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TO SEE THE SUN PAINT THE SKY / birthing - Printable Version

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TO SEE THE SUN PAINT THE SKY / birthing - bubblegum - 08-04-2020

Re: TO SEE THE SUN PAINT THE SKY / birthing - deimos - 08-04-2020

Quiet, Sam had to agree, was always better. Between Elduin's and Sea's return, the threat of.. whatever looming off in the distance, and the sickness killing the male bodied doberman, Quiet was always better. Easier to handle. A soft sigh crossed her muzzle at the soft announcement from Goldie, picking up pillows here and there and curling up behind the Captain. Sam, this time, told softer stories- one of times far far before the reckoning of her Grey earth. Her nose had pressed gently to the neck of her lover when it came time, offering gentle encouragement.

As far as Sam was concerned, the Captain knew what she was doing. Sam was just an assistant in this plan. But, finally, when the final cub came free, Sam rose to her paws and came about the front of Goldie, her nose slowly lowering down and nuzzling at each of the suckling children.



Re: TO SEE THE SUN PAINT THE SKY / birthing - lovekit. - 08-04-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
For a time, things had been nothing but serene for Lovekit and his siblings. There was warmth, and darkness, and occasionally the unpleasant scrape of horns or wings against another body. Then, all of that was swept away in a rush of cold and muffled voices that felt incredibly far away for the young kit, eyes still sealed shut and ears flattened down. At the very least, their arrival into the world was much calmer than it was for many others, such as the cousins and siblings that they would come to know. Instead of shouting or chaos as their mother rushed somewhere to give birth, they were welcomed into the world with soft touches and nuzzles, and the feeling of a gentle tongue brushing back their fur. There was no unpleasantness, except for the sudden rush of cold that came with emerging out into the real world. Not to mention the feeling of his siblings squirming and mewling urgently around him.

Larger than most of his siblings, Lovekit took more after Goldie than he did Sam, although his sharply pointed ears and little scrap of a tail did make it clear that Sam had an influence. With his bulky feline body, the young boy was able to easily shove his way forward, a loud mew of protest leaving him whenever he bumped up against Lawkit or Harlow. Lowering his head down, it wasn't long before the kitten was suckling happily, unbothered by anything else in the world besides the primal desire to eat. In the future, the boy would have far more words to say, and many more goals in mind, but for now? For now, he was just happy, and at peace. As long as he had his mothers and his food, he had no problems in the world.

Re: TO SEE THE SUN PAINT THE SKY / birthing - Lawlocked - 08-04-2020

[div style="width: 90px; height: 90px; border: 2px solid white; "]
it was in the stillness that lawkit found himself, his eyes closed tightly against the new sensation of wind, the brush of otherness- siblings; mothers both in kind. the rasp of a large rough tongue over his form, stopping short along his head and more gentle along the featherless limbs along his back. open skin raw and a place where once law kit would fly. the loud voice of his bigger sibling startled law, a low sound that was made- between a squeak and puppy like yap as he was pushed aside for the sweet scent of milk.

lawkit took his time to gather himself; familiarize himself with the place he had stumbled into, a place so soft but so cold in comparison to before. he shifted and too started to shift closer towards his mother. the twin-race heartbeats of his siblings getting drowned by the sheer steady, heavy beat of goldenluxury's another similar sound- the little yap as he fell to the influences of instinct and found his first meal.

it was quiet, and content, and law would find the time to purr beyond the insistent rumble in his stomach. for the time, law enjoyed the quiet.

Re: TO SEE THE SUN PAINT THE SKY / birthing - Grimm - 08-04-2020

The still absence of abyss, enclosure of lacking, alight the tingling network of gently firing nerves for expectation was present if not regarded. Known only this, how confinements grew to such minimal offering another may be found, brief those moments, forgotten in the few processes of growing mind. Blessing may have been such, a delicate tether the poorly crafted capabilities breaking beneath slight strain.

Quiet and still the one brought forth last, of title often placed upon unfortunate life impossible to inscribe. Indeed miniscule may seem this youth, unmoving even as a tremor worked through convulsing muscle in short spasms. Another, manner of approach all clumsy, flailing limbs and the raucous cry arising from the curl of pale tongue, finally their own sound arising, poor the display of pale gums and the squeaked indignation. Silenced it beneath the fleeting presence of chill breath, similar the temperature of gently roving nose, at once welcome but jarring the difference cast between it and the lap of tongue.

Again squeaking cry, over sized for even one so recent the paws that struck against gathered nest. Out did kick the others, lopsided as the bulk of front was barely shifted by tiny rear, of such they may muster no care had any been capable of piercing the instinct swirling about cranium to which tall ears pressed. Reward for their efforts was welcome, at peace the youngest nestled against swollen belly, warm beneath press of cheek and kneading paws.

Re: TO SEE THE SUN PAINT THE SKY / birthing - Seakit Roux. - 08-05-2020

tiguar . young . he/him
Ever since his return, Seapaw had moved on to his own room. He hadn't been too happy about it, if he was honest with himself, but he knew his mothers needed their space so he kept his muzzle shut. Up until the meteor had hit, he had always slept curled with his mothers.

In place of those old habits, he had started to make his first action of each day to check up on his mothers. Today was no different, as he trudged across the house, massive tail draging across the floor. He would rasp a paw against the door before pokeing his head into the room. A small gasp left him at the sight and he looked to his mothers, as if asking for permission to enter.

Re: TO SEE THE SUN PAINT THE SKY / birthing - Luciferr - 08-06-2020

the dragon for once, was not a dragon but an equally winged feline creature - still larger than everyone else around him (it seemed no matter what he tried, he always managed to be abnormally tall, but well, the kids were happy to have a content climbing frame so he couldn’t begrudge it) and now standing quietly outside the room as Sea poked his head in.

He’d wait here quietly with a small basket - inside which he’d carefully made some items for the new additions to the ever growing roux family.

More to be specific, he’d finagled his way into learning and then attempting to make some soft plushies for the cubs - it was a valiant attempt but some of teh plushies did look a tad lopsided and sad.

Something of a sadness tinged that thought - he’d never had the chance to do this for his own after all - and of them only Fenris remained, grown now and making his own way, he didn’t think his boy would want a plushie, maybe.

But at least these children would get some tiny fluffy protectors to ward away any bad dreams.

He hoped they met with approval, slight hap handed as they were and Goldie was family to him even if not in blood nor name, he thought of her as such - so he knocked himself and with a quiet voice rumbled.

”if I may, I have gifts for them”

[i can leave it up to the kits what plushie there’s resembles if you like :3 ]

Re: TO SEE THE SUN PAINT THE SKY / birthing - bubblegum - 08-08-2020

Re: TO SEE THE SUN PAINT THE SKY / birthing - ROXANNE R. - 08-09-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne had been there the first time Goldenluxury had brought life to the Typhoon and well, hearing the news of more great nephews and nieces warmed her heart mainly due to the fact that Goldie was having a family of her own. Her legacy being a vast and impressive one, Roxie could only imagine how the children would react to their mother's stories, a warm smile fitted on her maw as she carried a small load within her jaws. Much like Lucifer, the Officer had wanted to make her own type of gifts for the little ones and she couldn't help but watch Lucifer with amusement, seeing someone so tall and dark carrying some plushies that seemed to have been crafted by his own claws was endearing to say the least. Roxie didn't have such great gifts like that but she had taken the time to knit woolen blankets for the little ones and made them some small bandanas that she thought they'd like. Though even if she was spoiling Goldie's children with such, she had not forgotten her own children having made the same for them even if they were growing older. She would fret over all her children over a tuft of fur or if they had eaten that day, they would never hear the end of her... Until her end came, that is.

Pushing that thought away, the aunt of Goldenluxury wiggled her way into the crowd only to find her pupils widening at the sight of the cubs. Pups? Cups? Pubs? She wasn't sure of what they'd be called considering how they were both feline and canine but, she would love them all dearly regardless of what they were or how they looked like. Both Sam and Goldie had done well, it was good to see some new blood around here even if it was more new additions to the Roux family. Oh, how they were growing at a fast pace... Like rabbits. Roxanne knew that Goldie would never have so many kids like her father or at least, hoped she wouldn't but that alone would be her niece's choice and Roxanne would respect that. Roxie didn't think she would have anymore kids of her own seeing as her crumbling love life was less fruitful in comparison to when she actually had cubs though she did miss the soft pitter patter of paws within her home, they were soft and distant now with her children moving out. It saddened her though she knee they would all leave the nest at some point, perhaps, she will move to the Officer's quarters too... Silencing her train of thought, the Officer would set down the basket only to speak with a slow nod "Blankets and bandannas for the little ones," Before she would add with a soft purr "They're absolutely precious," [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]