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YKNOW LIKE HAMTARO ☆ new form - Printable Version

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YKNOW LIKE HAMTARO ☆ new form - michael t. - 08-02-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — ( blame andy 100% for this )

It really did seem as though his shapeshifting was a fickle mistress. Although Michael had begun to get a grip on shifting between his bobcat and snake forms, he couldn't exactly shift into anything else. Before, he had figured that wasn't any sort of issue – after all, he was perfectly comfortable in his birth body, and had little desire to leave it behind. Then, he had looked at monstrous beasts such as Luci walking around, and had found himself a bit jealous. Without impressive fighting skills, the reaver had nowhere near as much fire power as the dragon, or any other of the much larger members of the group. It left him feeling envious, and that feeling had only spiraled out of control when Goldie had begun to show in her pregnancy. Although he wasn't actually looking forward to the sensation of being pregnant, he couldn't exactly have any pups with Trevor unless he got a handle over his shapeshifting powers. That, combined with his want for a bigger and scarier form – one that Roxie possibly wouldn't tease him for being so tiny in – had caused Michael to want to try and practice his shapeshifting.

Not wanting to go through the embarrassing ordeal of asking someone to help him practice, Michael had simply decided to head for the beach, barren of any of his jewelry or other accessories. Once he was under the warm summer sun, the bobcat sat down, closing his eyes and focusing on shifting into the one other form he knew he had – his snake form. After a moment, he succeeded in shifting, becoming the colorful reptile and hissing with satisfaction as the warm sun bathed down upon his scales. He spent a couple of minutes just slithering around in circles, making sure that everything was in the right place. When he grew bored of that, he decided to get a bit more... ambitious. He figured he shouldn't go straight to some big and terrifying form for his first new attempt, since he doubted he'd be able to shift into such a body so soon. Instead he decided to try shifting into a female coyote – he knew he'd need the body eventually, so why not try now? With a wicked grin on his scaled face, Michael curled his long body up and closed his eyes, trying to focus as hard as possible on the form he had in mind. Nothing special, just a sandy colored coyote with his usual blue eyes, and the added bonus of being able to have pups. Simple, right? Well, apparently his shapeshifting power didn't agree.

Instead of turning into a long legged feline, Michael found himself shrinking down into a form even smaller than his snake body. He grew legs, but they were tiny and chubby, and his reptilian face turned into something much more fluffy, and round. It wasn't long before there, sitting in the sand, was a little hamster where Michael's snake body had once been. He had a small pair of grasping front paws, and his face was covered in brown and white fur, the fur along his belly a deep black color. His eyes were a deep and beady brown, and his rather cute face was curled into a surprisingly heavy scowl. Spinning around in a circle atop the sand, the bobcat turned hamster known as Michael let out a loud groan before falling back on his haunches. Tilting his head back, he yelled as loudly as his small lungs could handle, "Son of a bitch! Why does this shapeshifting shit have to be so goddamn complicated?!" Despite the rather squeaky new sound to his voice, the tone was still distinctly Michael's, making it easier to identify the tiny rodent. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: YKNOW LIKE HAMTARO ☆ new form - salem - 08-04-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | Soft, dark paws carried the youth towards the sound.  Still sans pumpkin -- Salem's dark eyes danced with bemusement at the upset voice.  Possessing no shifting to speak of, the Beta knew little of the frustrations brought by the ability but he knew dismay when he saw it.  "Michael?"

Concern led the melanistic kodkod to crouch down, brows creasing in thought as he studied the hamster.  "Are you okay?"  The change seemed harmless enough, though Salem still worried; was Michael safe like this?  He's not much smaller than Keona and she manages -- of course, his friend had grown up small.

"This isn't what you were going for, was it?" Salem sat down, disheartened at his lack of experience.  "I wish I could help -- what were you trying to be?"

Re: YKNOW LIKE HAMTARO ☆ new form - SÉAMUS - 08-05-2020

Séamus Ó Faoláin
The Irishman could safely assume laughing to be rude.  Assume and let out a soft chuckle regardless.  It took time for him to fully master his shapeshifting and the results of early practice still haunted him with their amusing memories.  Kian certainly gave him hell the first few mishaps.

The small feline could sympathize enough to express some level of concern.  It could be disorienting to suddenly see the world at a higher or, in this particular case, lower, perspective.  Michael didn't seem too disoriented however.  The former bobcat simply seemed angry.

"You know," the faerie grinned without remorse, "I can't remember the last time I saw a hamster."

"Properly shifting requires some practice."  Séamus figured he could offer some words of advice -- this time around.  Michael would probably appreciate it more than laughter. "Practice 'an a familiarity, not just with what you want to be but with the changing itself.  Are you comfortable shifting?  Or is it still new to you?"
Word of mouth there's a snake in the garden

Re: YKNOW LIKE HAMTARO ☆ new form - ROXANNE R. - 08-05-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne never had much trouble with shapeshifting or so, she had only done so a few times to benefit herself more often than others. Shifting into her jaguar form was much easier and she had no struggles at all, she just hadn't shifted to said form in a long time... Seeing as she didn't really need it to nurture her cubs anymore. So, when the sound of angry squeaking reached her ears did the draconic feline make her way over quite curious as to what could be making all that noise. Sure enough, Roxanne found a rather plump hamster that looked very angry along with the company of Salem and Séamus. Unlike Séamus, Roxanne usually laughed at her own brother's plans that tended to blow up in his face and eventually, a large grin would appear on her face. Her body covered in bandages to keep her wounds safe and clean but her sides began to hurt when the Officer burst into a bout of laughter. It seemed that her and Michael just happened to have the shittiest luck, she would laugh at him for now until Karma came along and bit her in the ass. She would enjoy this.

"Oh my god! You're so tiny and chubby!" She finally said with amusement trickling from her voice and used a paw to attempt to pick up the hamster by the scruff, if she succeeded in doing so, the draconic woman would lift him into the air until they were eye to eye. A toothy grin on her maw only to playfully snap her jaws at Michael "You're fuckin bitsized! A morsel," Her eyes were dangerous slits before she would plop Michael down back onto the sand nodding slowly in the direction of her flingmate or whatever people you had flings with were called. A nonexistent eyebrow raised as she would add onto Salem's inquiry "What did lil Mikey wanna become? Surely, something ambitious if you turned into a tiny hamster." [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: YKNOW LIKE HAMTARO ☆ new form - trojan g. - 08-05-2020

Chickenbone had yet to meet many other members of the Typhoon as of yet. Scared that he would be eaten up if he was to venture too far from the place he called home for the time being. Though on this day the red squirrel had decided he was going to go out and try and find friends - or at least try and find animals that wouldn't try to eat him. When he saw the group gathering around a hamster though, his hopes went up, and the small creature bound over, eyes wide and curiosity piqued.

As he neared, the red squirrel would take his little hat off of his head, using his front paws to hold it to his chest as he walked forward, looking at all the Typhooners around him. "H-hello," Chickenbone would speak out with his mental manipulation, unable to speak using his own vocal chords for the time being. "What do you mean shapeshifting? Is that a new thing I need to learn?" Anything to know how he was supposed to do stuff around here. [glow=COLOR,1,400]speech[/glow]

Re: YKNOW LIKE HAMTARO ☆ new form - michael t. - 08-05-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — Frustration was dancing widely across Michael's new and fluffy fur as he sat in the sand, a scowl on his otherwise adorable face. The frustration only grew when others approached, although he tried his best not to snap at them despite the temptation. He addressed Salem first, glad that the other wasn't laughing at him in any capacity, "I'm alright, don't worry, just... frustrated as all hell." Half of him wanted to cross his new short front limbs over his chest, although he had no doubt that would only make him look more ridiculous. He opened his mouth to tell Salem what he had wanted to be, but was cut off by Seamus's approach, glaring coldly at the other when he heard his remorseless chuckling and saw the grin on his face. Short fluff spiked up in grumpiness, the thief found himself chattering away urgently, "I know it needs practice! That's why I was trying to do it... I'm comfortable shifting into my birth body. And I've been getting better at the snake one. But I was trying to do something new, you know? I was trying t–" The hamster was then cut off by the sound of utterly amused and bright, bubbly laughter, which he immediately recognized as his sister.

Whirling around on Roxie, Michael was intent on giving her a piece of his mind, but he wasn't given a chance to. Suddenly he was being lifted into the air, an unsophisticated squeak of panic leaving him as he thrashed and shouted, "Put me down, now! And stop fuckin' laughing at me! It ain't funny!" He let out a grunt as he was plopped down indignantly, glaring with small black eyes up at his sister. Her presence made him less eager to share what he had been trying to shift into, but eventually he sighed, muttering, "I was trying to become a coyote, alright? I didn't think it would be such a damn hassle, considering it's not even anything all that impressive..." He had hopes that Roxie wouldn't connect the dots on why he wanted to be a coyote, but they were small. Thankfully, the presence of a new face was enough to distract him – and hopefully everyone else – from his current situation. Glancing over as he heard Chickenbone's voice in his head, the reaver hesitated before speaking, "I... not everybody has shapeshifting. I just kinda... stumbled upon it, honestly. Who're you? Never seen a talking squirrel around here. Well... kinda talking." He knew it was a bit hypocritical to be skeptical about a talking squirrel in his current state, but it wasn't uncommon for Michael to be a hypocrite. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: YKNOW LIKE HAMTARO ☆ new form - ROXANNE R. - 08-10-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Watching Michael thrash around and shout in her grip only made the Officer laugh even more, it was just too amusing not to laugh at her brother. She couldn't help herself though her whiskers twitched briefly as she answered rather lightly with a grin on her maw "I don't know... Seems pretty funny t'me." Though when Michael answered that he had wanted to become a hamster, her muzzle wrinkled as her mind immediately recalled Trevor... The mangy coyote that Michael loved and how the other had given her brother fleas, she was tempted to be childish and stick out her tongue in mock disgust but decided against it. Michael wanted to be a coyote. It wasn't hard to connect the dots and Roxanne only felt a smirk place itself upon her lips. She wouldn't voice that she knew but instead would shrug her shoulders a bit only to sit down with tail curling neatly over her paws, her jaws parting to voice her two cents of advice "I see... Well, shapeshifting comes with lotsa practice. After all, nobody gets it the very first time... Unless, y'know they're that talented or some bullshit like that." Roxanne for sure hadn't been able to shapeshift by her own decision before, she only recalled waking up within her jaguar form and she was certain it had been moreso influenced by a certain individual rather than her own intentions.

Without much of a flick of her tail, the tiny cat would shapeshift into her jaguar form only to grin down at Michael attempting to pick him up once more and her mottled tail would lash to the sides "And lotsa concentration. Try thinking of something that reminds you of the animal, for me, I just think of spots and that had helped with the first few times to shift into this form... Nowadays, I can switch without much of a thought." Her gaze would turn in the direction of the small squirrel and her ears perked forward, Roan had given her the news of a child and when she had heard it was a squirrel it had baffled her. It had made her think maybe the stress was finally getting to Roan until she met Chickenbone herself, he was rather endearing in his own way but she had to make sure that no one would eat her new grandson. "Shapeshifting is turning to different creatures, some people use it to have an advantage over others. Such as this," She says with the hamster in her grasp only to eventually say to Michael with a tilt of her head "M'grandson." God, she felt so old saying that but she didn't know what was more embarrassing; the fact she was a grandmother to an animal commonly recognized as prey or the fact she would be referred to as grandma by them. Regardless, Roan was happy and Roxanne was too. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]