Beasts of Beyond
WOULD YOU BE SO KIND ⸺ open, joining - Printable Version

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WOULD YOU BE SO KIND ⸺ open, joining - tinsel - 03-16-2018

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"freddo, freddo, freddo...[sup]1[/sup]" the retriever would whisper to herself, as though she wasn't freezing her paws off. it was dark, the sun had set hours ago, and it was due to rise soon enough. ironic, considering her name and all, but she was a little too chilly to care much for irony and humor. all she could think about was how the snow was so cold, and how crazy someone would have to be to willingly live in it, and how crazy she apparently was for being one of those people. at least, trying to be.

sundaymorning stood at the border, trying her best not to dance from paw to paw, to stand straight and proper and act like the good canine she'd been taught to be growing up. then again, would she really be here if she were that good girl anymore? no, she'd still be home, with her family. sitting patiently, being a good girl, being their good little girl, their pawn. she was tired of that, tired of trying to be everything she wasn't, everything she'd never be, just to satisfy them. sure, it was cold. sure, she was tired. sure, she hadn't the slightest clue what the fuck she was doing there. but sunny was happy, for the first time in an eternity. she was happy, she was free, and though her calm demeanor might not say much, she was excited.

[sup]1[/sup] italian: cold, cold, cold...

Re: WOULD YOU BE SO KIND ⸺ open, joining - Leigh - 03-16-2018

Living in the cold was nuts. He was nuts, and his tribemates were nuts to have followed him here. But they managed and Snowbound— albiet newly born— was thriving as well as it could. Leigh couldn’t sleep. Not tonight The stress and doubt was eating at him; even after founding the group he always doubted. In time, he thinks, eyes heavy and body chilled as he moves along the snowy meadow. He’d abandoned the warmth of the caves to take a walk when he spotted a stranger. A stranger? Out here? At this time of day? Worry lacing his gaze, the equine broke into a brisk trot over to Sun. “Oh Gods— um hey, welcome to Snowbound. You must be freezing— shit— I’m sorry. I’m Leigh.” he greeted, smile faltering as he looked at the girl.


Re: WOULD YOU BE SO KIND ⸺ open, joining - tinsel - 03-18-2018

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sunny had been about to shuffle her paws for the umpteenth time when a figure approached, drawing a friendly grin of greeting to her maw. "hello!" she greeted brightly, italian accent apparent in her speech. "it's alright, i knew what i was getting into," she said with a laugh and a shake of her head, biting her lip nervously. "i'm, uh, sundaymorning. sunny, most people call me. but- yeah, i was hoping to join?" she inquired hopefully, tilting her head to the side.

(this is shit, i'm sorry!!)

Re: WOULD YOU BE SO KIND ⸺ open, joining - Leigh - 03-19-2018

He smiled at her politeness, feeling his heart skip as she requested to join. "Of course you're free to join. We don't have too much since we're pretty new ourselves, but we got some chill people living here. When they wake up, I'm sure they'd love to meet you. But I'm getting ahead of myself. C'mon, I'll show you to camp." Leigh offered, motioning for Sunny to follow next to him as he made his way back the way he had come. "We'll get you settled somewhere nice and you can rest. It must've been exhausting coming out here." he spoke up after a few moments of quiet, glancing at the female curiously.
