Beasts of Beyond
YOU WOULD PRAY FOR HIM | handpan - Printable Version

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YOU WOULD PRAY FOR HIM | handpan - GEORGIA. - 07-31-2020

ooc did my research on the handpan to the best of my ability; it's basically like a steel drum flipped over! y'all probably know the sound - it's really common in caribbean music Smile here's a link if you've never heard one before!

ic It wasn't that Georgia had a thing about the beach and the ocean; she wasn't about to go around announcing how different and quirky she was because she was a "beach girl;" she was just directly descended from the living, breathing embodiment of the waves and hated the cramped feeling beneath the foliage of the island. She liked being able to breathe and have room to move - liked to feel the sand under her paws and be where the wind was. It helped that the island was rimmed with beaches; some had soft sand, some had dunes, and some had hard-packed, well worn and loved shorelines.

That being said and explained, Georgia did want to stay out of the heat for the day. For a child of the sea, she was strangely awful at staying hydrated. The sun only made her symptoms worse - dizzy and tired and nauseous. Logically, she should go search for water, perhaps from the tavern; instead she got sidetracked halfway there. Naturally. A shiny bit of metal caught her eye as she made her way through the undergrowth (which got easier, thank god).

Curious, the girl investigated, batting at the object before deeming it was inanimate. She dragged it out from underneath a fern: a great big metal thing, covered in methodical dents. It was larger than her, and relatively flat on top: a steel drum. Or, more accurately, it's inverted cousin, the handpan.

Georgia's expression lit up. "No way!" She cried, elated. She'd learned to play these! Her father used to carry a much smaller one on him, and taught her to play. He'd said it was how he courted and gained the affections of her mother, though to this day, Georgia couldn't recall if he was joking or not.

"God, it's so much bigger. I wonder if that means the sound is deeper..." She mumbled to herself. The sandy feline bopped one of the dents, and a sweet sound rumbled around in the pan. Giddy, Georgia tapped on another, eliciting a second pleasant noise. "Awesome..." She breathed. Soon enough, she was tapping out the song that her father used to play for her.

Re: YOU WOULD PRAY FOR HIM | handpan - roan ; - 08-01-2020

Unlike Georgia, Roan very much tended to be a beast of both lands when it came to his island home. Although he had grown up with his family in their hut right at the edge of the sea, he had eventually come to live in his current tree house, tucked near the temple and very close to the jungle. Despite that, he still held a heavy love for the sea, and often tried to make sure that he got out and visited the beach every so often. Not as often as he perhaps would've liked to, but it was getting harder and harder these days to focus entirely on what he wanted. Thankfully, today, it had seemed as though nature itself was encouraging him towards the sea, where hopefully the waves would combat against the overwhelming heat of the summer that was bearing down upon them. Of course, it could have the absolute opposite effect of boiling him alive, but he wanted to take the risk, especially since he hadn't left his tree house in a while.

Slipping down silently from his tree house home, Roan had opted to leave his satchel behind for today, figuring that the bag of herbs wouldn't do him much good while he was in the water. Taking a deep breath, the siamese had begun the trek towards the beach, deciding to cut through the jungle to see if he could find any herbs sprouting to make note of for later. However, he soon found himself sidetracked away from his original destination, mainly due to the odd sound that echoed through the air. Immediately, the young sage's ears perked up as a heavy but sweet sound radiated out from nearby, soon followed up by many more, in what sounded like a song. Feeling intrigued – and oddly comforted by the sound of music – Roan made his way through the foliage, eventually coming upon Georgia playing the handpan. It took him a moment to snap out of the trance brought on by the rhythm, but he soon found himself questioning, "Hey, Georgia..." He seemed to hesitate, as if he was making sure he had gotten the right name, before continuing, "...What is that instrument you're playing? I don't think I've seen anything like it before..." He had, of course, seen and heard drums, but this seemed different in some way.

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: YOU WOULD PRAY FOR HIM | handpan - devland - 08-01-2020

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 60%; min-height: 8px; font-family: arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 25px"]There was a strange noise. Granted, this was the Typhoon. He heard weird noises all the time here. Maybe he was imagining it... Except, there it was again. This time, the noise was different yet similar. It was hard to describe. Confusion darkened his features at his inability to identify what the hell he was hearing. There was a brief moment before the noise returned. However, this time, there seemed to be a definite purpose to it. A little melody floated toward him, and the havana found himself tugged forward by invisible strings.

Devland tried to remember if he had ever heard live music before. He decided he must have heard it at some point, right? He had come from a large group that was filled to the brim with a cast of crazy characters, so surely, he thought, he must have heard live music at some point. Still, try as he might, he could not recall anything. He had half a mind to rummage through his journals and notepads to see if he could spark some memory, but he thought better of causing a scene.

It didn't take long for him to find Georgia and Roan. Though his half-lidded eyes often reflected a sort-of-sleepy look, there was no denying the interest that plagued his gaze. He looked at the handpan, humming lightly in thought as he tried to place the instrument. Like Roan, he was stumped, but since the Sage had already done the hard part of inquiring about what the hell it was, the feline remained quiet. If only for a moment.

"Huh, who knew you were a little musician," Devland offered Georgia with a smile, taking a seat beside Roan. He cast his eyes upon the healer, asking, "Did you know our girl Georgia here was musically-inclined, Roan? I think I've learned something new every day since I arrived to this place." While Devland often slipped in small lies every time he opened his mouth, his words rang true.

His attention fell on Georgia once again. "Pretty song, by the way. Did you write it yourself?" As he spoke, he pulled out one of his journals and scribbled a few things down on a fresh sheet of paper. A tiny sketch of the handpan took up a few lines, accompanied by some gibberish about music. Once finished, he looked back up at Georgia, clearly expecting a good answer.

Re: YOU WOULD PRAY FOR HIM | handpan - Luciferr - 08-02-2020

”music is the heart and soul of the universe” cut in an equally curious voice as the familiar dragonic shadow joined the trio forming on the beachside - Darwin by the beating of the drums (thankfully not war drums, he heard enough of those on the rare occasions he dined to attempt sleeping and then woke up regretting it).

Luciferus smiled at the three as he joined them, great pitch wings mantling around him like an oversized cloak that he practically cut a hole in the brighter sandy terrain.

Music was good and he hadn’t been pandering when he’d uttered those words - if one stopped to listen, the world itself held its own rhythms and lilts - you could even hear it now in the crashing of the waves and the cries of gulls above.

Re: YOU WOULD PRAY FOR HIM | handpan - GEORGIA. - 08-03-2020

Georgia, luckily, was able to stray away from the thoughts of her father and his final moments. Playing the handpan with him was one of her fondest memories, and therefore, gave her nothing but joy. She would ignore her grief for as long as she possible could.

Upon Roan's arrival, Geo's ears flickered towards him, her eyes following a moment later. She wasn't familiar with him, despite her being in The Typhoon for a little over a week. She regarded him with an empty gaze for a moment, wondering absently how he knew her name and she didn't know his. "Hi," The girl responded, pausing in her playing to hear his question. "It's a handpan. It's like a, uh..." She paused again, fishing for the word. "Steel drum! Like an inverted steel drum."

Gia was about to comment on how she was a little surprised Roan hadn't heard of it, considering it was commonly used in island music, when Devland came thrashing through the undergrowth. He hummed to himself, and Georgia found the little quirk interesting. Just a little note to herself - Devland hummed. How interesting. Her eyes even strayed to the wound on his shoulder as he studied her instrument, wondering if it was starting to heal.

"I'm not that little," Georgia grumbled, choosing to linger on the small adjective. Luckily for Devland, the discovery of the instrument had put her in a rather happy-go-lucky mood, and a smile tugged on the corners of her mouth at his next quip. "Yeah, well...y'know. Everybody's got something." She bapped another dent." My dad wrote it a long time ago," Gia tacked on, doing her best not to hover over the thought of her father once again.

When Lucifer joined them, Georgia found herself nodding her head in a subconscious bit of respect and acknowledgement of his statement - one of the few creatures in the clan that gleaned her visual respect. Part of it was his appearance: he could eat her in one bite if he wanted to. The other part of it was the somewhat calming effect he had. While massive and bigger than the dinos, he only seemed peaceful. Strange how that worked.

Re: YOU WOULD PRAY FOR HIM | handpan - roan ; - 08-05-2020

For a moment, the sage was confused by the blank look that crossed Georgia's face when she looked towards him. Then, he remembered that they hadn't properly been introduced, and he felt embarrassed heat bubbling up beneath his fur. He had learned of her name through Michael, and it hadn't even occurred to him that he hadn't been getting out much as of late. His general reclusiveness had come back to bite him, as it seemed to have an unfortunate habit of doing. Shifting a little bit on his paws, an awkward smile pulled at Roan's muzzle as he spoke, "Ah... sorry, sorry. Michael told me your name... he's my uncle." He then introduced himself, claws briefly digging into the soft ground below, "My name is Roan Ó Foaláin-Roux. I'm Roxie's son, and the group's sage. It's nice to properly meet you... without having you come to me with injuries." He chuckled a bit at that, although it was accompanied by a wince. It really did seem as though he was meeting far too many people that way, at least these days.

He then focused his attention on the handpan, a paw reaching out curiously to gently press the pads of his foot against it. He mumbled softly, seeming intrigued by the instrument, "An inverted steel drum, huh? Sounds nice... I like it. Although, honestly, I like most musical things." He smiled a little nervously, feeling hesitant about sharing his interests. It was a way to make friends, but he had been trying to avoid that as of late. Hopefully, he could get over his paralysis when it came to interacting with others. As if demonstrating his point, Devland had come over as well, making Roan's eyes flick over to him and linger on his shoulder injury, inspecting his own work. He then shook his head from side to side, lifting one of his wings to prod Devland gently in the side as he spoke, "No, I didn't know... although as you might've just seen, I wasn't properly introduced to her, before. I'm glad someone else is musically inclined, though... even though I haven't actually done anything musically in a while." He had been a big fan of singing and playing smaller instruments during his earlier childhood, but that had kind of fallen off as he had grown older, and more busy. He wouldn't have minded getting back into it again, especially if Georgia would be willing to play something with him, but he'd need to find the time.

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: YOU WOULD PRAY FOR HIM | handpan - T. ROUX - 08-05-2020

Trygve wasn't much of a musician, at least, he hadn't tried playing anything on his own before but he was sure it would've been a rather cool talent. It didn't take long until the draconic boy would approach having scratched a bit at his chin due to the itching sensation that was pricking his skin with irritation, his eyes half closed only to realize that Lucifer was right there. Was he... Satan? Ry wasn't sure though it was a funny thought of having Satan standing right behind him. He noticed that Roan was there, he held in his breath watching through narrowed eyes before turning his attention to Georgia listening to her speak. Interesting. A handpan.

It had an odd name but an interesting melody came from it, Trygve would then speak finally with a slow nod of his cranium "Good to see someone that's talented when it comes to music..." He offered a faint smirk though he still hung out in the back of the group feeling that he needn't come closer. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: YOU WOULD PRAY FOR HIM | handpan - devland - 08-05-2020

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 60%; min-height: 8px; font-family: arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 25px"]Lazy brown eyes took in the full form of Lucifer, curiosity settling deep within their pits. There was something incredibly interesting about the older creature, but from Devland's breezy expression, no one could tell how intrigued he was. Making sure he didn't stare too long, he called out a quick, "Hello," in greeting before Georgia stole his attention.

He tried not to notice the way her eyes lingered on his injured shoulder. Instinctively, he angled himself so it was harder to see. It took only a few more seconds to feel Roan's gaze, and he bit back a sigh. Their appraising stares felt too heavy for Devland, and he returned to his notes, head tilted to the right, shielding the wound from their prying eyes.

His ears perked as Georgia finally named the instrument for Roan. A handpan. He hurriedly scribbled that down in the journal at his paws, writing slanted and swooping and all-together too difficult to read. He felt a question beginning to form on his lips, but Georgia's retort caused his words to fade into a chuckle. Looking up from his notes, he regarded her with a lopsided grin. "There's nothing wrong with being little, Georgia. You'll grow big and strong one day as long as you eat all your vegetables," he offered, tone teasing.

At her next words, he nodded. "True. I do suppose everyone has a cool hobby or ability, hm?" He wondered what his might be. Sure, he knew lots of facts about various creatures, was fond of charting the weather, and liked collecting old maps, but he wasn't sure he possessed anything as well-received as musical talents. "I'd love to hear more of the song sometime if you keep playing," he added, making sure to steer clear of the dad topic. Family conversations weren't his strong suit.

He was still scribbling when he felt Roan push at him gently while he spoke. A crooked smile hung on his face again as he - quite dramatically - swayed heavily in the opposite direction before swaying back to bump into Roan. "Well, you know her now." The words that followed piqued his interest. He parroted, "Someone else who's musically included?" He hummed in thought but only for a second. Tossing his half-lidded gaze to Georgia, he said, "Hey, Georgia, maybe you and Roan should form a band. I could totally be a groupie. I think I have great potential."

When Trygve spoke - Devland hadn't noticed his arrival - the tom turned his head to face him. He thought he could make out the faintest of smirks on the other's features, and Devland simply returned it with an easy smile. "Do you speak from lack of experience?" Though his words could easily be taken - and were absolutely meant to be taken - as a jab at Trygve's possible lack of musical expertise (he didn't exactly know the guy), Devland's tone was innocent and kind. The boy's lips warped into a sheepish grin, and he added, "Hope my words didn't come off as rude. Anyhow, I agree that it's nice to know we have some talented musicians here. Makes things more interesting."