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ENTOMOLOGISTS // JOINING - Printable Version

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ENTOMOLOGISTS // JOINING - candorosa - 08-04-2020

The stars are different here, I think, he stares up at the stars. They harmlessly twinkle down at him, shining like the jewels Father had once given him. Like the eyes of the woman who had tried to help him, months ago. He wonders what became of her; of several others who vanished without a trace. Were they killed? Or did they also find themselves in his position, staring up at strange stars within even stranger lands?

Makariy clutches at his satchel as he shifts his eyes back to the expanse in front of him. Mountains - snow in the distance - he tries to remember if he's ever seen the two up close before. His memories are so fuzzy now. He can't remember any sort of fine details - trying makes his head hurt. He'll try later.

He chews on his cheek for a long momnet. "Um...hi. Who lives here? 'm Makariy," he tentatively calls out.

Re: ENTOMOLOGISTS // JOINING - fulzanin - 08-05-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Large ears gathered speech pretty well. That normally was what brought Clony over to the scene of gatherings. Sometimes they were welcomed, sometimes they were not. It mattered little to Clony, who loved a crowd no matter what little grace they were bestowed. Speech was very intriguing to them. Unable to be replicated by their own tiny mouth, with only a rapid clicking motion able to be made and the smallest of food articles able to be eaten. Their chattiness was not hindered by such, for mental communication took up the slack.

Curiosity always strikes whenever they're greeting these newcomers. Especially when Clony notes the satchel the other possesses as they come fluttering down from above. "I'm Clony! Hi! Makariy, you said? Welcome to Elysium! That's a fancy bag, do you have a couple of them?" They chatter, wings flapping a few more times while they hop a small pace closer.

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: ENTOMOLOGISTS // JOINING - Mistrim - 08-05-2020

—Tomorrow is another day—
——And you won't have to hide away——
—Despite having been away from Elysium for quite some time, Mistrim still had the habit of patrolling on her own, even if she never realised that’s what she was doing. Quite a few times previously, it had found many interesting folks and it seemed this was such a moment.

It seemed that Cloney had already beaten her to it. Causing his ranking to make sense despite not having known him before. She still didn’t like the whole talking in her head thing but he wasn’t someone who seemed too harmful at first glance...although she would still keep an eye on him...

Keeping a good line of sight on the two, she was finally close enough to address the stranger. ”Hello there. Makariy was it? Got any business here in Elysium?” Her tone was cordial but her body was tense despite the seemingly friendly attitude. This was a stranger and until more people approved of the newcomer, Mistrim will be on edge.—
——Elysium — Decurion — Speak in #C2BEEC ——
© madi

Re: ENTOMOLOGISTS // JOINING - Warringkingdoms - 08-12-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]/also ish, and also retro to meeting

  The hammer and chisel were stuffed in her satchel as she headed up towards the mountain caves' entrance. The wall of the main cave was unmarked at the moment. Truthfully, if she were being thorough about this, she would have to carve dozens of names into the wall... but at the moment, two names were at the forefront of her mind. So long as their memories were immortalized in stone, she could take care of the rest later.

  This train of thought was interrupted by the sight of Clony, Mistrim, and a stranger who dubbed himself "Makariy" on the border. Furrowing her intact brow, Rin approached the three, examining Makariy closely. No sign of injuries yet. "You're welcome to come into the mountain, whether you're visiting or intending to join," she said, twitching her ears. "We can talk more once we're inside- but there's been some strange incidents at the border recently, and I'd prefer that none of us get hurt."

  There were four of them, so the odds of the one who killed Thorntree attacking them were slim- but there was always the possibility that the beast who slaughtered the two deer might still be skulking around. Her eye wandered to the trees behind Makariy, then back to him. With a small nod, she turned back towards the cave entrance, then glanced over her shoulder to see if he would follow.