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METAMORPHOSIS | multi-join - Printable Version

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METAMORPHOSIS | multi-join - Luciferr - 08-04-2020

so this is where the shroud of death blankets the earth.

Was Susurrus’ first real thought of the land before him - a land that bled and stank of death like a shroud of its own funeral, the very land itself seemed to feed on it - no wonder Entity had urged them here, it did so love the cycles of life.

Specifically the delicate balancing act of strife and stagnation,

Susurrus could agree with this, felt the pitch of his black heart beat around the low drone of the universe’s own agreement in its cosmos heart.

Stagnation was not even death,

Stagnation was simply unliving, sterile, cold, unthinking, unfeeling, stationary.

Who could want such a thing?

Susurrus hummed lowly - his ears flickered as he heard the answering wing eats high above, his loves circling on high to get a better look at this land.

The land of this new pilgrimage by entity’s hand.

“Your father was of the earth my son, earthly - worth enough to give you ground here at least” a whisper in his memory - he adored her, his mother, but sometimes he wondered if she had known and thus sought a partner that might stave away the inevitable.

[glow=red,2,300]You were always meant to be here[/glow]

His ears flickered forward again, as his slow tread continued onwards, the armour he wore blackened and strange looking, patterned as it was. The border came into view before long and Susurrus contemplated it unphased by its gruesome display

The denizens of the other realm he’d sleep so often were capable of much worse atrocities after all.

Pupils obscured by a pure blue glow flickered instead to the lands beyond as two dull thumps in the sand behind him indicated his loves landings - his tail flickered as he mused on whether to wait or just boldly cross into the realm of blood and sand - and death.

He smiled almost, the death shroud of his aura coated him more thoroughly than it could ever coat this place but it felt....homey.

And from what he knew, a place that wouldn’t mind - would rather love perhaps - one such as they.

Entity purred behind his eyes, thin filaments of black threading at the corners - there was kindred in spirit of not in body here - and more children of dirt - she, it, whispered.


Susurrus, Mars, turned to look behind him, locking gazes with Phobos and Deimos, a whole conversation passing between the three within the spaces of breath and without need of voice - yes, this would be a good place to lie, for now.

The redeemer smiled and they echoed it, turning back, decision made,

He would wait,

They had eternity after all.

[pls wait for Phobos n Deimos to post]

Re: METAMORPHOSIS | multi-join - Luciferr - 08-04-2020

P H O B O S  .|.  D E I M O S

Where Mars went, they were bound to follow,

Nothing could break that - for they were always together and never apart, not even death when it touched Mars had ended him forever - for Mars was death, the redeemer, and so he came back,

as it was written, so shall it be,

And now they followed him again, caught in this orbit as they always were, three cosmic dancers to the beating drum of the pitch heart at the centre of creation

They knew their role, were content with it,

Fear and dread and then death,

Justice, retribution - redemption.

High above they flew as below their obsidian clad companion walked the sands that thirsted - following that siren call of where now the universe told them they would thrive, where now they were needed,

A happenstance that the dirt that begot half of their beloved’s  genetics also happened to be here, but that was for Mars - for Susurrus to decide what to act upon,

They would be there though, either way,

Until the end times

So it was written

PHOBOS landed on the sand behind Susurrus, the great white-blue form of the ice dragon all spikes and spines of careful stalactites somehow untouched by the heat that bore down around them - he didn’t even feel it, so cold was he that he chilled the very air that attempted to melt him.

Fitting, for the lord of fear, that old icy shiver-

He blinked startlingly red eyes at the world around them, untouched, untainted by the other realm so far it seemed and quirked a quiet amused smile - oh the blissful ignorance of this world never ceased to amaze, for all that it stank of blood and death, it had never seen that other they knew - though he could feel it, feel that touch of other presences,

Quaint and intriguing

DEIMOS snorted at them from where he landed, a plume of smoke trailing from his nostrils - if Susurrus was the epitome of shadows and Phobos that of ice, than this one was all brimstone and searing light.

Old books and old religions if they knew what he was would have called him ‘angel’ for all that their limited imaginings of such beings were laughable in their depiction - for he was no cherubim or beautifully faced - though Susurrus called him beautiful to the dread lord’s quiet delight - he was built for instilling his namesake, made for the battlefield, a general peerless to any other.

If Entity was the mind, Susurrus was their soul, if Phobos their heart, then Deimos was their wrath - the executioners axe or the righteous blade, the demon of their enemies or the saviour of their allies.

And so here he was, following Mars now Susurrus - led to this new dark heart out in this wasteland,

They were all of them together in purpose,

The entity, the redeemer, the judgement, the wrath.

And here they waited.

Re: METAMORPHOSIS | multi-join - gael - 08-07-2020

Witnessing some shadows move over the sand, the vulpine began his own approach -- a molten shadow himself beneath the light of the desert sun.  Seamlessly, his hazel eyes narrowed in thought; to find not one, but three, lingering in wait.

The faerie came to a halt on his side of the border, already calculating the potential connections -- chance, friendship, family, love.  Regardless of the ties that bound, Gael rose his head to meet the strangers in the eyes.  He would have more to discern soon enough.

"Who are you and why have you come here?"
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / imperator / lamby

Re: METAMORPHOSIS | multi-join - Luciferr - 08-09-2020

luminous blue flickered to meet golden and Susurrus rose to greet the Pittian.

”Susurrus Inferi - and these are Phobos and Deimos - we’re seeking to join of course” it was the only reason to wait here at the bloodstained border after all - for they knew the whispered rumours that this hell in the sands didn’t take allies.

The black stained wolf shook out his fur from where the sand had clung a tad - bowing his head ”if you’ll allow us of course” was the succinct follow up and the hint of a luminous blue grin.

//short dgdbdb

Re: METAMORPHOSIS | multi-join - VIRGIL M. - 08-10-2020

[Image: rV2CJZO.jpg]
a monument dreams and fantasies come to life, the representation of instincts often left suppressed and a knock into our subconscious.  Virgil of the pitt is a study in beauty: a perfect understanding of that which terrifies you, a perfect picturesque of horror and delight
the dawn had only begun to stretch, and the small amalgamation of worm could be found digging claws into tree bark for an inch of collectable moss. thinly veiled jars with the green plant chimed lowly from her satchel as she had spent her time here wisely, diving into the thinning jungle for all that remains; perfect spots for mushrooms, moss, tall grass, and funnily enough; flowers. all plucked and stashed away for further study. the practice of maintaining a garden never appealed to the small child, but that didn't halt her progress any further. a small alcove or poppy grew within the lush climate and virgil plucked the flower rather than hunting for seeds. digging roots and staining paw's with the dark soil.

but then the the creature stilled in her preparations; for what she did not know. only rushing out of the jungle to catch sight of the clear sky and see-

figures approached the border, and another member of the pitt had already met them from the ground as the two other's landed. another was with them, black with splashes of blue and white vivid in their coloration. Virgil felt her own fur stand on end as she truly saw them, aura's so dark, and bloodstained it made her shiver, but there was something else- something else there that drew her in, and she fell to it like a fly to the stench of rot, like a hound to the smell of blood in true fashion, a dazed look on Virgil's face as she made her way over.

"what darkness prevails you, strangers?" the thing was, they didn't feel that strange at all. something nagged at her there, and sickly hued eyes watched the trio with awe clear in her features, but there was an undercurrent of scrutiny. "you bring with you a taste of war" she added on, her voice drifting in and out of her own focus, getting lost in the sense of fire and ice of the two dragons that towered over all present here. the words were directed at them, phobos and demios. but her eyes remained on sussurus and the cock to her head- the question was evident "and you, nothing at all."

but there was a tale, one ancient and as old as time itself, mother told her once in the hush of the moon eating the sun, and the sky awoke in a dusk without prompting, where all animals scattered and scurried. horror is the definition of understanding completely, fear is the understanding of nothing. and Virgil felt it then, the tinge of fear that prickled at her spine looking up towards this strange wolf; unable to see for the first time what hid under his-it's skin.

Vivid eyes looked towards the other two, breaking contact with sussurus (iif the other looked back, looked back and saw something in her, a light stolen and the stains of kinslayer, would he preen? would he simply turn away in disgust? it was a wonder)