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I'M STILL HERE ; visitor - Printable Version

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I'M STILL HERE ; visitor - T. ROUX - 07-31-2020

His mother had came back injured from the Pitt and it made the draconic boy ponder over as to why that had occurred, surely, he could recall how Kydobi spoke to him about how he had wanted to change the Pitt to become better and come out of the dark that had been left behind by Stryker and Jervis. What was going on over there? Why did they suddenly hurt his mother? A frown etched upon his maw as the boy moved forward ignoring how sore his paws had become from trekking across the neutral territories between the groups, his tufted ears perked forward only to think of how long it would be before he got to the desert. He could've flown but Trygve decided that walking after those months of being locked up in his room would probably benefit his health, a soft wheeze leaving his maw. The broken ribs had done a bit of damage to his respiratory system though, he was sure that over time it would get better so he didn't worry much about it.

Maybe Aine would provide answers to his questions. He missed her, she was his best friend, after all. It didn't help either with the recent lupine that had joined the Typhoon recently, Ry stealing a glance every now and then being reminded of the lovely vixen back in the Pitt. The boy still didn't care what his cousin had thought, the Pitt wasn't evil. Unfortunately for Trygve Roux, he was going to learn the hard way that there was someone else in power now and had brought upon a different reign. He stopped at the border where he and Aine usually met up to speak every now and then, his whiskers twitching as he would call out in a soft voice "Aine?" He would sit down with his tail curled neatly across his paws, bandages wrapped around the cuts and gashes given to him by the seagulls, a large bandaid on his nose where he had been cut. He hadn't even let Roan anywhere near him, he felt bad in a way... But the boy supposed it was his insecurities surfacing once more. He looked down at his paws in thought as he waited for Aine.

/ depending on replies/how this goes will determine what happens to the shithead + you dont gotta wait so feel free to chuck your Pittian at him [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M STILL HERE ; visitor - aine. - 07-31-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Since the sky burst into flames, the petite deer-fox had rarely wandered all the way to the border.  Last time had been before the Pitt spun on its axis, when her father's cousin stopped by with concern and an offering of herbs.  A pleasant visit.  It felt like forever ago now.  Aine did not know when she'd have another pleasant visit like that.  Peaceful.  Happy.

It was only a matter of time before the loneliness drove her to the brink.  Recklessness.  Listlessness.  The grief had yet work its way through her system.  She barely had time to think on the other repercussions.  To fully comprehend.

The desert gave her space.  Even if her legs wobbled.  Even if she knew she shouldn't push her broken leg.  She liked the open space.  The border itself gave her... Uncertainty.  The fae lingered away from the line.  Most days.  But most days she didn't see the fuzzy outline of a friend sitting there.  Her heart dropped into her stomach.  Even if her hazel hues strained to focus, she knew the shape of those horns.  Those wings.  Those freckle-like spots she found adorable.  She knew him.

She shuffled her own wings.  The jet black, speckled with white, no doubt a stark contrast to the surrounding sand.  Deer in the headlights.  She may have yet fully caught him in her poor vision, but he likely saw her.  For the first time she thought of bolting.  Her eyes pricked.  To talk to Ry.  To her best friend.  To.  To explain.  To.  To voice everything.  It felt too real.

But that was her name on the wind.

Aine swallowed.  One hoof in front of the other.  Still wobbly.  She didn't run.  Neither to nor away.  Just tried to breathe on the way, unsteady walking.  Her ears were perked.  Nose flaring.  If anyone else... If someone... He has to go.

There were bandages already on him.  Her words died somewhere in her throat.  Eyes stinging.  Not here.  Not right now.  He had to go.  Even if she didn't want him to.  To stay was worse.  Even if he was her best friend.  Even if she missed him everyday.  Even if it hurt.

"R-Ry.  Ry.  You can't.  You shouldn't.  You shouldn't be here."  Not here.  Not right now.  She fought the way her lips trembled.  Fought every sting in her eyes.  Not here.  Not right now.  "Ry please, you-you have to go."
— aine | the pitt | fleshweaver | fae druid —

Re: I'M STILL HERE ; visitor - gael - 07-31-2020

Most happenings on the vulpine's daily patrol warranted little personal concern -- a newcomer seeking admittance, prey or predators, or simply nothing at all.  The sight of Aine crossing the sand caused his fur to raise.  Perhaps his daughter fully intended to drive him insane; traversing camp possessed little danger compared to trekking the desert with an injured leg.

As the Imperator quickly trotted up to the border, his eyes darkened.  The salt carried in the breeze and the familiar face brought no joy to the faerie -- the boy's presence promised only frustration and complication.

Gael released a slow breath, brows creased in consideration.  Trygve no doubt sought answers for the capture he heard Sweeny conducted -- reckless child.  "Do you possess a shred of forethought?"

"Trygve," the vulpine kept his voice level, disappointment and ire building.  "Aine.  Neither of you should be here."

"Out of consideration for your previous stay, I am giving you a single warning, Trygve.  You should not be here.You are an injured, easy, target.  What was the boy thinking? "Things are not as you left them."
"MAKE A MOVE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / imperator / lamby

Re: I'M STILL HERE ; visitor - Luciferr - 07-31-2020

”for Aine’s sake and no doubt the peace of mind of my imperator here, I will echo that statement - you have 30 seconds to turn around and leave child

The insidious rumbling voice echoed as from the shadows behind the newly promoted fleshweaver emerged a creature built of horrors and all the worst imaginings that all things the dark inspired.

The ardent stood behind his fleshweaver, fairly looming over the two - the deep pits in his skull like visage where eyes should be were fastened on the stranger before him,

He could be generous if only to keep peace in his camp, he despised a plethora of headaches in his nest,

But he doubted the youth would take that chance - which would be delightful

Any which way he didn’t lose out

The youth leaves? Aine is mollified, his imperator isn’t annoyed on her behalf and he staves off issues occurring in camp.

The youth stays after his generous leniency? Then they gain a hostage, a recruit or a body to feast upon depending.

And Aine could not raise complaints for he had been warned away - and on his head would be it.

In any direction he wouldn’t lose out.

The twin maws glistened wetly in a wide shark tooth grin below vacant sockets.

Re: I'M STILL HERE ; visitor - fulzanin - 07-31-2020

ghostwhisper - group - mantis-awahondo hybrid - they/them
[div style="width: 100%; height: auto; text-align: justify; padding: 20px; font-size: 15px; color: #f2ffff;"]Ghost doesn't exactly know the stance the Pitt has with the rest of the continent and the groups that lived there. They hadn't asked - truly, asking questions was such a waste of time that they were more than happy to seclude themself and work away on their maps. The conflicts that arose were not theirs to partake in. They were just a pawn in multitudes, expendable, replaceable, discarded. The void called, and to that alone would they answer. The leaders of groups would come and go, but the call of the void; all would return to it someday. Not even Ghost was exempt.

Ghostwhisper hears speech. Their objective to map the continent is halted - perhaps it should have spawned annoyance, if Ghost really had a care to give. Their legs move their form over, dark eyes taking in the scene at hand. An unwelcome visitor, apparently. One that had been here before if Ghost decided to sink their thoughts into the words of the others present. Their claws click together once, taking in the scene while their form stills. They say nothing, do nothing, simply taking in the scene. Ghost skitters away, their energy and presence better spent elsewhere. No command had been given to stay and support their supposed superiors, and so the hybrid took their leave as quickly and silently as they'd arrived.

TAGS 7/22/20:

Re: I'M STILL HERE ; visitor - T. ROUX - 07-31-2020

He would lift his head up spotting the one he had been searching for, he immediately perked up and found a smile on his maw. He immediately rose from where he sat realizing how her walking was unsteady, he would take some steps forward until he stood beside her to help her stand still before feeling a soft breath escape him. She was different... Wings and well, her legs seemed different than the paws she had before... Nonetheless, this was his best friend and her well being was the only thing that mattered to him right now. His smile faltered upon realizing that she seemed upset to say the least and the boy would part his jaws to speak with worry in his voice "Aine? What's wrong?" A frown tugging down at his lips and his tufted ears would press flat against his cranium, his pupils immediately narrowing into dangerous pupils pondering over what could've upset her... Then it dawned on him... He was the reason why she was so upset yet he couldn't understand why. He wanted to ask why he couldn't be there, he sat down once more aiming to wrap his wings around her and rest his chin on her head. He decided to remain silent for now yet their reunion was shortlived as Gael made an appearance causing the boy to resist wearing a scowl in front of the older lupine.

What was his deal? These visits had been a regular for him and Aine yet Ry would remain silent, the boy would listen with his nonexistent eyebrows furrowed at the other. Did he possess forethought, of course he did. His snout wrinkled hearing the disappointment in Gael's voice, god, if this is what having a father was... The boy definitely did not feel like he would miss such a thing. Constantly being berated and having his ears gnawed down with lectures or scolding. Hearing the last bit, the draconic boy would part his jaws as if to say something though closed them once more realizing what that meant. Something had happened to Kydobi and someone else had taken the reins taking control of the show. "That's... Tough shit," Trygve began and was going to say more until the arrival of something - no, someone large approached the scene and they were about the size of a fuckin elephant. The boy was foolish but fighting those much larger than him was something he was aware of not to do.

His wings would only wrap a bit tighter onto Aine glaring at the large behemoth in front of him, his lips peeled back into a snarl as he hissed under his breath "Ugly son of a bitch..." He could stay and possibly die... Or leave, though the thought itself made his chest ache not wanting to leave Aine with this monstrosity. He didn't know who they were and frankly, something was horribly wrong that the vixen in his wings was upset about it. Part of him wanted to demand the whereabouts of the last Pittian leader but by the looks of Silent... Well, Trygve Roux could only assume the worst. Leave... You live... Stay... You die, the draconid boy closed his eyes tightly hesitant in his decision, all he had wanted to do was see Aine again. He could be smart about this or he could be an idiot and cause only pain for himself and Aine. He removed his chin from her head aiming to press his nose to hers only to mumble out in a barely audible voice "I'll see you again..." But not here. Perhaps, in their safe place.

Slowly, he'd move away from his best friend only to glare at both Silent and Gael though he seemed more angrier with the large brute, Gael was simply looking out for him in his own way. Something that was certain... Neither of them would stop stop Trygve from seeing Aine. "I'll heed your warning today, uglyass." That trademark cocky grin present on his maw, the draconic boy spreading his wings slowly only to spare a glance to Aine with a softened expression and a faint smile... He'd see her again. He knew where to find her and they'd be safe from the giant beast. With a single flap of his large appendages, the boy was airborne. Part of him was tempted to attack from above but he knew that would only cause Aine more distraught so instead he would blow fire into the air in front of him and disappear into the smoke using his invisibility.

/ out [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M STILL HERE ; visitor - j a c k . - 08-01-2020

jack was an afterthought; it came with the territory, of being small. Precious seconds, glimpses of a trio of them: family his mind supplied before he saw silent stalk out towards the group. his large form enough to blot the sun as he dredged the dunes of saw, leaving aired dust in his wake. in comparison to the bright, burning creatures such as silent, the colorful personalities such as, well maybe not gael, but aine, and say- worm or ghost, jack would always become a waylaid afterthought. and for the most part, jack didn't mind. it came with it a peace to do as he pleased, a grace of patience that jack never had until he came here, even amid the changing times of silent's reign.

it allowed jack a moment to gather himself, to see beyond the encounter, carefully, and yearn. the ice in his veins only made him shudder, for a moment jack felt carefully, put together: sole- alone. It had hurt, it will always hurt; to be separated from them. his siblings- his family. but here, there was this, silent's amused grumble, gael's berating and even aine's shy smile. as jack prowled closer towards the group; watching the stranger leave with a whiff of sea-salt and fish-rot, jack felt the absence of it. tense situations like these, jack never really fared well.

it made him itch, the heat and the situation both. with a breath of icy cold hair jack made his appearance, paws silent as he took a moment longer, mourning the silence that he would have to break, his clanmate's tenseness, even as a marauder, jack could see the cost of a war, it was near, it was a certainty, and it only made jack feel tired.

"well, what a jolly fella he turned out to be," jack's easy drawl escaped, ice blue eyes watching the typhooner's retreating form before he hopped up along the bone wall, turning to watch his own clan mates with a from set clear in his maw for a moment-

for a moment, jack looked impossibly old, fathomless eyes stared back into the group; and jack pushed himself through it, turning towards the ardent with a slowly growing gleam in his eyes. tail coming from the curl along his leg to sway in the air lazily behind him. "you're not ugly, just an... acquired taste."

"beside, that stranger never saw you with your newest little cannibal, even with barb being... well barb; it's all very domestic" even at this point, jack couldn't help but let a chuckle out, loose tongue by nervousness- need to drive away the situation, from everyone's mind. a happy clan were a functioning one, and Aine's mood dragged so horribly these past few days, jack wished there were something he could to to calm the small little fae. maybe a sand building contest was in order...

[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]

Re: I'M STILL HERE ; visitor - Luciferr - 08-02-2020

Silent’s eats flickered behind him as Ghost joined them and then left, a brief turn of his head to acknowledge the map maker before he turned back - Ghost did not need to apply himself here if he did not wish too, this was after all, an annoying domestic squabble that simply needed to be handled with finesse - one end rather not have to be in the middle of himself but one must do what one must do when one was the lead authority.

Didn’t stop it all from being tedious.

If silent possessed eyebrows - or even eyes as they would know them as - they were pull have been raised at the grumbling of the child as he padded off and away

Ugly was subjective after all - and silent did not care for the opinions of others even if he’d asked.

He was as he was.

He did tilt his head to Jack though - an amused huff from the ardent - an apt choice of words perhaps from the marauder.

Again he would have risen brows at the next comment


That would never been a word he’d have associated with himself before, well, well, perhaps there were new surprises even in his vastly long life. The kodkod could probably tell he’d been amused by the novelty of the comment if anything.

He turned back to Aine and Gael with a nod before moving off - trusting Gael to talk to his own daughter.