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THE SEA -RETURN-S TO IT'S SHORES - Printable Version

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THE SEA -RETURN-S TO IT'S SHORES - Seakit Roux. - 07-31-2020

[size=13px]tiguar . young . he/him
Seakit (or would it be Seapaw now?) trudged out of the waters with a huff, a large satchel thumping against his hip as he walked. He'd been gone for a while now, hadn't he? He hadn't seen anyone from his family since the meteor, where he had watched Sam grab Brandy and run, leaving him to struggle on the beaches. He had found himself unconscious, gashes lacing his side as he lay panting in the sand.

At some point he had dragged himself to the water; surprised when instead of struggling, he found himself breathing easy. It had taken some getting used to, the fact that he could breath easy under the water. His body had begun to rapidly adapt, shifting and changing to suit his enviroment.

He'd spent a long time under those waves, searching. He'd claim that he was searching for his rock children he held so dear but, really, it was just an excuse to procrastinate returning. He knew, somewhere deep in his mind that Sam hadn't meant him any harm but, it stung in his young heart. To watch as you're left behind by the one you're supposed to call mother. Maybe she had forgotten he was there, or in her panic grabbed the one closest and ran.

Whatever the case may be, he was home now, and he was different. The cub had nearly doubled in height, his baby chub becoming muscle as he aged and swam. The biggest change though, was his tail. Where once had been a typical tiger tail, now sat a large rudder, shaped like that of a shark. It was coated in thick fur that sagged under the weight of the water. Lining his neck was gills that appeared to close as he breached the water.

He dropped the satchel of rocks with a thump, staring forward at his home. It looked different now, after the repairs; but, the scents that filled the air were the same. The scents of his family, familiar despite clearly lacking his presence. "Momma? I'm home!" he called out, paws firmly rooted in the sand. Some kind of fear kept him rooted in place, anxiety constricting his throat. Had they worried about him? Had they thought about him at all?

Re: THE SEA -RETURN-S TO IT'S SHORES - roan ; - 07-31-2020

Roan often had a great deal of things to worry about, with one of the most significant of those things being his family. For the most part, the sage focused his anxieties upon his immediate family, such as his mama, and his siblings. However, that didn't mean that he cared little about everyone else. In fact, that was very far from the case, considering how deeply he cared about his cousin, and her children. He admired Goldie a great deal, and he wanted to provide her children with a good role model, even if he wasn't sure he was doing such a great job of that. Some would claim he did marvelously at his job as sage, especially after the panic that had been caused by the meteor strike, but he had his doubts. Especially since those who would say such things didn't know about the problems lingering deep inside. However, he had tried his damnedest to help anyone he could during the chaos of the meteor, even though he knew well that he hadn't been able to help anywhere near everyone. One of the many who had slipped through the cracks was Seakit, one of the children that Roam had wanted to be a role model for.

With all of his focus having been on the injured, Roan had no time to ask about Seakit's whereabouts, or whether or not anyone even knew if he was alive. As time had steadily passed after the catastrophe, and things had begun to return to some semblance of normalcy, the siamese had simply grown too scared to ask, fearing of what the answer could've been. Thankfully, the tides seemed to have changed. The male had been drawn to the seas that day because he was in need of some seaweed, the medic wanting to experiment with its medical properties, or see if it could be used as bandaging in a true emergency. Instead of seaweed, however, he came across Seakit, the other calling out for his mother and looking... very different. Outside of the obvious size discrepancy between the two of them, the enormous change to Sea's tail had Roan staring briefly, before he quickly averted his gaze, not wanting to be rude. Focusing instead on Sea's face, Roan offered a weary smile, speaking softly, "I'm not Goldie, but... I'm glad to see that you're home, Seakit. We missed you... I'm sure everyone will be really glad you're back." He wasn't sure how much weight his words would really carry with the other, but he had to try, at least.

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: THE SEA -RETURN-S TO IT'S SHORES - bubblegum - 07-31-2020

Re: THE SEA -RETURN-S TO IT'S SHORES - devland - 08-01-2020

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 60%; min-height: 8px; font-family: arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 25px"]Curiosity, like the tide, pulled him forward. Devland was beginning to discover he was much nosier than he had originally believed. He frequently caught himself listening in on the conversations of others. The boy knew it was a nasty habit - one that would probably land him in a world of trouble one day -, but he didn't stop to correct himself. With his breezy smiles and polite words, he was anything but a threat, and maybe that was why everyone seemed to always speak so freely here. Then again, perhaps it was because the Typhoon acted as one; this was a family unit. He was sure secrets did not lay dormant for long, and it seemed everyone knew everything about one another. Devland didn't like that.

He wasn't fond of eavesdropping on soft moments, but as luck would have it, the feline found himself at one such tender moment. Devland had heard the newcomer (returner) calling out to his mother. From a distance, he just barely heard Roan's words. He strained to listen, but all was forgotten when Goldenluxury arrived. He watched as the Captain enveloped her boy in an embrace. The sight of it caused something to twist in Devland's chest, and he had to look away. The scene was much too intimate.

He could feel the familiar weight of his mother's stolen compass in the tiny bag he toted everywhere. Devland wondered how his mother might behave if he were to return home. He couldn't help but wonder if she had felt his absence in the way he felt hers. He doubted it. He ignored the storm clouds of jealousy that gathered in his mind, and he certainly banished all traces of it on his face as he made his way towards the trio.

"Welcome back." He offered everyone a large smile before dipping his head to the returning member. "Devland Taji. Nice to meet you...?" he trailed off, hoping the other would offer his name.

Re: THE SEA -RETURN-S TO IT'S SHORES - Luciferr - 08-02-2020

he was loath to interrupt such a scene and so the massive dragon simply sat behind the reuniting roux family with a smile creeping up on his scaled maw.

It was quite the nice sight to see when a family was reunited again - he’d been pleased to inspire so when he’d brought Jaime back, but it did leave the dragon feeling a tad bittersweet - for all that he considered everyone here his family - and the son he had over in tanglewood - there were so many he would never see again and it hurt to remember that everytime a reunion was present.

So the great drake kept back, simply happy for his friends and surrogate family members.

Re: THE SEA -RETURN-S TO IT'S SHORES - Seakit Roux. - 08-02-2020

tiguar . young . he/him
The first to approach, Roan, tugged at his heartstrings some as joy began to fill the tiguar. He took a step forward, brushing his muzzle against the other's shoulder before returning to his spot and grinning. "It's so good to see you, Roan." As he spoke, tears had began to fill his eyes. He'd always been quick to tears and now was no different.

His jaws parted to speak when the sound of rapids steps snatched his attention away. Lurching to the side as his mother's scent overwhelmed him, his paws threw up sand until he felt his fur brush her. "Oh Momma I missed you so much," cried out the neon colored feline as he buried his face against her neck. Now the tears flowed free as he attempted not to break down right there. As her paws wrapped around him he gave a wet chuckle and sniffled. "Wasn't nowhere to leave one, momma," he says as he leans back to peer up at her with tearfilled eyes. He took a good look at her and his ears pushed back. "You got fat." Okay, so maybe not the nicest thing but, he didn't get it. He hadn't been gone for that long, how had she become so round.

Attention diverted once more, he leaned against his mother and looked at Devland. "It's nice to meetcha, Devland! I'm uh, I guess I'm technically Seapaw now?" He would shoot his mom a quick quizzical glance before looking back at Devland and- "ohmygodwhatisthat."

Standing nearby was a massive dragon like-creature, standing way taller than the rest of them. "Who are you? You're so tall!" The cub would ask this as he leaned his head all the way back to look at him.

Re: THE SEA -RETURN-S TO IT'S SHORES - bubblegum - 08-02-2020