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A new disease . joining - HISOKA - 08-03-2020

[Image: cb731d1edc47e1e25ec80593f33f446b.jpg]
the soft uncurling of sunlight, cotton candy smiles bleeding red, dripping blood. all grainy images that you never want to reveal to youself:  reflection. hisoka is the catastrophe hidden in the stillness, the mourning of a single-note song and the death of all the purity. Bloodlust and cake
soft dawn, dew crisp and air fresh and clean. the kitsune hummed lowly, a light Jerry tune to the incandescent beat his tails swayed to. a hauntly little tune. light were the materials along the kitsune's persons, an obi tied neatly along the base of his tail, adorned with a spiraling crimson ball with a single star shape of running silver. gold coined eyes watched the sun rise slowly from his steady walk, prowling along towards his destination the same way a hunter corners it's prey, without hurry and utter certainty. Hisoka was without rush or mercy, a clan lay upon his sights and he would seek it out. if nothing else, a passing curiosity, and something more; a place to settle before the next challenge took to his obsession.

living a life of simple pleasures, the kitsune wanted little in a home. a small hovel- home. a place to greet and inspire both fear and wonder in equal ability. he was a magician, a showman, a murderer, and a hunter: a fox did nothing but play with their food, and who was he to deny his nature? living for three hundred some years did little but expand his horizons, and in those horizons the small cozy clan of peace and democracy called to him, if for nothing else, an interesting experience.

so he wait along the border that day, in the softer morning a hidden blade- threat in hisoka's presence. the painted fox's face turned towards the sky as he watched the horizon for movement, for a stranger- fellow to greet him. 

Re: A new disease . joining - fulzanin - 08-05-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Clony had a bit of a habit of checking the borders. Not that they really had much a reason to. They'd heard of patrols and things of the like, and today they were actually accompanying one. It brought them such a joy to be wandering around with a group. Sure, apparently they were being a bit too chatty, but when had a bit of a chat ever caused anyone any harm? Not that their voice was a true voice, instead just springing into someone's head with their own tone and their own emotion. They'd come to really love this place, to care and really want to make sure that everything was perfect and pleasant.

Which meant meeting new faces. Large wings brought Clony swooping over, coming to a halt a few paces away. One of their large ears twitch, before reaching out to tap into the other's head. "Hey! I'm Clony, this is Elysium! We're basically mountain goats, but minus the goat part. Anything I can help you with?" They ask, and their fluffy head tips to the side to aid the curious tone of projected voice. Their pearly eyes squint slightly to demonstrate a friendly smile, tail wagging happily behind them as they waited.

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: A new disease . joining - Warringkingdoms - 08-10-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]/ish, and retro to meeting

  Clony flying around near the border alone, so soon after what had happened, concerned Rin quite a bit. She had to admit she was curious about the newcomer on the border, and they were also alone and presumably waiting to be seen- so Clony swooping down to greet them was understandable. Nonetheless, Rin found herself approaching beside Clony, her eye scanning the forest for any sign of foreign movement. No one else was going to be murdered today.

  Satisfied that there were no hostiles in the background, Rin turned her gaze to the stranger. Stifling a half-nervous, half-genuinely amused chuckle at Clony's remark that they were "basically mountain goats, minus the goat part," she added, "I'm Rin. I'd like to know your name as well."

Re: A new disease . joining - HISOKA - 08-10-2020

[Image: cb731d1edc47e1e25ec80593f33f446b.jpg]
the soft uncurling of sunlight, cotton candy smiles bleeding red, dripping blood. all grainy images that you never want to reveal to youself:  reflection. hisoka is the catastrophe hidden in the stillness, the mourning of a single-note song and the death of all the purity. Bloodlust and cake
"[glow=#FFB5C5,2,300]What a wondrous little sprite,[/glow]" hummed out of a coy maw, sharp fangs shown in an attempt of a smile; but too sharp. Such as the kitsune's smile his eyes zeroed on the stray creature that approached him, a furred bat with large wings and an ever curious presence. his words were sent as a drawl, a breath of air spun between wisps of the crisp fall air. hisoka felt more than he saw the other, wingbeats pushing air too and fro in a manner that [glow=#480000,2,300]disturbed[/glow]. a low growl cut off in consideration for clony's words, pointed ears twitching in attention. a curious manner of speaking, but after a intense stare, the kitsune felt no threat, and with another hum hisoka took a breath to speak-

and noticed the other, escape the foliage and join them. thus the process repeated itself, gold hued eyes watching the other's flash of amusement: care in their fond expression, and the weary way they cast eyes outwards. expecting something; a group of hostiles, perhaps? the kitsune admitted he had been a bit, negligent when chasing his latest prey, not paying forth attention towards the rest of the world- getting carried away: [glow=#480000,2,300]obsessed [/glow] was the point of love afterall-

but, it paid to be an tentative, the flicker of his tails swirled, and the great creature sat down; a low smile along the creature's face more sly and less approachable. it paid because the information, the promise of a fight even in the far future would pay to experience. "[glow=#FFB5C5,2,300]I'm known as Marrow, Hisoka Marrow[/glow]" he deigned them, the large fox watching the two with an apt amount of interest, if rin's weariness was worth any of it's salt.

"[glow=#FFB5C5,2,300]It's been some time since i've noticed your clan along where my home used to settle. Since i've yet join a clan with such an odd introduction well, we could call me curious. hmm?[/glow]" there was little doubt that his name wouldn't register, and only those who used to pertain part of the clan that was drenched in snow of sand would consider the male's name familiar. Hisoka was already amused by the two, and the place was curious enough; and such beautiful promises of battle would always allure his attention.

Re: A new disease . joining - fulzanin - 08-13-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Sprite. Clony had never been called a sprite before, much less know the actual meaning behind the term. It sounded a bit like 'spite'. Was Clony spiteful? They weren't certain, they'd never really performed a self evaluation on their morals or anything of the like. An ear twitches, noting Rin's arrival and happily bouncing a pace in her direction. They turned the name over a few times in their mind.

"That's a cool name! You've got a whole two parts to it, yea?" They ask with a twitch of their fluffy tail. Curious the other was, apparently, which Clony could respect. They were quite curious themself most of the time. This person's home used to be here? It didn't sound as if it was Elysium, but rather some group that preceded it. Clony had never been a huge fan of learning history, so they neatly tucked it away to save for later. "I'm pretty sure you can stay, if you like. Right Rin? Just need to get away from the border because it's not super secure. I'm workin' on it though! Gonna get lasers, the good kind," Clony chatters, hopping on one foot for a few seconds before bouncing to the other.

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: A new disease . joining - Warringkingdoms - 08-16-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]A "sprite," he'd called Clony. From what Rin recalled of that particular branch of mythology, sprites were similar to fairies... she could understand the categorization from a purely physical standpoint, as Clony was a small, winged creature with some magical ability (or at least, enough to speak through telepathy). In terms of personality, though, the "fair folk" were tricksters and made use of loopholes to avoid being fully truthful; Clony, on the other hand, seemed perfectly upfront and honest from what she knew of them. There was more to them than the surface would suggest, that much Rin was willing to bet, but she doubted they were actively engaging in deceit against her or anyone else.

  Turning her attention back to the stranger, Rin twitched her ears. "Hisoka Marrow," he said- did she know a Hisoka? The name sounded vaguely familiar, and he did mention his home formerly settling here... had he been around during the time of the Ascendants? She wasn't sure if she'd put his name on the memorial or not- she made a mental note to go back and check later.

  Regardless, his curiosity didn't strike her as odd, the way it might have at some other point in time. A one-eyed, scarf-wearing, arrow-wielding cat and a telepathic bat-like creature were each strange enough on their own, let alone together. "Yes, you can stay in the territory- but Clony is correct, we shouldn't remain at the border too long," Rin concurred, with a flick of her tail. Still no one else in the bushes... good.

  Nodding, she turned her head back towards the mountain, swiveling her ears in that direction. "The camp's this way, if you'll follow us."