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pipeline - knives - fulzanin - 08-06-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

From Tanglewood, Clony had managed to secure a decent amount of metal. The rest had been gathered from scrambling and fluttering about before the semi-lockdown status Elysium was currently in. They had absolutely no complaints about travelling in a group of 3. If anything, they would love for that number to be higher. Maybe 20? They liked the idea of 20, but were constantly reminded of just how small they were in comparison to the other Elysites. They had an odd dream a while back of, for some reason, being made of cake. There had been combat for some odd reason, the details they couldn't remember other than that everyone absolutely dwarfed them. Insecurity regarding their size was new. That had been a large reason behind wanting to make the walker mech. Clony did not possess the materials to craft such a thing. Instead, they were going to likely settle for something far smaller, something that they could operate with ease by their own talons.

Briefly, Clony debated on just using a sturdy metal rod and finding a way to keep it heated so that it could sear opponents in battle. They knew a few other members of the group had flaming hot personalities and equally as hot fire. Asking them to repeatedly heat the rod in combat did not seem favorable, and until Clony learned the secret of combusting into flames, they supposed that idea was out of luck. There was another idea they had, but for border safety. It churned in the back of their mind, demanding more deliberation of its ability to actually work before they put forth any effort into constructing such a thing. So at last, their gaze fell to their grubby talons, and realized that they could probably make do with something that lengthened their basic striking range. A normal metal rod was fine, but heavy, and the amount of momentum they'd need behind a blow would probably wind up with a few unsavory deaths added to their massive total.

That led to what was currently within their talons, hopping and strutting about as they grew used to the feeling of the weapons grasped in their claws. Knives had been created, with a curved green hilt. The curve made it far easier for Clony to use, and after some practice walking wasn't too much of a challenge. That did not stop them from tumbling over a few times due to the awkward gait they had to use with the knives. The legs of a bat were not for walking, but one who had undergone heavy mutations such as Clony sort of defied that logic. Nonetheless, walking was odd, and walking with knives was even odder. Wildly their fluffy tail swung behind them as they tried to keep balance. "I'm thinking I could make them a bit longer and still walk okay," they mused after their latest tumble, sitting upright and staring at their craftsmanship. A delighted chatter broke forth, ears raised to aid an expression of sheer delight. Pride flooded through, happy with their work and how it would prove useful should the need ever arise. With the recent murders and their promotion, it seemed inevitable. Better to be prepared than blindly stumble forth, Clony noted as they rose back into a stand and continued their awkward toddle around the camp.

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: pipeline - knives - Warringkingdoms - 08-08-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Clony walking around camp with their feet wrapped around knives, as if walking on skis, drew Rin's attention away from the notes she'd been writing. While the first aid training was more important than her simple curiosity, indulging in the natural instinct to investigate couldn't hurt just this once. In any case, attendance would be higher if she held the training tomorrow, so she had plenty of time to prepare.

  Setting down the paper, Rin approached Clony with a raised brow. "You made these?" she asked, glancing down at the knives. Their curved hilts were clearly custom-made, and Clony's mental chirps had said something about making the knives a bit longer; she hadn't figured they'd be much for metalworking, but it wasn't that surprising considering the designs they had on making a walker mech. Sitting down, she added, "Nice work. Where'd you get the metal?"


Re: pipeline - knives - fulzanin - 08-16-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

A delighted click sounded from Clony as they noted Rin's approach. Eager to show off their work, they flapped their wings to help them toddle closer to the other. The flapping continued as they lifted a claw and a knife from the ground, talons wriggling around the hilt. "Yup! Made them myself! Pretty cool, aren't they?" They asked as they set their knife back down. It was difficult, keeping their balance on the hilts of the blades, but they were happy that for the time being, they were managing.  Delighted wag of fluffy tail continued to demonstrate their complete and utter excitement. It was nowhere near as difficult as making a laser proof armor out of sticky fur. That had been a nightmare, and the heat had been near unbearable. Flying with that suit on was hard, and the buzzsaw cutting needed to free themself had also warranted a few ugly explosion of charcoal colored fluff.

Then the other asked about where they got the metal. Fluffy ears raised, twitching, before relaxing again. "Oh! I found a bunch of food the other day when I was out flying, I'm pretty sure it was either papayas or mangoes. I went kinda far, yea," Clony began, rolling their head in some vague gesture to where they'd gone. "Then I discovered I really don't care for the flavor of mango. Or papaya. Whichever one it was. So I brought it to another group in exchange for the metal!" They ended in a delighted click, bouncing their form. Albeit the motion was done gingerly, not wanting to risk tumbling and falling on their own blades. Seeing as Rin was now sitting down, Clony saw to hop and toddle around her, strutting with their blades as if they were a proud chicken. "What do you think? Pretty good right? They just gotta be longer," they said as they once again came to a halt before her.

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: pipeline - knives - Warringkingdoms - 08-16-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Clony toddling back, still in their ski-walk pose but now flapping their wings to assist, sent half-formed ideas racing through Rin's head. Ski infantry? Dive-bombing enemies with knives? As entertaining as dropping knives on foes might have been, though, she wasn't sure it would be practical in the long run for everyone- a lot of knives would be needed, requiring a lot of metal, and then everyone who wanted to try would need training... still, the thought of swooping down on the Skyborne and slicing through their neck with Clony's new knives was fun to think about.

  Whatever helps you sleep at night, Kui.

  The echo in the back of her head nearly made her jump- as it was, her eye snapped wide open, her ears flattening back. Clony hadn't heard that, she could be almost certain, so it was best not to make them question the... situation. Mangoes, papayas, Clony had said. They traded them to another group. Focus on that.

  Clearing her throat, Rin asked, "Can I ask which group it was?" Given that they, an Elysite, were able to get a diplomatic trade rather than end up in a fight, she had to assume it wasn't the Pitt they'd gone to. She was mostly just curious, in any case. With a shrug, she added, "I'd just say to make sure they're not so long you can't carry them."

Re: pipeline - knives - J. ADALGAR - 08-18-2020

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300] and what's wrong with being confident?[/glow]
hebi was familiar with the need to protect. Since hebi had joined clans, in what seemed like eons ago- it was always in a constant state of war, constant state of protecting others and creating a reputation of something to be feared. vengeance was struck on the battle-field: from both sides. For hebi it was merely for peace, all he had ever wanted for the longest time was peace, and now here he paced alone restless with it.

he was raised in war, and in peace the thing he fought for for years, for his life sacrificed so much for the sake of, the chance to see it with his own eyes- it all felt so suddenly hollow: it left him gaping and raw and vunrable, and he still dreamed- thrashed about war.

the war was over, it was over years ago when he left, but he took the war with him even if it were only in his head. it was better, better to see the peace in others and simply feel satisfied for that, if nothing else.

but here, in a small clearing watching clony with knives the way the bat clumsy gripped them and swung them for rin's entertainment, for explanation: hebi felt a shiver of unease something was brewing along his shoulders, a tension that hadn't faded in weeks, in the moon he had been there.

the war ; wasn't over with him

it was his penance for rejoining one, he assumed; and in the quiet of the shade hebi allowed himself the quiet moment to gather himself before he spoke. "if you're looking for some help with those, i don't mind lending a a few hours to teach you to fight with something larger than the length of you." hebi, he was good with his blades, but he was better- excellent at spears. it was literally in his name not that many knew the meaning of his last name.

Re: pipeline - knives - fulzanin - 08-20-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Clony continued slowly bouncing, their talons shifting from where they kept their grip on the knives. The back edge of the handle, closer to the hilt, trying to get a feel for where the best place to hold the weapons would be. They hadn't ever used knives before themself. They'd used spikes that had been shoved through their fluffy form in order to reach levers and switches that had been buried so deep in debris that they couldn't reach it. That was the closest they'd gotten to knives, if a long and jagged pole happened to count. Rin had asked them a question, and their wandering thoughts snapped back to attention. "Oh! I went to that group that... uh. What's his name came from. The ones that live in all the dense trees? Murky water? Undergrowth or something? Tanglegrowth?" They rub their fluffy chin with a wing joint, trying to recall the exact name and failing to do so.

Those thoughts were once more abruptly cut at Hebi's approach. An offer of help caused for their ears to perk, and a flap of their wings brought them closer. "Really? So I do need to make them longer? I can make them longer! I got a bunch of stuff spare that I had saved just for making them longer!" They chatter, pearly eyes wide with sheer delight. They begin to hop again, knives gently clinking against the ground beneath. A few hours to learn? Clony hoped that it wouldn't take that long, their tail rapidly swinging behind them with unrestrained speed. "Maybe then I can take up whittling! One of the other me's mentioned it needed knives before. I don't know what else is needed but I can probably figure it out!" They continue, a wild wave of one of their fluffy wings following suit.

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: pipeline - knives - J. ADALGAR - 08-20-2020

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300] and what's wrong with being confident?[/glow]
it was a world tinged in grey, memories of battles against a mountainside and the feeling- the rush of adrenlin as the earth below his paws had shaked with his power. spears of jasper, clear quarts cut and spiked: the earth had headed his call then, before. the power still remained inside him- he knew it: but there was something to be said about making it from scratch. smiting his own weapons from harvested earth and creating the same thing that once speared an opponent's midsection through their spine. that bone deep weariness wore away at clony's excitement. his eyes watching the little bat as it grasped it's own weapons made with a spark of anticipation. hebi wondered what it was like to be unburdened.

"there are benefits to both, being good at everything is better than being a master of one." the jaguar had trained himself in how to use a spear and a knife: even if he would always fare better with his claws and brute strength. "if you make something heavy to carry you can try and get stronger with your wings, but it's up to you to find your own limits."