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I Still Feel Alive || Return - Printable Version

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I Still Feel Alive || Return - Mistrim - 08-01-2020

—Tomorrow is another day—
——And you won't have to hide away——
—Coming back felt odd. It felt needed...but it left a dreadful feeling.

She didn’t know why she was coming back. She didn’t even know why she left in the first place. Perhaps it was the fear of a fight or the stress of discovering herself or the tugging she felt that had called her away but those were gone now. It actually wasn’t long after she had left when the emotions were replaced. Guilt. Regret....Loneliness. She hadn’t felt such deep set emptiness since a memory long ago that she couldn’t recall.

She still can’t recall most of what she had lost but she can safely say that those awful terror filled nights were restless for a reason. Visions plagued her often now. Some, she knew to be things that gave her deja vu, a sure sign it was a past memory. But others? Others showed things that she knows aren’t her own eyes and ears, past or not. It was disorientating more often then not and as previously stated, she got very little sleep. Although it’s not like she got the most pleasant sleep before but it was somehow worse when not in an encampment.

Her strides were hesitant. Part of her was ready to bolt back towards the forest and prepare for another night of no sleep and little food. The other half remembered the feelings of despair over leaving though, and felt the nostalgia of walking this same path before. But now the deep snow she threaded through was gone, and she didn’t shiver from a cold breeze upon her arrival. She didn’t know if she wanted to remember a good arrival in the case that this one might turn sour.

She didn’t even know if her “friends” were still here. It could be a blessing or a curse either way. They could greet her with open arms or shunt her out and become hostile for possibly deserting the group or her position. The thoughts plagued her because she had no way of knowing besides waiting, and that only made the dread sink lower into her stomach.

Mistrim sure didn’t feel ready for whatever comes next.—
——Elysium — Decurion — Speak in #C2BEEC ——
© madi

Re: I Still Feel Alive || Return - fulzanin - 08-02-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

People left and people came. Such was a concept new to Clony. Staying in a group made sense to Clony. Different groups did not. Leaving, coming, it mattered not to them. They didn't understand, but was it truly their place to question? They certainly had no room to speak of leaving and returning when they hadn't been around long enough to know that the person they were swooping down towards was returning, rather than arriving for the first time. Their fluffy wings downstroke heavily before they land, ears perked and a delighted flicker in their pearly eyes.

"Hello! I'm Clony! You're in Elysium territory. I think. I can't really tell where the border is. So you're near it, or in it. What brings you here?" They ask as their fluffy head tips to the side. A curious flick of their tail mimicks that which resides in their telepathic tone. They speak by reaching out into the minds of others. Never prodding, just speaking as needed and shutting the door once again. Clony hopped from one talon to the other, awaiting for an answer, more to arrive to greet - whatever the next action happened to be.

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: I Still Feel Alive || Return - Warringkingdoms - 08-02-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Seeing another creature headed on a path deeper into the territory was, on its own, curious. Most would-be murderers didn't bother going past the border, instead waiting for whoever wandered just a bit too close... so this was unlikely to be a hostile individual. Clony going directly towards them without even a little caution was more concerning, though, so Rin was quick to head over to the two.

  Recognizing the small fox as Mistrim, however, Rin blinked with a singular wide eye. Picking up the pace, she managed to make it over without stumbling over any unforeseen obstacles, and immediately set about checking Mistrim for injuries. There didn't appear to be any major cuts, bruises, or burns, but a full inspection would probably be necessary, just to be safe.

  "...It's good to see you, Mistrim," she remarked after a moment, lifting her head to look at Mistrim directly. Her gaze flickering over to the forest beyond, then back to Mistrim, she added, "If you're alright walking a little further, we should get away from the border. There's been... incidents, lately. We can talk once we're deeper into the territory, yeah?" The likelihood of the wolf's attacker striking again in broad daylight was low, but there was always the possibility that the deer's attacker could come back.


Re: I Still Feel Alive || Return - Mistrim - 08-03-2020

—Tomorrow is another day—
——And you won't have to hide away——
—At first, it was quiet and Mistrim thought that she would find out that Elysium had been destroyed in her absence. A truly  heartbreaking thought. Then the arrival of someone who she had never seen before.

The bat reminded her of Lemy for a moment but the tone wasn’t the same and it left her feeling like she was missing something. Her head turned so Cloney was on her right side. Then she shook her head quickly after he spoke. The telepathy felt uncomfortable for her despite the feeling being so brief. Her paw traveled from fiddling with the raven earring on her left ear to her still raggedy scarf. She opened her mouth to speak but all that left was a choked sound. Anything that she had thought of saying, which was so so much, was lost in a nervous haze.

It didn’t help that the much more familiar face of Rin appeared. She had to take in the sight a few times, switching her stance to see them both clearly before she truly believed that what she saw was real. It almost made her cry as her eyes went misty and she had to close her eyes tight for a moment so she could regain some semblance of composure. It was hard not too when Rin seemed concerned.

Mistrim’s eyes met Rin’s as she searched into the cat’s eyes. Just to make sure it was her. Again and again. The moment was visible when she seemed convinced that none of the interaction was some crazy dream when Mistrim took a deep breath in as she began looking around once again and avoiding both her welcomer’s eyes.

A quick shuffle of her paws and wings showed she was ready to move. She was concerned about the incidents mentioned by Rin but she was completely fine with walking further.

”It’s good to see you too Rin...” Her voice was raspy from disuse but it still had a hint of apprehension and nervousness, despite her stance having gained a look of confidence. It seems some things never change.—
——Elysium — Decurion — Speak in #C2BEEC ——
© madi

Re: I Still Feel Alive || Return - fulzanin - 08-06-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

So apparently this person was a returning person? They could gather such from Rin's words, earning a pivot of their head and a click from their hidden mouth. That was cool! Perhaps at some point they could even ask what Elysium was like before they had stumbled into the territory themself. It was hard to grasp expressions, since Clony easily labeled them incorrectly due to their own facial features only being eyes and ears. The same held true for all the other beasts of their home. Nonetheless, Rin had asked for them to move further into the territory, and with that they could certainly comply.

"The deeper territory is super awesome," Clony states as they lift back into the air, wings stretching to keep them aloft. "I was wanting to measure just how tall the mountains are because we got the sea, like, right there, but none of the rulers I've found have been long enough." Mistrim was the other's name, if Rin's words were anything to go by. Two 'm' named persons in such a short timespan! It brought thrill to them, fluttering up ahead a little before pausing to glance around, then continuing onwards. "But yea, deeper territory is definitely safer, too, and you're probably very tired from all the walkin'. Shouldn't we call it higher because its in the mountains? I'mma start calling it deep-high."

TAGS 7/6/20:

Re: I Still Feel Alive || Return - J. ADALGAR - 08-06-2020

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300] and what's wrong with being confident?[/glow]
return to me, dear brother; with bloody teeth and sated hunger, but beware the home which is no longer yours. the jaguar shook his head, the tree under his claws groaned as cutting razors bit into them. his wings were spread, and within the shade of a canopy not too far out from the trio, the snake charmer caught the movement not far ahead, their voices the only thing keeping the newcomer from hissing out an order to fenris. yellow eyes locked on the location; silted and head cocked, eyes red rimmed and even in the tree's hebi seemed... off.

there was a hesitance, as there always was before hebi was forced, or allowed himself the company of others. the thoughts, unease flickered across his features before it stilled, and he landed to the ground, the tailless beast making a pleasure walk towards the three as they moved further into the territory. "[glow=grey,2,300]a new one, then[/glow]". growled out hebi, fenris hung loosely around his neck, the tan of his form stark against the chain, black leather, and pitch fur.  a small tongue flickered out of his smallest of the clutch, a head raised only for a moment before small beady eyes narrowed onto the bat that circled around them.

"[glow=grey,2,300]I'm hebi[/glow]," they stated, raising their paw to curl protectively around fenris' small head along their neck, covering the large burn scar that refused to heal. a red angry wound that, even in age; still throbbed with the reminder of fire.