I’d suppose - and it’s a..less...destructive use of my talents at least” for a moment his gaze seemed to stray far away past even the horizon he’d stared at when musing the words before he blinked and seemed to regather himself, smiling at Goldie and Dev and about to ask them how there own days were treating them in this idle time of peace when Michael joined them

The former officer inclined his head thinking ”I know quite a few, some that might be familiar here and some decidedly not - but did you have one in mind?” a few he knew from his own lands, so long ago now, but they wouldn’t be known here even if they might help - he finished whittling the mane of the two headed and three tailed cat before settling it down with the others and pausing in his works for now to address more of the crowd he had gathered.

He snorted a laugh at Georgia’s questioning and simply smiled wryly ”old enough” rude to ask a dragon his age and all but he knew there was no harm meant by any of them and instead when she asked for the figure he raised a brow in question briefly - somehow startled to be asked but no less flattered - and nodded ”thank you and yes you may” he smiled at the others ”if any of you fancy a carving already here, feel free, it would be nice to see them get homes” he motioned to the small army of animals and mythicals and long extinct species - even some species that seemed bizarre and fantastical, no doubt perhaps ones Luci knew but the others might never have seen.

Keona spoke up on his behalf and he hummed ”it’s alright Keona, I get asked often anyway” his wings shifted in what passed for a shrug before he moved some of the carvings over to the tiny dealer - the two headed cat he’d done just now and an older one that seemed to be the shape of some kind of firey bird carved mid lift off and decorated in tiny emblems across its crest.

”here try these two - there’s more if you’d like to find one of your own of course”

Re: I AM AN OLD SOUL LOOKING FOR REST | whittling - devland - 08-14-2020

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 60%; min-height: 8px; font-family: arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 25px"]Devland's shifting eyes steadied on Luciferus' work. He was so absorbed in the detail that he almost hadn't noticed Goldenluxury's approach. He dipped his head in greeting, offering her his full attention as she spoke. When she teased the great dragon about his age, the boy couldn't help but crack a tiny, amused smile. "Don't be too hard on yourself about age, sir," the feline instructed, tone airy, "I've heard good things come with getting older. Well-executed hobbies seem to be one of them." He returned to staring at the wooden carvings.

He watched as others trickled in - Michael, Georgia, and Keona. Michael was asking about protection totems (that was noteworthy to Devland), Georgia was curious about Luciferus' exact age as she grabbed at a dolphin carving, and Keona was scolding Georgia for asking such a rude question. He couldn't help but snicker as Keona reprimanded Georgia.

The Beta rolled his shoulders, half-lidded eyes jumping from carving to carving in search of something to call his own. Luciferus had said they were all free to good homes, and Devland couldn't deny his hording tendencies. When his eyes landed on an intricate carving of a snake, he grabbed at it lightly. "You really don't mind us just taking these?"

Re: I AM AN OLD SOUL LOOKING FOR REST | whittling - michael t. - 08-16-2020

Did he have a particular totem in mind? The question was enough to stop Michael in his tracks, and the male had to resist the frown that suddenly tugged at his muzzle. The truth was, he didn't have any particular kind of totem in mind. Before this, the thief had very rarely ever thought about protection, beyond just keeping himself and Trevor alive. In most cases, he had relied on only himself to do that, rather than any silly magic or symbols. He still very much intended on using his own skills and strength to protect himself, his husband, and his children, but he still wouldn't mind the extra bits, even if it all turned out to be utter nonsense. Better to try something and have it fail, rather than never try and have it be right, right? It seemed natural to him, although he hoped Lucifer wouldn't be annoyed with him for not having anything in particular in mind, or think of him as a fool because of it. Michael's family had hardly ever really been focused on protection, especially when they were often the ones he needed protecting from, so it wasn't as if he had them to teach him about such things.

Shaking his head from side to side, the reaver tried not to feel self conscious as he spoke to Lucifer, having to cock his head upwards just to meet the dragon's gaze, "Er... no, I didn't have a particular thing in mind, really. I've never exactly dabbled in protection carvings, or anything. You got something that like... represents the protection of a family, maybe?" His pelt was crawling at the vulnerability he was showing, but he tried his damnedest to ignore it. After all, some already knew that he and Trevor were trying to have kids, back from when he had tried extremely unsuccessfully to shift into a coyote body. Those who didn't... well, he could only hope that they would assume he was speaking about his Typhoon family. He did have his sister and all her children to worry about, not to mention all of the kids that he had practically unintentionally adopted. It wouldn't have been completely unreasonable to think that perhaps he was talking about them, rather than any new pups he might be having in the future.

He didn't know why, exactly, the thought of others knowing about his plans to have children worried him so much. Perhaps it was just because he had learned throughout life that it was practically a death sentence to show any weaknesses, and having children to protect was a pretty massive glowing weakness for enemies to pick up on. Still, it wasn't as if anyone within The Typhoon was going to try and hurt him, or his children. It would be fine. He had to believe that it would be, anyways.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: I AM AN OLD SOUL LOOKING FOR REST | whittling - PAOLA - 08-18-2020

[shadow=black,left]PAOLA VASQUEZ[/shadow]
I just wanna taste it; Watermelon sugar high!
When she sees Lucifer whittling and the other Typhoon members commenting on his skill, Paola immediately sets off to find her current nest, pilfering through a small collection of knick-knacks until she finds the small doe figurine that she's kept for longer than she could remember—quite literally, when she had come to in the middle of an abandoned village, it had been the only thing she possessed, with no recollection of how she came upon it.

Clutching it gently with her tail, the she-cat walks back to the small gathering, careful not to drop the item. She lingers at the edge of the group for a moment, uncharacteristically nervous and avoiding everyone's eyes, until she manages to find the nerves to speak.

"Hi, Mr. Lucifer, sir," she starts, surprisingly quiet given her general attitude. Walking forward, she gently places the figurine in front of him. It's a beautifully carved piece. The doe's head is thrown back, caught mid-trot, but it’s showing very obvious signs of wear and tear, the wood bare in some places and bearing claw-marks and bite marks in others. One hindleg planted on the ground has even been chipped off.

”Is there any way to fix this?” The she-cat pushes the figurine closer so that he could have a look, and any hawk-eyed member would see that there’s a slight tremble to her movement. Paola raises her head to look at Lucifer, ears burning with embarrassment. ”I think I’ve had it before I even lost my memories. I’m pretty sure it used to be important to me. It’s the only thing I have left of my old life.”