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LIT SHIT / bonfire - Printable Version

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LIT SHIT / bonfire - T. ROUX - 08-02-2020

Trygve had returned from a rather abrupt visit from the Pitt and he was rather angry, his muzzle wrinkled as a loud snarl left the draconic boy's maw. The rage burning within his chest, his eyes down into dangerous slits as a loud huff would leave his maw. He wanted something to burn... No, he wanted someone to burn yet he wasn't able to do that due to the size difference and the fact, it would've been reckless for someone like him. He wasn't skilled enough yet... It bothered him. Eventually, he would go bother Michael about his training. The beta would go around and collect some pieces of wood, he had to cause a bit of destruction to a few of the palm trees, Trygve eventually let out another puffy growl leave his jaws. Once he managed to pile everything together, the sun had dipped down the horizon and the moon would lift into the dark skies... Soon blanketed by the stars. The draconic boy would look upon his work only to twitch his whiskers a bit, the anger still burned within his chest but it had subdued. Ry lifted his muzzle to the air feeling the fire rising from his chest to his throat until the burning of flesh and blood was the only thing anyone would smell.

His snout would wrinkle slowly into a snarl as the flames lapped at his lips, the beta's tail would be lashed to the sides. Eventually, he spat out fire and stepped back watching the fire spread throughout the wood. Purple flames dancing at the top of it all, the fire reflecting in his eyes. He wanted that giant son of a bitch to burn... Soon enough, Trygve would figure something out but for now... The boy would sit down in front of the fire and let out a few coughs. Blood trickling from his maw. That came with the price of breathing fire, he supposed. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: LIT SHIT / bonfire - bubblegum - 08-02-2020

Re: LIT SHIT / bonfire - Grimm - 08-03-2020

Of fire she knew only the ceaseless hunger, a destruction wrought in tender flames of warmth. Lost in cavernous halls of echoing thought that which it imbued, peace a notion far from burning heart, a caged beast bearing a fraying collar.

Unhurried each step, from mind lacking the burden of barbaric practices played out among coarse dunes that plagued those few, unwilling hosts to atrocities performed upon their shore, yet others roved those fraying threads. Departure had been noted, though the time of it was rather late compared to when it was conducted, seized her heart beneath a crushing worry. Though meagre at least trackable his activities during time of solitary confinement, this bore the weight of something different, however. Of course alone was she in carrying the knowledge of another, she who tended a garden amidst the heat of the desert, imparted in words he knew note were light with affection.

Among their company he was within safe harbours, the delay of relayed information a false security they clung to as the hours wore on.

Of Trygve may one say he held the gift of fury but of tact he was lacking. Stilled her forward momentum as upon the salt touched breeze was carried the nausieating smell of charred flesh. For a moment Eulia thought better of attending what was surely a hurt peer, yet such was all she had, the momentary forethought put aside in favour of hastily conducted approach. Alike was her own concluded with a fair distance between, lone ships in the night they three, bathed within the flickering illumination of oddly hued flames licking at the skies dark belly.

To the tip of her tongue arose his name, yet about it did teeth close, sorrow alight within depths of bleached lilac, wavering as it skirted along the assembled mass. Almost may she see it, the cruel teeth of decaying heat arising in another flickering extension, pitiful the whimper that slipped between pursed lips. His was this moment and thus sand streaked the paw thst was pressed to mouth to stifle any other, to Trygve her attention turning.
eulia iren roux | typhoon beta | draconic jaguar

Re: LIT SHIT / bonfire - GEORGIA. - 08-03-2020

[/td][/tr][/table]*・゚✧ / BETA / 08 MONTHS
Georgia had an odd thing about fire.

She was born of the ocean, clearly; her element was water. The element of change, of healing, of life. Though it could be turbulent and unforgiving, it was what she knew, and what she trusted. Now, the thing about fire - it was almost like forbidden fruit for Georgia. There was only so far outside her domain she was willing to go, but fire was brilliant and warm and it danced. She would always be weary of it, watching from a distance, but her eyes would be filled with curiosity and some odd sort of longing. What would it be like, to touch those flames? To harness them? The allure of fire's power was strong, heavy and hot, and Georgia wanted so badly to know what it was like.

All these thoughts crossed her mind when she crossed paths with a very angry, spiteful, fire-spitting jaguar and a purple bonfire. It looked to be a nice setting, with blankets and pillows and things, but Georgia had heard the crashing of the palm trees and had seen the explosion of sparks into the sky. She watched, dubious, as Ry stared bitterly into the flames, and found herself frowning. She wasn't sure what sort of intentions he had, or why he was so pissed, but Georgia was hardly sure she could enjoy the heat of the fire in good conscience while knowing the boy was clearly blowing off steam.

Eyes roaming, she noticed Goldie, and a small arrow of safety lodged itself in Gia. If an injured, pregnant lady was willing to put herself in this scene, then surely it couldn't be that bad. Georgia would look again, just past Goldenluxury, and noticed Eulia, though she looked rather frightened. She knew the two to be brother and sister, and sort of hoped Ry would ease his tensions for his sister, because the other girl looked terrified, if the squeak that fell from her lips was any correct indication.

Georgia decided, against her better judgment, to flop onto one of the strewn about blankets, resigning herself to watching the purple flames skyrocket into the air. "Why are they purple?" The fawn somali asked, not really moving herself in any sort of way to indicate that she was talking to someone in particular.

Re: LIT SHIT / bonfire - PAOLA - 08-04-2020

[shadow=black,left]PAOLA VASQUEZ[/shadow]
Rage is a foreign concept to Paola—or, at least, as foreign as her mind would allow her. She cannot recall a moment in her life when she had been filled with such violent wrath, although that might also be because she cannot recall much of her memories. Grief, terror, loneliness, joy, she’s experienced in multitudes, caught in their restless tides, but rage? The last time she had come close, as far as she can remember, had been when the loners had turned on her, sought to take what she possessed, but even then it had been less a fiery rage and more a rumbling defiance.

No matter how hard she tries to reach further for a memory to grasp, she finds nothing except a sharp, stabbing pain to her head, a warning not to go any further. Tendrils of her consciousness recoil in abrupt agony, receding only when she decides not to push. She cannot remember ever being angry. She cannot remember anything.

Worse still, she doesn't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

She makes her approach, unusially subdued as she finds a quiet spot a little further from the crowd and on the bare sand. She notes that Eulia, Georgia, and their very own Captain have come to keep Trygve company—she also notes that the three are ultimately closer to him than she is, and she decides to keep her distance, just in case the little gathering is for “family and friends only” and she simply happened to miss the memo. The last thing she wants is to overstay her welcome, and despite her brash nature, she’s not stupid enough to try and test it.

Paola hears Georgia’s question, and her jaws part to crack a joke, but then she remembers where she is and who she’s with and she snaps her mouth shut anyway, realizing she’d rather not ruin the moment with her self-aware dumbassery. Instead, the teenager curls up on the sand and watches, tucking both paws underneath her chest to get comfortable but keeping herself aware of her surroundings. She would leave if they ask her to.

Re: LIT SHIT / bonfire - natyli r. - 08-04-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #76b8cc; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]COME AND FLY AW[color=#6897be]AY WI[color=#628ab9]TH ME
The flicker of flames made Natyli wonder sometimes.  Watching the dance, listening to the crackle... Did she have that same fire, that literal fire, that burned within Trygve?  Did she want it?  Or was their connection enough?

A dull ache in her throat suggests she may dislike sharing anything more than their bond.  Imagine two of us.

Most days, the chimera would have tried something.  Said something.  Goof about.  Try to make her brother laugh.  Smile.  But the pure rage and fury she felt, not only in the air, but in her very mind and soul, withheld her usually loud tongue.

Instead, she opted to roll over the sand, close to Eulia.  Hopeful.  Maybe her presence could relax her sister a little.  Reassurance.  The flames did not frighten the young beta, though it left her mouth dry and throat rough.

Re: LIT SHIT / bonfire - roan ; - 08-05-2020

The sage knew that, as of late, his and Trygve's relationship had been... strained. Roan was much more prone to snapping as of late, mainly used to the amount of work that he had been doing. That wasn't even mentioning the fact that Ry had gotten more reckless over time, only creating more work for the draconic feline – even though his younger brother had a habit of refusing his treatment, which only caused more anger on both sides. Despite this, Roan figured that it wouldn't make things any better to avoid Trygve entirely. Besides, if they avoided each other for too long, then Roxie would probably catch on, and the sage wasn't exactly over eager to have his mama lecturing both he and Ry. Although the fire wasn't exactly alluring to Roan, who had never been a huge fan of the elements in general. While he obviously had a kinship with the sea, thanks to his being born in the Typhoon, water was not the element that he had control over. Instead, he controlled electricity with the flick of a paw, watching as bolts would spring forth and scorch the earth. Unfortunately, electricity could often lead to fire, and considering Roan's previous bad experiences with his own powers – and his lack of total control over them – he tended to want to stay away from flames.

The young male was nothing if not stubborn, however, a trait that he more than likely picked up from his mama. So, he pushed through the anxiety that he felt over the smoke trailing slowly up into the sky, making his way over to where a rather substantial group was already standing. He noticed Eulia's anxiety over the fire, as well as Natyli's attempts to soothe her, and decided that he would be most comfortable near Goldie, taking a seat near his cousin. His wings folded snugly against his back, and he wrapped his tail tightly around his paws, seemingly trying to pull all of his limbs away from the flames as much as possible. Goldie and Georgia were the only ones who had spoken thus far, so Roan didn't feel too awkward in muttering, glancing over at Trygve and taking in his enraged, glaring figure, "What has you all up in arms this time?" He tried his best not to make it sound like he thought Ry was being ridiculous, but the condescension tended to slip into his tone, sure that his brother had done something stupid or ill advised. As his blue eyes trailed down to the blood dripping from Trygve's jaws, he said bluntly, "You could've just used a match, you know... all you did was hurt yourself." Roan had no knowledge of the bond between Natyli and Trygve, but if he had, he would've been even more angry, furious that Ry did something that would hurt not only himself, but their sister as well.

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]